Remove all copies of vndk-sp modules

With BOARD_VNDK_VERSION=current, the vendor variant of vndk-sp will
be installed to system/lib(64)/vndk-sp by build system if they have
"vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true }" in their
Android.bp files.

Skip generating the copies of vndk-sp modules when BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
is defined.

Bug: 65853349
Bug: 65614701
Test: build aosp_arm64_ab
Change-Id: I38069a0b3445c2961af055ac6f2512518b650ce9
Merged-In: I160ee995cbbb91e3d005bca5508312ec56bdec52
1 file changed
tree: 366d642704f5137ab506ddd9a3d44812ac2d4f8a
  1. bluetooth/
  2. vndk/