docs: fix the command to compile BL31 on Tegra

This patch fixes the command line used to compile BL31 on
Tegra platforms.

Signed-off-by: Varun Wadekar <>
diff --git a/docs/plat/ b/docs/plat/
index d8e8ec6..b29532c 100644
--- a/docs/plat/
+++ b/docs/plat/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 Preparing the BL31 image to run on Tegra SoCs
 'CROSS_COMPILE=<path-to-aarch64-gcc>/bin/aarch64-none-elf- make PLAT=tegra \
-TARGET_SOC=<target-soc e.g. t210|t132> SPD=<dispatcher e.g. tlkd> all'
+TARGET_SOC=<target-soc e.g. t210|t132> SPD=<dispatcher e.g. tlkd> bl31'
 Platforms wanting to use different TZDRAM_BASE, can add 'TZDRAM_BASE=<value>'
 to the build command line.