Grant bootcontrol HAL access to sysfs_scsi_devices_0000, sg_device

The bootcontrol hal wasn't able to switch the slot due to the following

12-17 12:02:24.141  root   600   600 I boot@1.0-servic: type=1400 audit(0.0:11065): avc: denied { search } for name="0:0:0:1" dev="sysfs" ino=55899 scontext=u:r:hal_bootctl_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_scsi_devices_0000:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
12-17 12:02:24.141  root   600   600 I boot@1.0-servic: type=1400 audit(0.0:11066): avc: denied { read } for name="scsi_generic" dev="sysfs" ino=55977 scontext=u:r:hal_bootctl_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_scsi_devices_0000:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
12-17 12:02:24.141  root   600   600 I boot@1.0-servic: type=1400 audit(0.0:11071): avc: denied { sys_rawio } for capability=17 scontext=u:r:hal_bootctl_default:s0 tcontext=u:r:hal_bootctl_default:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
12-17 12:02:24.141  root   600   600 I boot@1.0-servic: type=1400 audit(0.0:11072): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/sg4" dev="tmpfs" ino=14643 ioctlcmd=0x5388 scontext=u:r:hal_bootctl_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sg_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1

12-18 15:14:56.293  root   601   601 E bootcontrolhal: set_active_boot_slot: Failed to switch xbl boot partition
12-18 15:14:56.294  root   973   973 E update_engine:
[1218/] Unable to set the active slot to slot B: Operation not permitted

Grant the access as we do in coral.

Bug: 146181860
Test: build
Change-Id: Ica98b0bd6d47fa11339c7ef39cb81ed67bbb9e3c
1 file changed
tree: e9533fec62d71a4bd92d3de57f8574877ebdefff
  1. private/
  2. public/
  3. vendor/