Use vport_trigger tool in init.vsoc.rc.

Switch over to chaining the start of the seriallogging and usbforward
services from the vport_trigger tool. This tool makes sure that the<qemuport> properties are set up to specify the device node
that should be used. The init script symlinks the encoded vportXpY names
to the qemuport name set up by the tool, then enables the applicable

If run on a kernel with the hack which renamed the virtio serial devices
to the qemu name, the tool does has no effect, and the symlink command
will do nothing (as per 'man symlink', "If linkpath exists, it will not
be overwritten.").

This replaces a kernel hack that had a similar effect, without using
symlinks. (This hack cannot be upstreamed.)

Bug: 77656836
Change-Id: Ic9a127994030f6676512196b7b4987808876c85d
5 files changed