manta: update kernel prebuilt

68a618f Merge branch 'android-exynos-3.4' into android-exynos-manta-3.4
f7ce3bf ARM: EXYNOS5: Fix the auto clear of CLK_SRC_TOP3 register.
31c37eb Merge branch 'android-exynos-3.4' into android-exynos-manta-3.4
daa8ee2 ARM: exynos: clock-exynos5: read registers to get mif clk rate
8a859a6 ARM: samsung: clock-clksrc: read registers to determine parent
a08e45c ARM: exynos: manta: Fix sending pogo dock commands if undocked
04f3287 ARM: samsung: clock: add get_parent op
974e679 configs: manta: enable PPP and XFRM stuff for VPN support.

Bug: 7172919
Bug: 7174405
Bug: 7196408
Change-Id: I4ee5627b55f03a15f7d72001892ed8c48dfa4b4c
2 files changed