[sample] change apn-full-conf.xml from operator's request

Updated operators:
 Kuwait VIVA - change the title, add proxy/port for default apn profile
 HK CSL - update apn profile for 454-00,02,10,18
 Yoigo - changed carriername for 214-04
 BR OI - changed password for 724-31
 Telstra Crazy - remove Crazy profile because Crazy Johns is no longer
                 operating in Australia. Business is closed
 TMO HR - changed apn profile for 219-01
 AU A1 - changed to remove proxy and port
Added Initial Attach APN:
 Belgium - Proximus/BASE
 Hungary - VIP
 Germany - Telekom_de

Change-Id: Icdaee201931bdfe394ba2c1ab2326f66cea8b62f
1 file changed