Added script that build kernel commandline from avbtool

Bug: b/78113934
Test: This CL does not change the build.  A related change in the
platform/build repo is needed to actually use this file.
Change-Id: If2b6f2d45cc705c518f2a68dff90577493a0d819
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e5951df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
+  echo "Usage: <system.img> <system-qemu.img> <VerifiedBootParams.textproto>"
+  exit 1
+# TODO(mattwach): After avbtool calc_kernel_cmdline (or equiv) is ready, we
+# should change this script to use that subcommand instead.  The benefit
+# will be more stable parsing.
+# Example Output From avbtool info_image --image system.img
+# Footer version:           1.0
+# Image size:               2684354560 bytes
+# Original image size:      2641915904 bytes
+# VBMeta offset:            2683781120
+# VBMeta size:              1024 bytes
+# --
+# Minimum libavb version:   1.0
+# Header Block:             256 bytes
+# Authentication Block:     0 bytes
+# Auxiliary Block:          768 bytes
+# Algorithm:                NONE
+# Rollback Index:           0
+# Flags:                    0
+# Release String:           'avbtool 1.1.0'
+# Descriptors:
+#     Hashtree descriptor:
+#       Version of dm-verity:  1
+#       Image Size:            2641915904 bytes
+#       Tree Offset:           2641915904
+#       Tree Size:             20811776 bytes
+#       Data Block Size:       4096 bytes
+#       Hash Block Size:       4096 bytes
+#       FEC num roots:         2
+#       FEC offset:            2662727680
+#       FEC size:              21053440 bytes
+#       Hash Algorithm:        sha1
+#       Partition Name:        system
+#       Salt:                  27e6b2075f9a47160d21f824b923f4ebdb755c3f
+#       Root Digest:           07e8da3c6ffe2ea52d14ad342beb6bb15060cd45
+#       Flags:                 0
+#     Kernel Cmdline descriptor:
+#       Flags:                 1
+#       Kernel Cmdline:        'dm="1 vroot none ro 1,0 5159992 verity 1 PARTUUID=$(ANDROID_SYSTEM_PARTUUID) PARTUUID=$(ANDROID_SYSTEM_PARTUUID) 4096 4096 644999 644999 sha1 07e8da3c6ffe2ea52d14ad342beb6bb15060cd45 27e6b2075f9a47160d21f824b923f4ebdb755c3f 10 $(ANDROID_VERITY_MODE) ignore_zero_blocks use_fec_from_device PARTUUID=$(ANDROID_SYSTEM_PARTUUID) fec_roots 2 fec_blocks 650080 fec_start 650080" root=/dev/dm-0'
+#     Kernel Cmdline descriptor:
+#       Flags:                 2
+#       Kernel Cmdline:        'root=PARTUUID=$(ANDROID_SYSTEM_PARTUUID)'
+set -e
+function die {
+  echo $1 >&2
+  echo "tools/ might need a fix"
+  exit 1
+# Incrementing major version causes emulator binaries that do not support the
+# version to ignore this file.  This can be useful if there is a change
+# not supported by older emulator binaries.
+readonly MAJOR_VERSION=1
+readonly SRCIMG=$1
+readonly QEMU_IMG=$2
+readonly TARGET=$3
+readonly INFO_IMAGE=$(dirname $TARGET)/SrcImgInfo.txt
+# Use sgdisk to determine the partition UUID
+[[ $(${SGDISK:-sgdisk} --info 1 $QEMU_IMG | grep "Partition name:" | awk '{print $3}') == "'system'" ]] || die "Partition 1 is not named 'system'."
+readonly GUID=$(${SGDISK:-sgdisk} --info 1 $QEMU_IMG | grep "Partition unique GUID:" | awk '{print $4}')
+[[ $GUID =~ [[:xdigit:]]{8}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{12} ]] || die "GUID looks incorrect: $GUID"
+# Get the information and discard all but the "Kernel Cmdline: " parameters
+${AVBTOOL:-avbtool} info_image --image $SRCIMG > $INFO_IMAGE
+readonly CMDLINE=$(cat $INFO_IMAGE | grep -e grep -e "Kernel Cmdline: \+'dm=" | head -1)
+# At this point, CMDLINE is a single line, similar to
+# Kernel Cmdline:  'dm="1 vroot none ro 1,0 5159992 verity 1 ...
+# The rest of the script extracts params from this line to create a
+# commandline usable by the emulator.
+# TODO: fec options do not work yet because they require a kernel of >=4.5.
+# The emulator is running a 4.4 kernel.  This script ignores options
+# for now...
+[[ "$CMDLINE" =~ $dm_match_regex ]]
+[[ ${#BASH_REMATCH[*]} -eq 2 ]] || die "Missing dm section: $CMDLINE"
+readonly DM_SPLIT=($(echo $DM_SECTION | tr ' ' '\n'))
+# Capture everything into a named variable
+readonly START_BLOCK=0
+readonly SECTOR_COUNT=${DM_SPLIT[5]}
+readonly DATA_BLOCK_SIZE=${DM_SPLIT[10]}
+readonly HASH_BLOCK_SIZE=${DM_SPLIT[11]}
+readonly NUM_BLOCKS=${DM_SPLIT[12]}
+readonly HASH_ALGORITHM=${DM_SPLIT[14]}
+readonly ROOT_DIGEST=${DM_SPLIT[15]}
+readonly SALT=${DM_SPLIT[16]}
+# Sanity Checks
+[[ $ROOT_DIGEST =~ [[:xdigit:]]{40} ]] || die "ROOT_DIGEST looks incorrect: $ROOT_DIGEST"
+[[ $SALT =~ [[:xdigit:]]{40} ]] || die "SALT looks incorrect: $SALT"
+echo "major_version: $MAJOR_VERSION" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"1\"" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"vroot\"  # name" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"none\"  # UUID" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"ro\"  # Read-only" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"1,$START_BLOCK\"  # Start block" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"$SECTOR_COUNT\"  # Sector count" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"verity\"  # Type" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"$VERITY_VERSION\"  # Version" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"$DATA_DEVICE\"  # Data device" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"$HASH_DEVICE\"  # Hash device" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"$DATA_BLOCK_SIZE\"  # Data block size" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"$HASH_BLOCK_SIZE\"  # Hash block size" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"$NUM_BLOCKS\"  # Number of blocks" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"$HASH_BLOCK_OFFSET\"  # Hash block offset" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"$HASH_ALGORITHM\"  # Hash algorithm" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"$ROOT_DIGEST\"  # Root digest" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"$SALT\"  # Salt" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"$NUM_OPTIONAL_PARAMS\"  # Num optional params" >> $TARGET
+echo "dm_param: \"ignore_zero_blocks\"" >> $TARGET
+echo "param: \"androidboot.veritymode=enforcing\"" >> $TARGET
+echo "param: \"androidboot.verifiedbootstate=orange\"" >> $TARGET
+echo "param: \"root=/dev/dm-0\"" >> $TARGET