Enforce camera shutter sounds to always play for some markets

Carrier requirements in some markets require that the camera shutter
sound is always audible.  Our existing build-agnostic approach relies
on MCC, which is only available with a SIM inserted.

For more complete coverage, force shutter sounds on for all devices with
radio.subtype of 1.

Test: First set device to Japan radio mode:
    fastboot oem set_platform_info s s 1
  Then verify that after muting ringer and media sounds:
  - Shutter sounds play in camera app,
    no visible setting in app to disable it.
  - pdk/apps/TestingCamera also plays shutter sounds.
Bug: 110126976

Change-Id: I78e58e6e08db33756a943db9a1563a072038032a
2 files changed
tree: f33b4589e9cb50f3f4ffa3ae7d37d0fbe42fb762
  1. acdbdata/
  2. audio/
  3. blueline/
  4. bluetooth/
  5. crosshatch/
  6. dumpstate/
  7. factory-images_blueline/
  8. factory-images_crosshatch/
  9. gpt-utils/
  10. health/
  11. hidl/
  12. json-c/
  13. nfc/
  14. overlay/
  15. permissions/
  16. power-libperfmgr/
  17. recovery/
  18. sdm845/
  19. seccomp_policy/
  20. self-extractors/
  21. self-extractors_blueline/
  22. sensors/
  23. sepolicy/
  24. thermal/
  25. usb/
  26. vibrator/
  27. voice_processing/
  28. vr/
  29. .clang-format
  30. .gitignore
  31. Android.mk
  32. AndroidProducts.mk
  33. aosp_blueline.mk
  34. aosp_crosshatch.mk
  35. audio_effects.xml
  36. audio_platform_info_tavil_b1.xml
  37. audio_platform_info_tavil_c1.xml
  38. audio_policy_configuration.xml
  39. audio_policy_configuration_a2dp_offload_disabled.xml
  40. audio_policy_volumes.xml
  41. board-info.txt
  42. BoardConfig-common.mk
  43. CleanSpec.mk
  44. compatibility_matrix.xml
  45. config.fs
  46. default-permissions.xml
  47. default_volume_tables.xml
  48. device-blueline.mk
  49. device-common.mk
  50. device-crosshatch.mk
  51. device.mk
  52. device_framework_matrix.xml
  53. framework_manifest.xml
  54. fstab.hardware
  55. gps.conf
  56. gps_debug.conf
  57. graphite_ipc_platform_info.xml
  58. init.common.rc
  59. init.edge_sense.sh
  60. init.hardware.chamber.rc.userdebug
  61. init.hardware.diag.rc.user
  62. init.hardware.diag.rc.userdebug
  63. init.hardware.mpssrfs.rc.user
  64. init.hardware.mpssrfs.rc.userdebug
  65. init.hardware.rc
  66. init.hardware.usb.rc
  67. init.insmod.cfg
  68. init.insmod.sh
  69. init.logging.rc
  70. init.power.rc
  71. init.qcom.devstart.sh
  72. init.qcom.ipastart.sh
  73. init.qcom.wlan.sh
  74. init.radio.sh
  75. init.recovery.hardware.device.rc
  76. init.recovery.hardware.rc
  77. lowi.conf
  78. manifest.xml
  79. media_codecs.xml
  80. media_codecs_c2.xml
  81. media_codecs_google_audio.xml
  82. media_codecs_performance.xml
  83. media_profiles_V1_0.xml
  84. mixer_paths_tavil_b1.xml
  85. p2p_supplicant_overlay.conf
  86. powerhint.json
  87. preloads_copy.sh
  88. qti_whitelist.xml
  89. recovery.wipe
  90. sec_config
  91. sound_trigger_mixer_paths_wcd9340.xml
  92. sound_trigger_platform_info.xml
  93. system.prop
  94. thermal-engine-blueline-novr-evt.conf
  95. thermal-engine-blueline-novr-prod.conf
  96. thermal-engine-blueline-vr-evt.conf
  97. thermal-engine-blueline-vr-prod.conf
  98. thermal-engine-crosshatch-novr-evt.conf
  99. thermal-engine-crosshatch-novr-prod.conf
  100. thermal-engine-crosshatch-vr-evt.conf
  101. thermal-engine-crosshatch-vr-prod.conf
  102. ueventd.hardware.rc
  103. uinput-fpc.idc
  104. uinput-fpc.kl
  105. utils.mk
  106. vendorsetup.sh
  107. WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini
  108. wifi_concurrency_cfg.txt
  109. wpa_supplicant_overlay.conf
  110. wpa_supplicant_wcn.conf