Add a wrapper for SwiftShader EGL, GLESv1_CM and GLESv3.

SwiftShader has problems with multithreaded use of the EGL and GL ES
APIs. Until this is fixed properly, disallow multiple threads being
inside the library by wrapping it with libraries that share a mutex
locking each API entry point.

Bug: 76027192
Bug: 74573450
Bug: 74572414
Bug: 74571771
Bug: 73780279
Test: this change is completely untested
Change-Id: I2c5fd3e2b4c716b467a22dbd63547c5f0d32a25a
34 files changed
tree: 744f58ae8dd985dda3913eef402bfd7dbd688a17
  1. common/
  2. guest/
  3. host/
  4. tests/
  5. tools/
  6. Android.bp