[Bosch BMI160 Driver] Runtime sensor calibration updates.

Adds accel calibration debug printouts for logging.
Updates gyro get/set bias function arguments.
Uses parameter structures to initialize the runtime algorithms.

Bug: 75333210
Test: Built firmware and tested on a device.
Change-Id: I2d0e1e2247927430e34ae86ea1ca470d726d2d93
diff --git a/firmware/os/drivers/bosch_bmi160/bosch_bmi160.c b/firmware/os/drivers/bosch_bmi160/bosch_bmi160.c
index 1b8fd68..70cacad 100644
--- a/firmware/os/drivers/bosch_bmi160/bosch_bmi160.c
+++ b/firmware/os/drivers/bosch_bmi160/bosch_bmi160.c
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include <algos/time_sync.h>
 #include <atomic.h>
+#include <common/math/macros.h>
 #include <cpu/cpuMath.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <gpio.h>
@@ -61,7 +62,6 @@
 #include <calibration/gyroscope/gyro_cal.h>
-#include <common/math/macros.h>
 #endif  // GYRO_CAL_ENABLED
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 #define DBG_WM_CALC               0
 #define TIMESTAMP_DBG             0
-#define BMI160_APP_VERSION 17
+#define BMI160_APP_VERSION 18
 // fixme: to list required definitions for a slave mag
 #ifdef USE_BMM150
@@ -2105,7 +2105,12 @@
                       x, y, z, mTask.tempCelsius);
           accelCalBiasRemove(&mTask.acc, &x, &y, &z);
+          // Prints debug data report.
+          accelCalDebPrint(&mTask.acc, mTask.tempCelsius);
           // Gyro Cal -- Add accelerometer sample.
@@ -2206,11 +2211,13 @@
       // GyroCal -- Checks for a new offset estimate update.
       float gyro_offset[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
       float gyro_offset_temperature_celsius = 0.0f;
+      uint64_t calibration_time_nanos = 0;
       bool new_gyrocal_offset_update = gyroCalNewBiasAvailable(&mTask.gyro_cal);
       if (new_gyrocal_offset_update) {
         // GyroCal -- Gets the GyroCal offset estimate.
         gyroCalGetBias(&mTask.gyro_cal, &gyro_offset[0], &gyro_offset[1],
-                       &gyro_offset[2], &gyro_offset_temperature_celsius);
+                       &gyro_offset[2], &gyro_offset_temperature_celsius,
+                       &calibration_time_nanos);
         // OTC-Gyro Cal -- Sends a new GyroCal estimate to the OTC-Gyro.
@@ -3129,8 +3136,11 @@
                 bias->hardwareBias[2] & 0xFF);
-        gyroCalSetBias(&T(gyro_cal), bias->softwareBias[0], bias->softwareBias[1],
-                       bias->softwareBias[2], sensorGetTime());
+        const float dummy_temperature_celsius = 25.0f;
+        gyroCalSetBias(&T(gyro_cal), bias->softwareBias[0],
+                       bias->softwareBias[1], bias->softwareBias[2],
+                       dummy_temperature_celsius,
+                       sensorGetTime());
 #endif  // GYRO_CAL_ENABLED
         if (!saveCalibration()) {
             T(pending_calibration_save) = true;
@@ -3846,81 +3856,100 @@
     osEventSubscribe(mTask.tid, EVT_APP_START);
-    // Init Accel Cal
-    accelCalInit(&mTask.acc,
-                 800000000, /* Stillness Time in ns (0.8s) */
-                 5,         /* Minimum Sample Number */
-                 0.00025,   /* Threshold */
-                 15,        /* nx bucket count */
-                 15,        /* nxb bucket count */
-                 15,        /* ny bucket count */
-                 15,        /* nyb bucket count */
-                 15,        /* nz bucket count */
-                 15,        /* nzb bucket count */
-                 15);       /* nle bucket count */
+    // Initializes the accelerometer offset calibration algorithm.
+    const struct AccelCalParameters accel_cal_parameters = {
+        MSEC_TO_NANOS(800),  // t0
+        5,                   // n_s
+        15,                  // fx
+        15,                  // fxb
+        15,                  // fy
+        15,                  // fyb
+        15,                  // fz
+        15,                  // fzb
+        15,                  // fle
+        0.00025f             // th
+    };
+    accelCalInit(&mTask.acc, &accel_cal_parameters);
-    // Gyro Cal -- Initialization.
-    gyroCalInit(&mTask.gyro_cal,
-                SEC_TO_NANOS(5.0f),   // Min stillness period = 5.0 seconds
-                SEC_TO_NANOS(5.9f),   // Max stillness period = 6.0 seconds (NOTE 1)
-                0, 0, 0,              // Initial bias offset calibration
-                0,                    // Time stamp of initial bias calibration
-                SEC_TO_NANOS(1.5f),   // Analysis window length = 1.5 seconds
-                7.5e-5f,              // Gyroscope variance threshold [rad/sec]^2
-                1.5e-5f,              // Gyroscope confidence delta [rad/sec]^2
-                4.5e-3f,              // Accelerometer variance threshold [m/sec^2]^2
-                9.0e-4f,              // Accelerometer confidence delta [m/sec^2]^2
-                5.0f,                 // Magnetometer variance threshold [uT]^2
-                1.0f,                 // Magnetometer confidence delta [uT]^2
-                0.95f,                // Stillness threshold [0,1]
-                40.0f * MDEG_TO_RAD,  // Stillness mean variation limit [rad/sec]
-                1.5f,                 // Max temperature delta during stillness [C]
-                true);                // Gyro calibration enable
-    // NOTE 1: This parameter is set to 5.9 seconds to achieve a max stillness
-    // period of 6.0 seconds and avoid buffer boundary conditions that could push
-    // the max stillness to the next multiple of the analysis window length
-    // (i.e., 7.5 seconds).
+    // Initializes the gyroscope offset calibration algorithm.
+    const struct GyroCalParameters gyro_cal_parameters = {
+        SEC_TO_NANOS(5),      // min_still_duration_nanos
+        SEC_TO_NANOS(5.9f),   // max_still_duration_nanos [see, NOTE 1]
+        0,                    // calibration_time_nanos
+        SEC_TO_NANOS(1.5f),   // window_time_duration_nanos
+        0,                    // bias_x
+        0,                    // bias_y
+        0,                    // bias_z
+        0.95f,                // stillness_threshold
+        MDEG_TO_RAD * 40.0f,  // stillness_mean_delta_limit [rad/sec]
+        7.5e-5f,              // gyro_var_threshold [rad/sec]^2
+        1.5e-5f,              // gyro_confidence_delta [rad/sec]^2
+        4.5e-3f,              // accel_var_threshold [m/sec^2]^2
+        9.0e-4f,              // accel_confidence_delta [m/sec^2]^2
+        5.0f,                 // mag_var_threshold [uTesla]^2
+        1.0f,                 // mag_confidence_delta [uTesla]^2
+        1.5f,                 // temperature_delta_limit_celsius
+        true                  // gyro_calibration_enable
+    };
+    // [NOTE 1]: 'max_still_duration_nanos' is set to 5.9 seconds to achieve a
+    // max stillness period of 6.0 seconds and avoid buffer boundary conditions
+    // that could push the max stillness to the next multiple of the analysis
+    // window length (i.e., 7.5 seconds).
+    gyroCalInit(&mTask.gyro_cal, &gyro_cal_parameters);
-    // Initialize over-temp calibration.
-    overTempCalInit(&mTask.over_temp_gyro_cal,
-                    5,                     // Min num of points to enable model update
-                    SEC_TO_NANOS(0.5f),    // Min temperature update interval [nsec]
-                    0.75f,                 // Temperature span of bin method [C]
-                    40.0f * MDEG_TO_RAD,   // Jump tolerance [rad/sec]
-                    50.0f * MDEG_TO_RAD,   // Outlier rejection tolerance [rad/sec]
-                    DAYS_TO_NANOS(2),      // Model data point age limit [nsec]
-                    80.0f * MDEG_TO_RAD,   // Limit for temp. sensitivity [rad/sec/C]
-                    3.0e3f * MDEG_TO_RAD,  // Limit for model intercept parameter [rad/sec]
-                    0.1f * MDEG_TO_RAD,    // Significant offset change [rad/sec]
-                    true);                 // Over-temp compensation enable
+    // Initializes the gyroscope over-temperature offset compensation algorithm.
+    const struct OverTempCalParameters gyro_otc_parameters = {
+        MSEC_TO_NANOS(500),    // min_temp_update_period_nanos
+        DAYS_TO_NANOS(2),      // age_limit_nanos
+        0.75f,                 // delta_temp_per_bin
+        40.0f * MDEG_TO_RAD,   // jump_tolerance
+        50.0f * MDEG_TO_RAD,   // outlier_limit
+        80.0f * MDEG_TO_RAD,   // temp_sensitivity_limit
+        3.0e3f * MDEG_TO_RAD,  // sensor_intercept_limit
+        0.1f * MDEG_TO_RAD,    // significant_offset_change
+        5,                     // min_num_model_pts
+        true                   // over_temp_enable
+    };
+    overTempCalInit(&mTask.over_temp_gyro_cal, &gyro_otc_parameters);
 #endif  // GYRO_CAL_ENABLED
+    const struct MagCalParameters mag_cal_parameters = {
+        3000000,  // min_batch_window_in_micros
+        0.0f,     // x_bias
+        0.0f,     // y_bias
+        0.0f,     // z_bias
+        1.0f,     // c00
+        0.0f,     // c01
+        0.0f,     // c02
+        0.0f,     // c10
+        1.0f,     // c11
+        0.0f,     // c12
+        0.0f,     // c20
+        0.0f,     // c21
+        1.0f      // c22
+    };
-    initMagCal(&mTask.moc,
-               0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,   // bias x, y, z
-               1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,   // c00, c01, c02
-               0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,   // c10, c11, c12
-               0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,   // c20, c21, c22
-               3000000,            // min_batch_window_in_micros
-               8,                  // min_num_diverse_vectors
-               1,                  // max_num_max_distance
-               6.0f,               // var_threshold
-               10.0f,              // max_min_threshold
-               48.f,               // local_field
-               0.5f,               // threshold_tuning_param
-               2.552f);            // max_distance_tuning_param
+    // Initializes the magnetometer offset calibration algorithm with diversity
+    // checker.
+    const struct DiversityCheckerParameters mag_diversity_parameters = {
+        6.0f,    // var_threshold
+        10.0f,   // max_min_threshold
+        48.0f,   // local_field
+        0.5f,    // threshold_tuning_param
+        2.552f,  // max_distance_tuning_param
+        8,       // min_num_diverse_vectors
+        1        // max_num_max_distance
+    };
+    initMagCal(&mTask.moc, &mag_cal_parameters, &mag_diversity_parameters);
-    initMagCal(&mTask.moc,
-               0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,   // bias x, y, z
-               1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,   // c00, c01, c02
-               0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,   // c10, c11, c12
-               0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,   // c20, c21, c22
-               3000000);           // min_batch_window_in_micros
+    // Initializes the magnetometer offset calibration algorithm.
+    initMagCal(&mTask.moc, &mag_cal_parameters);