wifi: Wifi Setting [3/4]


Add Wi-fi Setting
Memory_Leak & WifiChannelbyunifykey

Pre-initialize Wi-Fi settings for cspec.country_abbrev, cspec.ccode
Add unifykeys wifi_disable_5g_band for setting disable_5g_band.
Fix memory lead.
Check the value of unifykes "usid" to determine what values should
be used to pre-initialize cspec
Add More country for wifi channel


Change-Id: I12f764507c8281eb2b80ee2211a7e142d5075714
Signed-off-by: Liang Ji <liang.ji@amlogic.com>
diff --git a/bcmdhd.100.10.315.x/Makefile b/bcmdhd.100.10.315.x/Makefile
index 9884970..d97c144 100644
--- a/bcmdhd.100.10.315.x/Makefile
+++ b/bcmdhd.100.10.315.x/Makefile
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
+	KBUILD_CFLAGS_MODULE += -Wframe-larger-than=3000
 DHDCFLAGS = -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Dlinux -DBCMDRIVER                 \
 	-Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Werror                                           \
diff --git a/bcmdhd.100.10.315.x/dhd_config.c b/bcmdhd.100.10.315.x/dhd_config.c
index a3eb9be..43cb19e 100644
--- a/bcmdhd.100.10.315.x/dhd_config.c
+++ b/bcmdhd.100.10.315.x/dhd_config.c
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+extern void *get_ukdev(void);

+extern int key_unify_read(void *ukdev, char *keyname, unsigned char *keydata,

+		unsigned int datalen, unsigned int *reallen);

+extern int key_unify_size(void *ukdev, char *keyname, unsigned int *reallen);


 #include <typedefs.h>

 #include <osl.h>

@@ -15,6 +19,15 @@
 #include <dhd_config.h>

 #include <dhd_dbg.h>


+static int getUnifyKey(char * inKeyName, unsigned char * outValueBuf, unsigned int inValueBufSize);

+static int askey_dhd_conf_preinit(struct dhd_conf *conf);

+static int askey_dhd_conf_read_unifykeys_wifi_disable_5g_band(dhd_pub_t *dhd);


+// kzalloc2getUnifyKey() will return a pointer to a memory allocated by kzalloc().

+// If the returned pointer is not NULL, remember to kfree the memory.

+static char * kzalloc2getUnifyKey(char * inKeyName);

+static int askey_dhd_conf_preinit_by_sn(struct dhd_conf *conf);


 /* message levels */

 #define CONFIG_ERROR_LEVEL	0x0001

 #define CONFIG_TRACE_LEVEL	0x0002

@@ -2397,6 +2410,65 @@
 	return true;



+static int askey_dhd_conf_read_unifykeys_wifi_disable_5g_band(dhd_pub_t *dhd) {

+	int state = 0;

+	char wifi_disable_5g_band[8] = {0};

+	char * wl_preinit = NULL;

+	int size = 0;

+	struct dhd_conf *conf = dhd->conf;


+	for (state = 1; state > 0;) {

+		switch (state) {

+			case 1:

+				if (0 != getUnifyKey("wifi_disable_5g_band", wifi_disable_5g_band, sizeof(wifi_disable_5g_band))) {

+					state = -1;

+					break;

+				}


+				if (conf->wl_preinit) {

+					// There is a setting for wl_preinit in the config file.

+					if (NULL != strstr(conf->wl_preinit, "disable_5g_band=")) {

+						/* Skip wifi_disable_5g_band of unifykeys because there

+						 * is a setting for disable_5g_band in wl_preinit in the

+						 * config file.

+						 */

+						state = 0;

+						break;

+					}

+					// Backup conf->wl_preinit

+					size = strlen(conf->wl_preinit) + 1;

+					wl_preinit = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);

+					memset(wl_preinit, 0, size);

+					strcpy(wl_preinit, conf->wl_preinit);

+					kfree(conf->wl_preinit);

+					conf->wl_preinit = NULL;

+				}


+				// Create new wl_preinit with disable_5g_band and the backup wl_preinit

+				size = strlen("disable_5g_band=") + strlen("wifi_disable_5g_band");

+				if (wl_preinit) {

+					size += strlen(",") + strlen(wl_preinit);

+				}

+				size++;

+				conf->wl_preinit = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);

+				memset(conf->wl_preinit, 0, size);

+				strcpy(conf->wl_preinit, "disable_5g_band=");

+				strcat(conf->wl_preinit, wifi_disable_5g_band);

+				if (wl_preinit) {

+					strcat(conf->wl_preinit, ",");

+					strcat(conf->wl_preinit, wl_preinit);

+					kfree(wl_preinit);

+					wl_preinit = NULL;

+				}

+				state = 0;

+				break;


+		}

+	}


+	return state;




 dhd_conf_read_config(dhd_pub_t *dhd, char *conf_path)


@@ -2411,6 +2483,7 @@
 	conf_file_exists = ((conf_path != NULL) && (conf_path[0] != '\0'));

 	if (!conf_file_exists) {

 		printf("%s: config path %s\n", __FUNCTION__, conf_path);

+		askey_dhd_conf_read_unifykeys_wifi_disable_5g_band(dhd);

 		return (0);



@@ -2519,6 +2592,8 @@
 	if (image)

 		dhd_os_close_image1(dhd, image);


+	askey_dhd_conf_read_unifykeys_wifi_disable_5g_band(dhd);


 	return bcmerror;



@@ -2727,6 +2802,259 @@



+static int getUnifyKey(char * inKeyName, unsigned char * outValueBuf, unsigned int inValueBufSize) {

+	unsigned int keyLen = 0;

+	unsigned char * buf = NULL;


+	if (NULL == inKeyName || NULL == outValueBuf || 0 == inValueBufSize) {

+		return -1;

+	}

+	memset(outValueBuf, 0, inValueBufSize);

+	if (key_unify_size(get_ukdev(), inKeyName, &keyLen) < 0) {

+		return -1;

+	}

+	if (0 == keyLen) {

+		return -1;

+	}

+	if ((sizeof(unsigned char) * keyLen) > inValueBufSize) {

+		return -1;

+	}


+	if (NULL == (buf = kzalloc((sizeof(unsigned char) * keyLen), GFP_KERNEL))) {

+		return -1;

+	}


+	if (key_unify_read(get_ukdev(), inKeyName, buf, keyLen, &keyLen) < 0) {

+		kfree(buf);

+		buf = NULL;

+		return -1;

+	}


+	strcpy(outValueBuf, buf);


+	if (NULL != buf) {

+		kfree(buf);

+		buf = NULL;

+	}


+	return 0;



+char * kzalloc2getUnifyKey(char * inKeyName) {

+	unsigned int keyLen = 0;

+	unsigned char * buf = NULL;


+	if (NULL == inKeyName) {

+		return NULL;

+	}


+	if (key_unify_size(get_ukdev(), inKeyName, &keyLen) < 0) {

+		return NULL;

+	}


+	if (0 == keyLen) {

+		return NULL;

+	}


+	if (NULL == (buf = kzalloc(((sizeof(unsigned char) * keyLen) + 1), GFP_KERNEL))) {

+		return NULL;

+	}


+	if (key_unify_read(get_ukdev(), inKeyName, buf, keyLen, &keyLen) < 0) {

+		kfree(buf);

+		buf = NULL;

+		return NULL;

+	}


+	buf[keyLen] = '\0';


+	return buf;



+int askey_dhd_conf_preinit_by_sn(struct dhd_conf *conf) {

+	char * usid = NULL;

+	int i = 0;

+	struct {

+		char * country;

+		char * ccode;

+		int regrev;

+	} tbl[] = {

+		{"USA", "US", 1},	// the default MUST be put at the first place of this table

+		{"JPN", "JP", 58},

+		{"AUS", "AU", 6},

+		{"NZL", "NZ", 4},

+		{"HKG", "HK", 2},

+		{"CAN", "CA", 2},

+		{"TWN", "TW", 1},

+		{"CHN", "CN", 38},

+		{"DEU", "DE", 7},

+		{"FRA", "FR", 5},

+		{"NLD", "NL", 4},

+		{"ITA", "IT", 4},

+		{"BGR", "BG", 4},

+		{"HUN", "HU", 4},

+		{"AUT", "AT", 4},

+		{"RUS", "RU", 986},

+		{"GBR", "GB", 6},

+		{"BRA", "BR", 4},

+		{"MEX", "MX", 20},

+		{"IND", "IN", 3},

+		{"PHL", "PH", 5},

+		{"SGP", "SG", 0},

+		{"MYS", "MY", 3},

+		{"AND", "AD", 0},

+		{"ARE", "AE", 6},

+		{"ATG", "AG", 2},

+		{"AIA", "AI", 1},

+		{"ALB", "AL", 2},

+		{"ASM", "AS", 12},

+		{"ABW", "AW", 2},

+		{"AZE", "AZ", 2},

+		{"BIH", "BA", 2},

+		{"BGD", "BD", 2},

+		{"BEL", "BE", 4},

+		{"BHR", "BH", 4},

+		{"BMU", "BM", 12},

+		{"BRN", "BN", 4},

+		{"BRA", "BR", 4},

+		{"BHS", "BS", 2},

+		{"BLR", "BY", 3},

+		{"CAN", "CA", 2},

+		{"CHE", "CH", 4},

+		{"COL", "CO", 17},

+		{"CRI", "CR", 17},

+		{"CYP", "CY", 4},

+		{"CZE", "CZ", 4},

+		{"DEU", "DE", 7},

+		{"DNK", "DK", 4},

+		{"ECU", "EC", 21},

+		{"EST", "EE", 4},

+		{"EGY", "EG", 0},

+		{"ESP", "ES", 4},

+		{"ETH", "ET", 2},

+		{"FIN", "FI", 4},

+		{"GRD", "GD", 2},

+		{"GEO", "GE", 0},

+		{"PYF", "GF", 2},

+		{"GRC", "GR", 4},

+		{"GTM", "GT", 1},

+		{"GUM", "GU", 12},

+		{"HRV", "HR", 4},

+		{"IDN", "ID", 13},

+		{"IRL", "IE", 5},

+		{"ISR", "IL", 7},

+		{"ISL", "IS", 4},

+		{"ITA", "IT", 4},

+		{"JOR", "JO", 3},

+		{"KHM", "KH", 2},

+		{"KOR", "KR", 57},

+		{"KWT", "KW", 5},

+		{"CYM", "KY", 3},

+		{"LAO", "LA", 2},

+		{"LBN", "LB", 5},

+		{"LIE", "LI", 4},

+		{"LKA", "LK", 1},

+		{"LSO", "LS", 2},

+		{"LTU", "LT", 4},

+		{"LUX", "LU", 3},

+		{"LVA", "LV", 4},

+		{"MAR", "MA", 2},

+		{"MCO", "MC", 1},

+		{"MDA", "MD", 2},

+		{"MNE", "ME", 2},

+		{"MKD", "MK", 2},

+		{"MNG", "MN", 1},

+		{"MRT", "MR", 2},

+		{"MLT", "MT", 4},

+		{"MUS", "MU", 2},

+		{"MDV", "MV", 3},

+		{"MWI", "MW", 1},

+		{"NIC", "NI", 2},

+		{"NLD", "NL", 4},

+		{"NOR", "NO", 4},

+		{"NZL", "NZ", 4},

+		{"OMN", "OM", 4},

+		{"PAN", "PA", 17},

+		{"PER", "PE", 20},

+		{"POL", "PL", 4},

+		{"PRI", "PR", 20},

+		{"PRT", "PT", 4},

+		{"PRY", "PY", 2},

+		{"REU", "RE", 2},

+		{"ROU", "RO", 4},

+		{"SRB", "RS", 2},

+		{"SWE", "SE", 4},

+		{"SVN", "SI", 4},

+		{"SVK", "SK", 4},

+		{"SMR", "SM", 0},

+		{"SOM", "SV", 19},

+		{"THA", "TH", 5},

+		{"TUN", "TN", 999},

+		{"TUR", "TR", 7},

+		{"TTO", "TT", 3},

+		{"UKR", "UA", 16},

+		{"VAT", "VA", 2},

+		{"VEN", "VE", 3},

+		{"VGB", "VG", 2},

+		{"VNM", "VN", 4},

+		{"MYT", "YT", 2},

+		{"ZAF", "ZA", 6},

+		{NULL, NULL, -1}

+	};


+	if (NULL == (usid = kzalloc2getUnifyKey("usid")) || strlen(usid) < 4) {

+		i = 0;	// for using tbl[0] as the default

+	}else {

+		for (i = 0; NULL != tbl[i].country; i++) {

+			if (0 == strncmp(tbl[i].country, &usid[1], 3)) {

+				break;

+			}

+		}

+	}

+	if (NULL == tbl[i].country) {

+		i = 0;	// for using tbl[0] as the default

+	}

+	strcpy(conf->cspec.country_abbrev, tbl[i].ccode);

+	strcpy(conf->cspec.ccode, tbl[i].ccode);

+	conf->cspec.rev = tbl[i].regrev;


+	if (usid) {

+		kfree(usid);

+		usid = NULL;

+	}


+	return 0;



+static int askey_dhd_conf_preinit(struct dhd_conf *conf) {

+	char * wifi_country_abbrev_ptr = NULL;

+	char wifi_country_abbrev[4] = {0};

+	char wifi_ccode[4] = {0};

+	char wifi_regrev[4] = {0};

+	long regrev = 0;


+	if (NULL == conf) {

+		return -1;

+	}

+	if (0 == getUnifyKey("wifi_ccode", wifi_ccode, sizeof(wifi_ccode)) &&

+		0 == getUnifyKey("wifi_regrev", wifi_regrev, sizeof(wifi_regrev)) &&

+		0 == kstrtol(wifi_regrev, 10, &regrev)) {

+		if (0 == getUnifyKey("wifi_country_abbrev", wifi_country_abbrev, sizeof(wifi_country_abbrev))) {

+			wifi_country_abbrev_ptr = wifi_country_abbrev;

+		}else {

+			wifi_country_abbrev_ptr = wifi_ccode;

+		}

+		strcpy(conf->cspec.country_abbrev, wifi_country_abbrev_ptr);

+		strcpy(conf->cspec.ccode, wifi_ccode);

+		conf->cspec.rev = regrev;

+	}else {

+		strcpy(conf->cspec.country_abbrev, "CN");

+		strcpy(conf->cspec.ccode, "CN");

+		conf->cspec.rev = 38;

+	}

+	return 0;




 dhd_conf_preinit(dhd_pub_t *dhd)


@@ -2761,9 +3089,15 @@
 			conf->chip == BCM4345_CHIP_ID || conf->chip == BCM4371_CHIP_ID ||

 			conf->chip == BCM43569_CHIP_ID || conf->chip == BCM4359_CHIP_ID ||

 			conf->chip == BCM4362_CHIP_ID || conf->chip == BCM43751_CHIP_ID) {

+#if 1

+        printf("%s: LIANGJI %d \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

+		askey_dhd_conf_preinit(conf);

+		askey_dhd_conf_preinit_by_sn(conf);


 		strcpy(conf->cspec.country_abbrev, "CN");

 		strcpy(conf->cspec.ccode, "CN");

 		conf->cspec.rev = 38;


 	} else {

 		strcpy(conf->cspec.country_abbrev, "CN");

 		strcpy(conf->cspec.ccode, "CN");