QCamera2: HAL3: Use List object to hold timeout indexes


QCameraQueue object assumes that it hold buffer pointers
and during flush to destructor does a deep free which
is harmful when holding integer values


Moved the timeout indexes to be held in a generic list
object instead

CRs-Fixed: 1087232
Bug: 35103768
Test: No regression during camera/camera2 CTS tests
Change-Id: I22de40d1b855bcf85226190834d6dc7129c9c065
2 files changed
tree: f797bf2f40c31624f51cda329d7a34537ea9ffd0
  1. bluetooth/
  2. camera/
  3. common/
  4. dataservices/
  5. dumpstate/
  6. factory-images_marlin/
  7. factory-images_sailfish/
  8. kernel-headers/
  9. libandroid/
  10. liblight/
  11. marlin/
  12. nfc/
  13. original-kernel-headers/
  14. overlay/
  15. power/
  16. radio/
  17. recovery/
  18. sailfish/
  19. seccomp_policy/
  20. self-extractors/
  21. self-extractors_sailfish/
  22. sensorhal/
  23. sepolicy/
  24. telephony/
  25. thermal/
  26. thermal-engine/
  27. time-services/
  28. usb/
  29. vibrator/
  30. voice_processing/
  31. vr/
  32. aanc_tuning_mixer.txt
  33. Android.bp
  34. Android.mk
  35. AndroidProducts.mk
  36. aosp_marlin.mk
  37. aosp_marlin_svelte.mk
  38. aosp_sailfish.mk
  39. apns-full-conf.xml
  40. audio_effects.conf
  41. audio_output_policy.conf
  42. audio_platform_info.xml
  43. audio_platform_info_tasha_t50.xml
  44. audio_policy_configuration.xml
  45. audio_policy_volumes_drc.xml
  46. charger.fstab.qcom
  47. CleanSpec.mk
  48. default-permissions.xml
  49. device-common.mk
  50. device-marlin.mk
  51. device-sailfish.mk
  52. egl.cfg
  53. fstab.aosp_svelte
  54. fstab.common
  55. gpio-keys.kl
  56. gps.conf
  57. init.common.diag.rc.user
  58. init.common.diag.rc.userdebug
  59. init.common.nanohub.rc
  60. init.common.rc
  61. init.common.usb.rc
  62. init.foreground.sh
  63. init.mid.sh
  64. init.power.sh
  65. init.qcom.devstart.sh
  66. init.qcom.devwait.sh
  67. init.qcom.qseecomd.sh
  68. init.radio.sh
  69. init.recovery.common.rc
  70. manifest.xml
  71. media_codecs.xml
  72. media_codecs_performance.xml
  73. media_profiles.xml
  74. mixer_paths.xml
  75. mixer_paths_tasha_t50.xml
  76. msm_irqbalance.conf
  77. p2p_supplicant_overlay.conf
  78. preloads_copy.sh
  79. qpnp_pon.kl
  80. recovery.wipe.common
  81. sec_config
  82. sound_trigger_mixer_paths.xml
  83. sound_trigger_mixer_paths_tasha_t50.xml
  84. sound_trigger_platform_info.xml
  85. spn-conf.xml
  86. synaptics_dsx.kl
  87. synaptics_dsxv26.idc
  88. synaptics_rmi4_i2c.kl
  89. system.prop
  90. thermal-engine-marlin-vr.conf
  91. thermal-engine-marlin.conf
  92. ueventd.common.rc
  93. uinput-fpc.idc
  94. uinput-fpc.kl
  95. vendorsetup.sh
  96. vold.fstab
  97. WCNSS_cfg.dat
  98. WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini
  99. WCNSS_qcom_wlan_nv.bin
  100. wpa_supplicant_overlay.conf
  101. wpa_supplicant_wcn.conf