Android O IOT Preview 7 (4635859)
Merge changes from topic "cuttlefish-bringup"

* changes:
  Add owners file
  Add default health hal implementation.
  Remove health backup instance from the manifest.
  Update vnc_server communication.
  Mark vendor executables as vendor_file_type.
  Move sensors_hal_socket to the sensor hal.
  Fix hard-coded path that broke ril on 64 bit builds
  Camera HAL: use binderized server
  Composer HAL: use binderized version
  Sensors HAL: use binderized service
  GNSS HAL: Use binderized service
  DRM HAL: use binderized hal
  Keymaster HAL: use binderized hal
  Audio HALs: use binderized service
  Power HAL: use binderized service
  Light hal: use binderized implementation
  Turn on manifest enforcement.
  Removes vnc server permissions to open /dev/uinput
  Adds the vsoc_input_service to the images
  Add phony target for fast builds
  Runs vsoc e2e test with shell group
  Remove the dac_override permission.