mako: update prebuilt kernel

7b0ad0d msm: kgsl: queue work to ts_expired_ws for early exit
ccde16e prima: release v3.2.3.5

b/7733721 -- TDLS on KLP
b/8498557 -- DRIVER MIRACAST <x> support
b/7310733 -- P2P data stalls when there is a scan
b/7885026 -- Evaluate scanning after split scan
b/9799261 -- 230 WLAN roaming interrupt is triggered even the device is keep still and wifi signal is
Signed-off-by: Iliyan Malchev <>

Change-Id: I2f925cac1c4a8acbf63a8bb29779f8ff69de3f76
1 file changed
tree: 6519abff11c308a16fe5a4c2fbc7480a4020e22f
  1. kernel