Add minimal support for maxTargetSdk=S.

This allows developers to put @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk=S) in
their code, but does not have the correct behaviour yet. Any APIs
annotated like that will remain on the unsupported list (i.e. not
actually restricted).

The remaining work is tracked in b/203045121, to create the new list
and enforce access appropriately.

Bug: 169748350
Bug: 202849738
Test: TH
Change-Id: I6cbc554299d53f6d243c90e7915f0624117cf1a2
1 file changed
tree: d3b9496dbfd2e9943ef01a969817a51c1174dd01
  1. build/
  2. hiddenapi/
  3. java/
  4. javatest/

Platform compat tools

Tools for Android App Compat (go/android-compat).

What's in here?

├── build # python helper scripts for build
├── java # All Java source files; directories follow corresponding java packages
│   └── android
│       ├── compat
│       │   └── annotation # Annotations used for go/compat-framework and go/unsupportedappusage
│       └── processor
│           └── compat  # Java annotation processors for annotations defined in src/
│               ├── changeid # Creates compat_config xml files from @ChangeId constants
│               └── unsupportedappusage # Creates csv files with source positions for @UnsupportedAppUsage elements
└── javatest # Tests for source files defined under java/