DO NOT MERGE gps: update gps driver

 - gpsd segmentfault protect code
 - android.hardware.gnss@2.1-service-brcm segmentfault
 - AGC field is missing when requested deep indoor
 - TestGnssMeasurementIntervals_LocationOnAfterMeasurement fix
 - mismatch between bearing value and fixed location
 - location jumped in the office and the reported accuracy is
   much higher
 - Can't enter duty cycle mode
 - fix IGnssConfiguration setBlocklist issue

Bug: 260300008
Bug: 262632321
Bug: 266760732
Bug: 264597734
Bug: 266343909
Bug: 254357787
Bug: 262829108
Bug: 265106280
Verify test: b/269212862
Test: VtsHalGnssTargetTest pass
CtsLocationGnssTestCases pass
PtsChreTestCases pass
Change-Id: I206fda63e73882fc3e9a1bb92e5b4fbb7b6c94f3
8 files changed