audio: update fm tables (20210722_v540)

1. HH WB mic blocked enable
2. HH SWB BVE disable
3. HA WB mic blocked enable
4. HE TTY VCO: sync the latest of HH TX
5. HE TTY HCO: sync the latest of HH RX
6. HE Headphone : sync the latest of HH TX
7. BT HAC : sync the latest of HH TX
8. HA BVE turn on in Generic settings: NB/WB/SWB
9. HA BVE turn on in TMUS settings: NB/WB/SWB
10 HE by Gene
For both R4 and O6
  - General
     -  EnableBBLowLatencyMode
  - NB
      - TX EQ, NS improve
      - RX volume, DRC
 - WB
      - TX EQ, NS improve
      - RX EQ
      - RX volume, DRC
 - SWB
      - RX EQ, NS improve
      - RX TDDRC change from 5 to 7.01dB
      - RX volume, DRC
- FB
     - TX EQ for NS
     - RX volume, DRC

Google Condor
 - Enable LowLatencyMode
 - NB TX EQ depress low freq, increase high freq
 - WB TX EQ depress low freq

Condor reservation
 - same to Google Condor

Condor for sertification
 - Enable LowLatencyMode

1. HH WB EVT1.1/DVT fine tuning
=> FdEQ for more headroom
2. HH WB mic blocked enable
3. HH SWB BVE disable
4. HA WB mic blocked enable
5. HE TTY VCO: sync the latest of HH TX
6. HE TTY HCO: sync the latest of HH RX
7. HE Headphone : sync the latest of HH TX
8. BT HAC : sync the latest of HH TX
9. HA NB/WB/SWB/FB Generic tuning based on acoustic structure change
10. HA NB/WB/SWB/FB TMUS tuning based on acoustic structure change
11. HA BVE turn on in TMUS settings: NB/WB/SWB
12 HE by Gene
For both R4 and O6
  - General
     -  EnableBBLowLatencyMode
  - NB
      - TX EQ, NS improve
      - RX volume, DRC
 - WB
      - TX EQ, NS improve
      - RX EQ
      - RX volume, DRC
 - SWB
      - RX EQ, NS improve
      - RX TDDRC change from 5 to 7.01dB
      - RX volume, DRC
- FB
     - TX EQ for NS
     - RX volume, DRC

Google Condor
 - Enable LowLatencyMode
 - NB TX EQ depress low freq, increase high freq
 - WB TX EQ depress low freq

Condor reservation
 - same to Google Condor

Condor for sertification
 - Enable LowLatencyMode

Bug: 194273785
Test: manual test (b/194273785/comment#7)

Signed-off-by: Jasmine Cha <>
Change-Id: Ifb00378b6b5a9df95af82b7a1ff6256e91bd0ca3
16 files changed