audio: add smartfeature table for chre tuning

note: add smartfeature.gstf that only used for Hotword
      pipeline in AoC which is sharing to chre usage too.

      On WHI_PRO
        CHRE PDM Gain(gain=158)
        CHRE AEC Gain(gain=-42)
        CHRE SRC AEC Timeout(timeout=0)
      This table also contains hotword gain control as
      Non Eraser gain (gain=220)
     Eraser Post Gain (gain=220)

Test: end-to-end verify by CHRE
      using aoc_audio_cfg to query gain as below

      adb shell aoc_audio_cfg hotword_get_non_eraser_gain
      adb shell aoc_audio_cfg hotword_get_eraser_post_gain
Bug: 271078701

Change-Id: I14ee4856887d6a6587b34733288a76c305c271dc
4 files changed