nanohub: lunchbox: remove incorrect BL_FLASH_TABLE

After Change-Id: I4d339e75c131632255838632d7fb1356dfaba684
("nanohub: bl: align default flash table to default chip")
the flash table for STM32F411 is the default choice in
Plus, the table override in lunchbox is incorrect and would
require a fix
	s/__code_start \+ 0x10000/__code_start \+ 0x14000/

Remove the table override and use the default one.

Change-Id: I1cf10f533ce07869ad62f90ab45d84c124643f7d
Signed-off-by: Antonio Borneo <>
1 file changed
tree: 1032f79f85af4b73d45ffd8c3ce9d82cf30b542b
  1. contexthubhal/
  2. firmware/
  3. inc/
  4. lib/
  5. sensorhal/
  6. util/
  7. .gitignore