Android 5.0.0 release 5
Merge aosp/master fixes into lmp-dev

This patch updates the goldfish device to match the following
         3f62b50d Make the size of "cb_handle_t" same for 32/64-bit
         7a2929cd Remove display initialization from eglGetProcAddress API
         d0fead3c ranchu: Add ARM64-specific root/ramdisk config files.
         58ab34d9 Upgrade goldfish sensor HAL module to 1_0
         e3e68659 ranchu: Fix goldfish_pipe definitions.
         fe2c5beb Use more appropriate type in cb_handle_t::validate.
         40a674e0 Fix emulator crashes on glDrawElements command
         972291ae Handle empty buffer in QemuPipeStream::writeFully
         4aad46d9 Allow glGetProgramInfoLog_enc to have empty length
         691e021d Guard against negative width and height
         f2f04f45 Guard against negative buffer size
         ebe80e44 Handle empty data parameter in glTexSubImage2D_enc

Change-Id: Ib272952af902dc57fa6c76f966eb508a5fda838e
9 files changed