Android S QPR3 Beta 1 (S3B1.220218.004)
Update the prebuilt drop script for new sources.

This brings the update script in sync with the internal version:

- Switch to apks for prebuilt drops.
- Update prebuilt drop script to work with current module and SDK
- Remove soong config variable rewrite.

Also, there's no source for prebuilt .apks files in AOSP, so retrieving
the module is disabled by default - only the SDK is updated.

Test: packages/modules/ArtPrebuilt/ \
        --build 8081436
      m nothing
  in AOSP and internal
Bug: 214602476
Change-Id: I7daa5c8019a3acfffe87b33d51f440a86d8695a9
1 file changed
tree: 073cff76cad4a7d0cb5660f9802f2e4ea5f380a7
  1. Android.bp