Make sure 'init=/init' is always specified

It doesn't matter if we are booting a bootimg with a ramdisk or not,
Android always expects init to be started from /init, not the default
kernel paths of /sbin/init, /etc/init, /bin/init or /bin/sh.

This problem was noticed when passing '--boot_path recovery.img' to the
launcher; the kernel would panic because it would attempt to execv() the
'/etc/init' directory instead of the symlink at '/init'.

This is a backwards-compatible change because all ramdisk.img files for
recovery or otherwise have always had either a symlink or a binary at
'/init', and all system-as-root images also have a symlink for '/init',
across all branches.

Bug: 122316490
Change-Id: I9355c6d7f18fef1f5ab28b398269009ec7265c22
Signed-off-by: Alistair Strachan <>
1 file changed
tree: a9b1d190ec447cfefa2f53faa72698c08ae3e875
  1. common/
  2. guest/
  3. host/
  4. tests/
  5. tools/
  6. Android.bp