Redbull: Refined early phase offsets

Previously we set the early duration to 21ms which may cause jank
if SF+HWC finished in 10ms, the frame will be presented prematurely.
It would break render ahead logic which leaving around ~10ms for
the app to complete. Reconfigure the early phase duration as
16ms which align the frame handling time and keep the frame update

Bug: 159210150
Test: 1. Open Apps from homescreen
      2. Swipe vertically to go back to home screen
      3. Check sf dequeuebuffer, app queuebuffer working normally
      4. Measure the gpu completion time and "FrameMissed" count from systrace result
Change-Id: Id451be96f2d0171a4c50ae0e3b6a2765ddb5409d
1 file changed