blob: 8f6c48d0f1ceab14ec75faaf780eccfeaab4454c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open-Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import /vendor/etc/init/hw/init.${ro.hardware}.usb.rc
on charger
# Set runtime stune value
write /dev/stune/schedtune.prefer_idle 0
write /dev/stune/schedtune.boost 0
# Offline CPUs
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/online 0
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/online 0
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/online 0
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu5/online 0
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/online 0
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu7/online 0
wait /dev/block/platform/soc/${ro.boot.bootdevice}
# Enable UFS powersaving
write /sys/devices/soc/${ro.boot.bootdevice}/clkscale_enable 1
write /sys/devices/soc/${ro.boot.bootdevice}/clkgate_enable 1
write /sys/class/typec/port0/port_type sink
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/parameters/sleep_disabled N
service vendor.charger /system/bin/charger
class charger
seclabel u:r:charger:s0
on early-init
mount debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug
chmod 0755 /sys/kernel/debug
# Loading kernel modules in background
start vendor.insmod_sh
write /sys/module/dm_verity/parameters/prefetch_cluster 0
on init
# Disable UFS powersaving
write /sys/devices/soc/${ro.boot.bootdevice}/clkscale_enable 0
write /sys/devices/soc/${ro.boot.bootdevice}/clkgate_enable 0
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/parameters/sleep_disabled Y
# QSEE rpmb listener need symlink for bootdevice
wait /dev/block/platform/soc/${ro.boot.bootdevice}
symlink /dev/block/platform/soc/${ro.boot.bootdevice} /dev/block/bootdevice
# start qseecomd early as we mount system/ vendor/ early
# vold needs keymaster that needs qseecomd
start vendor.qseecomd
# Support legacy paths
symlink /sdcard /mnt/sdcard
symlink /sdcard /storage/sdcard0
# disable thermal hotplug for thermal
write /sys/module/msm_thermal/core_control/enabled 0
# bring back all cores
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/online 1
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online 1
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/online 1
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/online 1
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/online 1
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu5/online 1
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/online 1
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu7/online 1
# configure governor settings for little cluster
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor "schedutil"
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/schedutil/up_rate_limit_us 500
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/schedutil/down_rate_limit_us 20000
# configure governor settings for big cluster
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_governor "schedutil"
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy4/schedutil/up_rate_limit_us 500
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy4/schedutil/down_rate_limit_us 20000
# Set boottime stune value
write /dev/stune/schedtune.prefer_idle 1
write /dev/stune/schedtune.boost 100
# set default schedTune value for foreground/top-app
write /dev/stune/foreground/schedtune.prefer_idle 1
write /dev/stune/top-app/schedtune.boost 10
write /dev/stune/top-app/schedtune.prefer_idle 1
# Disable retention
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/system/pwr/cpu0/ret/idle_enabled N
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/system/pwr/cpu1/ret/idle_enabled N
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/system/pwr/cpu2/ret/idle_enabled N
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/system/pwr/cpu3/ret/idle_enabled N
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/system/perf/cpu4/ret/idle_enabled N
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/system/perf/cpu5/ret/idle_enabled N
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/system/perf/cpu6/ret/idle_enabled N
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/system/perf/cpu7/ret/idle_enabled N
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/system/pwr/pwr-l2-dynret/idle_enabled N
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/system/pwr/pwr-l2-ret/idle_enabled N
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/system/perf/perf-l2-dynret/idle_enabled N
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/system/perf/perf-l2-ret/idle_enabled N
# b/37682684 Enable suspend clock reporting
write /sys/kernel/debug/clk/debug_suspend 1
# ZRAM setup
write /sys/block/zram0/comp_algorithm lz4
write /proc/sys/vm/page-cluster 0
on init
setprop vendor.thermal.config thermal_info_config.json
on fs
mount_all /vendor/etc/fstab.${ro.hardware} --early
mkdir /persist/data 0700 system system
mkdir /persist/display 0770 system graphics
mkdir /persist/rfs 0770 root system
mkdir /persist/hlos_rfs 0770 root system
mkdir /persist/elabel 0700 system system
chmod 0770 /persist/rfs
chmod 0770 /persist/rfs/shared
chmod 0770 /persist/rfs/msm
chmod 0770 /persist/rfs/msm/adsp
chown system system /persist/rfs/msm/adsp
chmod 0770 /persist/rfs/msm/mpss
chown system system /persist/rfs/msm/mpss
mkdir /persist/rfs/msm/slpi 0770 system system
chmod 0770 /persist/rfs/mdm
chmod 0770 /persist/rfs/mdm/adsp
chown system system /persist/rfs/mdm/adsp
chmod 0770 /persist/rfs/mdm/mpss
chown system system /persist/rfs/mdm/mpss
mkdir /persist/rfs/mdm/slpi 0770 system system
chmod 0770 /persist/rfs/mdm/sparrow
chown system system /persist/rfs/mdm/sparrow
mkdir /persist/rfs/mdm/tn 0770 system system
chmod 0770 /persist/rfs/apq
chmod 0770 /persist/rfs/apq/gnss
chmod 0770 /persist/hlos_rfs
# b/78019660 Remove unlabeled persist_rfs_file
rm /persist/rfs/msm/mpss/server_check.txt
# for cycle count backup
mkdir /persist/battery 0700 system system
restorecon_recursive /persist
on late-fs
# Start devices by sysfs trigger
start vendor.devstart_sh
# Start services for bootanim
start vendor.power-hal-1-3
start surfaceflinger
start bootanim
start vendor.hwcomposer-2-1
start vendor.configstore-hal
start vendor.gralloc-2-0
# Wait for hwservicemanager ready since fsck might be triggered in mount_all --late
# In such case, init won't responce the property_set from hwservicemanager and then
# cause services for bootanim not running.
wait_for_prop hwservicemanager.ready true
# Mount RW partitions which need run fsck
mount_all /vendor/etc/fstab.${ro.hardware} --late
# Required for time_daemon
mkdir /persist/time 0770 system system
# Start time daemon early so that the system time can be set early
start vendor.time_daemon
on post-fs
setrlimit 8 67108864 67108864
chmod 0664 /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb0/idle_time
chown system graphics /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb0/idle_time
write /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb0/idle_time 100
# Wait qseecomd started
wait_for_prop sys.listeners.registered true
on property:sys.listeners.registered=true
# load IPA FWs
start vendor.ipastart_sh
on post-fs-data
# We can start netd here before in is launched in common init.rc on zygote-start
start netd
# b/38048356 Setup debug folders for camera
mkdir /data/vendor/camera 0770 camera camera
# b/38496103 Setup debug folders for display
mkdir /data/vendor/display 0770 system graphics
# b/65834073 Create rfs folder for tftp_server
mkdir /data/vendor/tombstones/rfs 0770 root system
# keep that at the end of on post-fs-data
# Set indication (checked by vold) that we have finished this action
setprop vold.post_fs_data_done 1
# Wait until the system time is set
wait_for_prop sys.time.set true
# zygote need to be started after otapreopt which will be done on post-fs-data
on zygote-start
# zygote is started in common init.rc
# and now we can continue to initialize /data/
mkdir /data/tombstones 0771 system system
mkdir /tombstones/modem 0771 system system
mkdir /tombstones/lpass 0771 system system
mkdir /tombstones/wcnss 0771 system system
mkdir /tombstones/dsps 0771 system system
mkdir /data/misc/qvop 0660 system system
mkdir /data/misc/hbtp 0750 system system
mkdir /data/misc/seemp 0700 system system
# Create directory for TZ Apps
mkdir /data/misc/qsee 0770 system system
mkdir /data/media 0770 media_rw media_rw
chown media_rw media_rw /data/media
mkdir /data/vendor/ipa 0770 radio radio
chown radio radio /data/vendor/ipa
# Create the directories used by the Wireless subsystem
mkdir /data/vendor/wifi 0771 wifi wifi
mkdir /data/vendor/wifi/wpa 0770 wifi wifi
mkdir /data/vendor/wifi/wpa/sockets 0770 wifi wifi
mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp
chown dhcp dhcp /data/misc/dhcp
# Mounting of persist is moved to 'on emmc-fs' and 'on fs' sections
# We chown/chmod /persist again so because mount is run as root + defaults
chown root system /persist
chmod 0771 /persist
chown system system /persist/WCNSS_qcom_wlan_nv.bin
# Trigger WLAN driver load
write /sys/kernel/boot_wlan/boot_wlan 1
#create port-bridge log dir
mkdir /data/misc/port_bridge 0770 radio radio
chmod 0770 /data/misc/port_bridge
#create netmgr log dir
mkdir /data/vendor/netmgr 0771 radio radio
chmod 0771 /data/vendor/netmgr
# Create the directories used by CnE subsystem
mkdir /data/connectivity 0771 system system
chown system system /data/connectivity
# Create the directories used by DPM subsystem
mkdir /data/dpm 0771 system system
chown system system /data/dpm
mkdir /data/dpm/nsrm 0771 system system
chown system system /data/dpm/nsrm
# Create directory used by audio subsystem
mkdir /data/vendor/audio 0770 audio audio
# Create directory for audio delta files
mkdir /data/vendor/audio/acdbdata 0770 media audio
mkdir /data/vendor/audio/acdbdata/delta 0770 media audio
# Create directory used by the DASH client
mkdir /data/misc/dash 0770 media audio
# Create directory for radio
mkdir /data/vendor/radio 0773 system radio
# Create directory used by display clients
mkdir /data/misc/display 0770 system graphics
# Setup sensors-related directories and permissions
mkdir /persist/sensors 0775
chown root system /persist/sensors
write /persist/sensors/sensors_settings 1
chown root system /persist/sensors/sensors_settings
chmod 664 /persist/sensors/sensors_settings
chown root system /persist/sensors/sns.reg
chmod 664 /persist/sensors/sns.reg
mkdir /data/vendor/sensors 0770
chown system system /data/vendor/sensors
# These files might have been created by root from a prior build - make sure
# they are accessible to the sensors daemon
chown system system /data/vendor/sensors/cal.bin
chown system system /data/vendor/sensors/cal.txt
# /dev/sensors only supports an ioctl to get the current SLPI timestamp;
# allow the sensors daemon to perform this as non-root
chown root system /dev/sensors
chmod 660 /dev/sensors
# Mark the copy complete flag to not completed
write /data/vendor/radio/copy_complete 0
chown radio radio /data/vendor/radio/copy_complete
chmod 0660 /data/vendor/radio/copy_complete
# File flags for prebuilt ril db file
write /data/vendor/radio/prebuilt_db_support 1
chown radio radio /data/vendor/radio/prebuilt_db_support
chmod 0400 /data/vendor/radio/prebuilt_db_support
write /data/vendor/radio/db_check_done 0
chown radio radio /data/vendor/radio/db_check_done
chmod 0660 /data/vendor/radio/db_check_done
# Create directories for Location services
mkdir /data/vendor/location 0770 gps gps
mkdir /data/vendor/location/mq 0770 gps gps
mkdir /data/vendor/location/xtwifi 0770 gps gps
# NFC local data and nfcee xml storage
mkdir /data/vendor/nfc 0770 nfc nfc
# b/62837579 elabel directory
mkdir /data/misc/elabel 0700 system system
on early-boot
# wait for devices
wait_for_prop sys.qcom.devup 1
# wait for insmod_sh to finish all modules
wait_for_prop sys.all.modules.ready 1
# Update dm-verity state and set partition.*.verified properties
# Permission for laser sensor driver
chown camera camera /sys/class/wahoo_laser/laser/enable_ps_sensor
# Permission for Vibrator
chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/device/mode
chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/device/od_clamp
chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/device/rtp_input
chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/device/scale
chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/device/set_sequencer
chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/device/autocal_result
chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/device/ctrl_loop
chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/device/ol_lra_period
chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/device/autocal
chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/device/lp_trigger_effect
chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/device/lra_wave_shape
chown system system /sys/class/leds/vibrator/device/od_clamp
# Permission for LED driver
chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/on_off_ms
chown system system /sys/class/leds/green/on_off_ms
chown system system /sys/class/leds/blue/on_off_ms
chown system system /sys/class/leds/red/rgb_start
chown system system /sys/class/leds/green/rgb_start
chown system system /sys/class/leds/blue/rgb_start
chown system system /sys/class/graphics/fb0/msm_fb_persist_mode
# dumpstate needs to read, needs to be able to RW
chown system system /sys/devices/soc/800f000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/spmi0-02/800f000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pmi8998@2:qpnp,fg/cycle_counts_bins
# HardwareInfo needs to be able to read CC bins
chmod 644 /sys/devices/soc/800f000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/spmi0-02/800f000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pmi8998@2:qpnp,fg/cycle_counts_bins
# dumpstate needs to read, needs to be able to RW
chown system system /sys/devices/soc/800f000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/spmi0-02/800f000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pmi8998@2:qpnp,fg/power_supply/bms/charge_full
# HardwareInfo needs to be able to read charge_full
chmod 644 /sys/devices/soc/800f000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/spmi0-02/800f000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pmi8998@2:qpnp,fg/power_supply/bms/charge_full
on boot
mkdir /dev/socket/qmux_radio 0770 radio radio
chmod 2770 /dev/socket/qmux_radio
mkdir /dev/socket/qmux_audio 0770 media audio
chmod 2770 /dev/socket/qmux_audio
mkdir /dev/socket/qmux_bluetooth 0770 bluetooth bluetooth
chmod 2770 /dev/socket/qmux_bluetooth
mkdir /dev/socket/qmux_gps 0770 gps gps
chmod 2770 /dev/socket/qmux_gps
# Create NETMGR daemon socket area
mkdir /dev/socket/netmgr 0750 radio radio
setprop wifi.interface wlan0
# Assign TCP buffer thresholds to be ceiling value of technology maximums
# Increased technology maximums should be reflected here.
write /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max 8388608
write /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max 8388608
# Bluetooth
chown bluetooth net_bt /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/type
chown bluetooth net_bt /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
chmod 0660 /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
chown bluetooth net_bt /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/device/extldo
chmod 0660 /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/device/extldo
# Wifi firmware reload path
chown wifi wifi /sys/module/wlan/parameters/fwpath
# default country code
setprop ro.boot.wificountrycode 00
# Make the ftm4 command node writeable from dumpstate
chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/input/ftm4_touch/cmd
# WLAN debug access
chown system system /d/icnss/stats
service vendor.init-elabel-sh /system/bin/
class late_start
user system
group system
service vendor.init-radio-sh /vendor/bin/
class late_start
user radio
group root radio
service vendor.folio_daemon /system/bin/folio_daemon
class late_start
user system
group system uhid
on property:init.svc.zygote=running
start vendor.folio_daemon
on property:init.svc.zygote=stopped
stop vendor.folio_daemon
on property:vendor.qcom.thermalcfg=*
restart vendor.thermal-engine
service vendor.thermal-engine /vendor/bin/thermal-engine -c ${vendor.qcom.thermalcfg:-/vendor/etc/thermal-engine.conf}
class hal
user root
group root system diag
socket thermal-send-client stream 0666 system system
socket thermal-recv-client stream 0660 system system
socket thermal-recv-passive-client stream 0666 system system
service vendor.msm_irqbalance /vendor/bin/msm_irqbalance -f /vendor/etc/msm_irqbalance.conf
socket msm_irqbalance seqpacket 660 root system
class core
user root
group root
writepid /dev/cpuset/system-background/tasks
on property:persist.sys.ssr.restart_level=*
start vendor.ssr_setup
service vendor.ssr_setup /vendor/bin/ssr_setup
service vendor.ssr_diag /vendor/bin/ssr_diag
class late_start
user system
group system
service vendor.per_mgr /vendor/bin/pm-service
class core
user system
group system
ioprio rt 4
shutdown critical
service vendor.per_proxy /vendor/bin/pm-proxy
class core
user system
group system
on property:sys.post_boot.parsed=1
# Enable PowerHAL hint processing
setprop vendor.powerhal.init 1
on property:sys.boot_completed=1
# Set runtime stune value
write /dev/stune/schedtune.prefer_idle 0
write /dev/stune/schedtune.boost 0
# Enable power setting and set sys.post_boot.parsed to 1
start vendor.power_sh
# Enable UFS powersaving
write /sys/devices/soc/${ro.boot.bootdevice}/clkscale_enable 1
write /sys/devices/soc/${ro.boot.bootdevice}/clkgate_enable 1
write /sys/module/lpm_levels/parameters/sleep_disabled N
# Setup final cpuset
write /dev/cpuset/top-app/cpus 0-7
write /dev/cpuset/foreground/cpus 0-3,6-7
write /dev/cpuset/background/cpus 0-1
write /dev/cpuset/system-background/cpus 0-3
write /dev/cpuset/restricted/cpus 0-3
# UFS health
chmod 755 /sys/kernel/debug/ufshcd0
chmod 644 /sys/kernel/debug/ufshcd0/err_state
chmod 644 /sys/kernel/debug/ufshcd0/power_mode
chmod 644 /sys/kernel/debug/ufshcd0/host_regs
chmod 644 /sys/kernel/debug/ufshcd0/show_hba
chmod 644 /sys/kernel/debug/ufshcd0/dump_device_desc
chmod 644 /sys/kernel/debug/ufshcd0/dump_health_desc
chmod 755 /sys/kernel/debug/ufshcd0/stats
chmod 644 /sys/kernel/debug/ufshcd0/stats/req_stats
chmod 644 /sys/kernel/debug/ufshcd0/stats/query_stats
chmod 644 /sys/kernel/debug/ufshcd0/stats/err_stats
# QCOM FG SRAM dump for dumpstate
chown system system /d/fg/sram/data
chown system system /d/fg/sram/count
chown system system /d/fg/sram/address
# needs to be able to read cycle counts
chmod 0666 /sys/class/power_supply/bms/cycle_count_id
trigger sys-boot-completed-set
# We want one opportunity per boot to enable zram, so we
# use a trigger we fire from the above stanza. If
# persist.sys.zram_enabled becomes true after boot,
# we don't want to run swapon_all at that time.
on sys-boot-completed-set && property:persist.sys.zram_enabled=1
swapon_all /vendor/etc/fstab.${ro.hardware}
write /proc/sys/vm/swappiness 100
on property:init.svc.vendor.per_mgr=running
start vendor.per_proxy
on shutdown
stop vendor.per_proxy
# Disable subsystem restart
write /sys/module/subsystem_restart/parameters/disable_restart_work 0x9889deed
service vendor.qseecomd /vendor/bin/qseecomd
class core
user root
group root
shutdown critical
service vendor.time_daemon /vendor/bin/time_daemon
class core
user root
group root
service vendor.ss_ramdump /vendor/bin/subsystem_ramdump
class main
user root
group root system
on property:persist.sys.ssr.enable_ramdumps=1
write /sys/module/subsystem_restart/parameters/enable_ramdumps 1
mkdir /data/vendor/ssrdump 771 root system
mkdir /data/vendor/ramdump 771 root system
start vendor.ss_ramdump
on property:persist.sys.ssr.enable_ramdumps=0
write /sys/module/subsystem_restart/parameters/enable_ramdumps 0
service vendor.sensors /vendor/bin/sensors.qcom
class core
user system
group system
# Grants the ability for this daemon to bind IPC router ports so it can
# register QMI services
capabilities NET_BIND_SERVICE
service vendor.adsprpcd /vendor/bin/adsprpcd
class main
user media
group media
service vendor.irsc_util /vendor/bin/irsc_util "/vendor/etc/sec_config"
class core
user root
service vendor.rmt_storage /vendor/bin/rmt_storage
class core
user root
ioprio rt 0
shutdown critical
service vendor.tftp_server /vendor/bin/tftp_server
class core
user root
group root system
service vendor.cnss-daemon /vendor/bin/cnss-daemon -n -l
class late_start
user system
group system inet wifi
service vendor.imsqmidaemon /vendor/bin/imsqmidaemon
class main
user system
socket ims_qmid stream 0660 system radio
group radio log diag
service vendor.imsdatadaemon /vendor/bin/imsdatadaemon
class main
user system
socket ims_datad stream 0660 system radio
group system wifi radio inet log
on property:vendor.ims.QMI_DAEMON_STATUS=1
start vendor.imsdatadaemon
service vendor.ims_rtp_daemon /vendor/bin/ims_rtp_daemon
class main
user system
group radio diag inet log
service vendor.imsrcsservice /vendor/bin/imsrcsd
class hal
user system
group radio diag inet log
on property:vendor.ims.DATA_DAEMON_STATUS=1
start vendor.ims_rtp_daemon
start vendor.imsrcsservice
service vendor.cnd /vendor/bin/cnd
class main
user radio
group inet system wifi radio wakelock
service vendor.netmgrd /vendor/bin/netmgrd
class main
user root
group root wifi wakelock radio inet
service vendor.port-bridge /vendor/bin/port-bridge
class main
user radio
group radio system inet
service vendor.ipacm /vendor/bin/ipacm
class main
user radio
group radio inet
service vendor.qti /vendor/bin/qti
class main
user radio
group radio net_raw diag usb net_admin
on property:wc_transport.start_hci=true
start vendor.hci_filter
on property:wc_transport.start_hci=false
stop vendor.hci_filter
service vendor.loc_launcher /vendor/bin/loc_launcher
class late_start
group gps inet diag wifi
service vendor.pd_mapper /vendor/bin/pd-mapper
class core
service vendor.atfwd /vendor/bin/ATFWD-daemon
class late_start
user system
group system radio
start vendor.atfwd
stop vendor.atfwd
# b/68982314
on property:sys.uidcpupower=*
write /proc/uid_cpupower/enable 1
on property:sys.uidcpupower=0
write /proc/uid_cpupower/enable 0
# bugreport is triggered by holding down volume down, volume up and power
service bugreport /system/bin/dumpstate -d -p -z
class main
keycodes 114 115 116
service vendor.power_sh /vendor/bin/
class main
user root
group root system
service vendor.devstart_sh /vendor/bin/
class main
user root
group root system
service vendor.ipastart_sh /vendor/bin/
class main
user system
group net_admin
service vendor.insmod_sh /vendor/bin/
class main
user root
group root system
# charger driver exposes now finer grain control, map demo mode to those properties
# demo mode can only be exit wipping data which will also reset the persist properties
on property:sys.retaildemo.enabled=1
setprop persist.vendor.charge.stop.level 35
setprop persist.vendor.charge.start.level 30
on property:sys.boot_completed=1
# init-fingerprint-sh is for stopping fps_hal after init retry fail serval times
# It keeps running until max init retry or fps_hal running successfully
# vendor.fps_hal restarts until max init retry times
# /vendor/bin/ [max_init_retry_times]
service init-fingerprint-sh /vendor/bin/ 10
group root
user root
on property:sys.boot_completed=1
start init-fingerprint-sh
on property:vendor.fps.init.succeed=true && property:init.svc.vendor.fps_hal=stopped
start init-fingerprint-sh