Android Wear 8.0.0 Release 1
STOPSHIP: proc.uidcpupower reflector for experiments

Allow the concurrent_*_time to be enable and disabled
for performance experiments on the dogfood population.

This patch and the corresponding kernel patches should
be removed before launch.

proc.uidcpupower=*  -> concurrent_*_time enabled
proc.uidcpupower=1  -> concurrent_*_time enabled

proc.uidcpupower=0  -> concurrent_*_time disabled

Test: Run "adb shell setprop proc.uidcpupower 0" and
      check that "adb shell cat /proc/uid_cpupower/enable"
      returns 0. Repeat the test with 1.

Change-Id: I818e110907b4d24d0d3c4b9ca92b6f2816ba3b1f
2 files changed