Support GL852G USB hub JK level tuning

The JK level setting is configured to the hub via a vendor USB
command whenever the hub is enabled.
The shell command can be used to change the JK setting for testing
purpose, but the values take effect next time the hub is enumerated.

Bug: 261923350
Test: adb shell cmd android.hardware.usb.IUsb/default hub-vendor-cmd
<hex wValue> <hex wIndex>
Test: verify on user/userdebug builds the vendor command is triggered
      in the following scenarios.
      1. boot with Kolan docked
      2. undock and dock Kolan
      3. kill android.hardware.usb.IUsb/default

Change-Id: I8873695c42f362138d99b45ffa2ef637c357202b
2 files changed