blob: 5e88e7e65478223a4ac1d1b48c3e0fefc2164e8b [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _dhd_config_
#define _dhd_config_
#include <bcmdevs.h>
#include <dngl_stats.h>
#include <dhd.h>
#include <wlioctl.h>
#include <proto/802.11.h>
extern char firmware_path[MOD_PARAM_PATHLEN];
/* channel list */
typedef struct wl_channel_list {
/* in - # of channels, out - # of entries */
uint32 count;
/* variable length channel list */
uint32 channel[WL_NUMCHANNELS];
} wl_channel_list_t;
typedef struct wmes_param {
int aifsn[AC_COUNT];
int cwmin[AC_COUNT];
int cwmax[AC_COUNT];
} wme_param_t;
/* filter list */
#define PKT_FILTER_LEN 300
typedef struct conf_pkt_filter_add {
/* in - # of channels, out - # of entries */
uint32 count;
/* variable length filter list */
} conf_pkt_filter_add_t;
/* pkt_filter_del list */
typedef struct conf_pkt_filter_del {
/* in - # of channels, out - # of entries */
uint32 count;
/* variable length filter list */
} conf_pkt_filter_del_t;
/* country list */
typedef struct conf_country_list {
uint32 count;
wl_country_t cspec[CONFIG_COUNTRY_LIST_SIZE];
} conf_country_list_t;
typedef struct dhd_conf {
uint chip; /* chip number */
uint chiprev; /* chip revision */
conf_country_list_t country_list; /* Country list */
int band; /* Band, b:2.4G only, otherwise for auto */
int mimo_bw_cap; /* Bandwidth, 0:HT20ALL, 1: HT40ALL, 2:HT20IN2G_HT40PIN5G */
wl_country_t cspec; /* Country */
wl_channel_list_t channels; /* Support channels */
uint roam_off; /* Roaming, 0:enable, 1:disable */
uint roam_off_suspend; /* Roaming in suspend, 0:enable, 1:disable */
int roam_trigger[2]; /* The RSSI threshold to trigger roaming */
int roam_scan_period[2]; /* Roaming scan period */
int roam_delta[2]; /* Roaming candidate qualification delta */
int fullroamperiod; /* Full Roaming period */
uint keep_alive_period; /* The perioid in ms to send keep alive packet */
int force_wme_ac;
wme_param_t wme; /* WME parameters */
int stbc; /* STBC for Tx/Rx */
conf_pkt_filter_add_t pkt_filter_add; /* Packet filter add */
conf_pkt_filter_del_t pkt_filter_del; /* Packet filter add */
int srl; /* short retry limit */
int lrl; /* long retry limit */
uint bcn_timeout; /* beacon timeout */
int spect;
int txbf;
int lpc;
int ampdu_ba_wsize;
int dpc_cpucore;
int frameburst;
bool deepsleep;
int pm;
int pktprio8021x;
} dhd_conf_t;
void dhd_conf_set_conf_path_by_fw_path(dhd_pub_t *dhd, char *conf_path, char *fw_path);
int dhd_conf_set_fw_int_cmd(dhd_pub_t *dhd, char *name, uint cmd, int val, int def, bool down);
int dhd_conf_set_fw_string_cmd(dhd_pub_t *dhd, char *cmd, int val, int def, bool down);
uint dhd_conf_get_band(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_conf_set_country(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_conf_get_country(dhd_pub_t *dhd, wl_country_t *cspec);
int dhd_conf_get_country_from_config(dhd_pub_t *dhd, wl_country_t *cspec);
int dhd_conf_fix_country(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
bool dhd_conf_match_channel(dhd_pub_t *dhd, uint32 channel);
int dhd_conf_set_roam(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
void dhd_conf_get_wme(dhd_pub_t *dhd, edcf_acparam_t *acp);
void dhd_conf_set_wme(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
void dhd_conf_add_pkt_filter(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
bool dhd_conf_del_pkt_filter(dhd_pub_t *dhd, uint32 id);
void dhd_conf_discard_pkt_filter(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_conf_read_config(dhd_pub_t *dhd, char *conf_path);
int dhd_conf_set_chiprev(dhd_pub_t *dhd, uint chip, uint chiprev);
uint dhd_conf_get_chiprev(void *context);
int dhd_conf_get_pm(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_conf_preinit(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_conf_reset(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_conf_attach(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
void dhd_conf_detach(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
void *dhd_get_pub(struct net_device *dev);
#endif /* _dhd_config_ */