Virtual ADB

VirtualADB serves the purpose of making Cuttlefish device available locally as a USB device. VirtualADB uses USB/IP protocol to forward USB gadget from Cuttlefish to localhost.


To compile the VirtualADB package you need to install:

sudo apt-get install libudev-dev

VirtualADB requires vhci-hcd kernel module to be loaded. Module is part of kernel extra modules package:

sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-`uname -r`


VirtualADB uses currently virtio channel to communicate with usb forwarder on cuttlefish. The tool instruments kernel to attach remote USB device directly. To do that, it requires super-user privileges - primarily because it's adding a new device to your system.

To start VirtualADB simply execute:

sudo vadb /path/to/usb_forwarder_socket

where usb_forwarder_socket is the socket used by usb forwarder to communicate.