Platforms/HiKey960: set specified serialno

Signed-off-by: Haojian Zhuang <>
diff --git a/Platforms/Hisilicon/HiKey960/HiKey960FastbootDxe/HiKey960FastbootDxe.c b/Platforms/Hisilicon/HiKey960/HiKey960FastbootDxe/HiKey960FastbootDxe.c
index c87040d..355119c 100644
--- a/Platforms/Hisilicon/HiKey960/HiKey960FastbootDxe/HiKey960FastbootDxe.c
+++ b/Platforms/Hisilicon/HiKey960/HiKey960FastbootDxe/HiKey960FastbootDxe.c
@@ -612,15 +612,32 @@

   EFI_STATUS   Status;

   CHAR16       UnicodeSN[SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE];

+  UINTN        Size;


+  Size = AsciiStrLen ("serialno");

   if (AsciiStrCmp (Command, "Demonstrate") == 0) {

     DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ARM OEM Fastboot command 'Demonstrate' received.\n"));

     return EFI_SUCCESS;

-  } else if (AsciiStrCmp (Command, "serialno") == 0) {

-    Status = GenerateUsbSN (UnicodeSN);

-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed to generate USB Serial Number.\n"));

-      return Status;

+  } else if (AsciiStrnCmp (Command, "serialno", Size) == 0) {

+    while (*(Command + Size) == ' ') {

+      Size++;

+    }

+    if (AsciiStrnCmp (Command + Size, "set", AsciiStrLen ("set")) == 0) {

+      Size += AsciiStrLen ("set");

+      while (*(Command + Size) == ' ') {

+        Size++;

+      }

+      Status = AssignUsbSN (Command + Size, UnicodeSN);

+      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+        DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed to set USB Serial Number.\n"));

+        return Status;

+      }

+    } else {

+      Status = GenerateUsbSN (UnicodeSN);

+      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+        DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed to generate USB Serial Number.\n"));

+        return Status;

+      }


     Status = StoreSNToBlock (mFlashHandle, SERIAL_NUMBER_LBA, UnicodeSN);

     return Status;