Android 14.0.0 release 0.81
trusty-log: dump Trusty log on kernel panic only if Trusty panicked.

Reduce the amount of data being dumped into logs via the panic notifier if the Trusty kernel has not itself panicked.

Bug: 306313274
Test: sys-rq crash with force option
Test: sys-rq crash without force option
Test: Trusty panic without force option
Change-Id: I0d2622b905236f50388c2f5b00c17cbdbd0c2edb
Signed-off-by: Michael McTernan <>
(cherry picked from commit aefe9b29a6ba0d8af25b34544aeccd7130f6122f)
1 file changed
tree: 726b4d436a308752131d673f3ff8d388085c83e1
  1. Documentation/
  2. drivers/
  3. include/
  4. BUILD.bazel
  5. Kbuild
  6. Makefile