sensors: Fix error at init if VPD table is not present.

Initialize the variable array before filling it.
Found the problem on cyan-cheets, dragon uses similar sensor_hal.

TEST=On cyan, if VPD is missing, check error message is gone.

Change-Id: Ide273ad1be0f4016eb2ff53e250990b470d75600
Signed-off-by: Gwendal Grignou <>
diff --git a/sensor_hub/sensors.cpp b/sensor_hub/sensors.cpp
index 0b7cd20..3ec531d 100644
--- a/sensor_hub/sensors.cpp
+++ b/sensor_hub/sensors.cpp
@@ -355,6 +355,8 @@
     for (int i = X ; i < MAX_AXIS; i++) {
         snprintf(calib_key[i], sizeof(calib_key[i]), "%s_%c_calibbias",
                 cros_ec_iio_axis_names[sensor_type], 'x' + i);
+    }
+    for (int i = X ; i < MAX_AXIS; i++) {
         if (cros_ec_sysfs_get_attr(vpd_path, calib_key[i], calib_value[i])) {
             ALOGI("Calibration key %s missing.\n", calib_key[i]);
             calib_data_valid = false;