audio: update FM table

FM table Changelist:

1. Parameter version update from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
2. Headset BB
    Disable FFP for NB/WB to avoid low RLR issue (ST solution)
3. Headset TTY Full and HCO
    Set AEC_NUM_CH to be 0x0001 (Original is 0x0000) to make TX work properly.
4. BT
    Disable low latency mode on BTNB-NB and BTNB_NREC-NB to avoid TX clipping/distortion issue (ST solution)
5. HHNB/WB/SWB  NS parameter update for v603
6. HHNB/WB/SWB RX fune tuing for power consuming
7. Align same parameter
   (1) Handsfree TX to VCO TX/ BT-HAC TX/ Headphone TX
   (2) Handsfree RX to HCO RX

Bug: 216258666
Test: b/216258666#comment19

Signed-off-by: Jasmine Cha <>
Change-Id: I583bda3772be7a667aed2b0c8fb34249b3223c9e
16 files changed