Android wear 13.0.0 release 0.6
Merge cherrypicks of [''] into android13-msm-pixelwatch-5.15-eos-release.

Change-Id: Iba79bb053dea965e94b722731bc766bb98363f12
tree: 798103e3b9035a2b092b25e24dea194051ceb0ff
  1. bl_nxp.c
  2. bl_nxp.h
  3. bl_st.c
  4. bl_st.h
  5. comms.c
  6. comms.h
  7. display.c
  8. display.h
  9. Kbuild
  10. Kconfig
  11. main.c
  12. main.h
  13. Makefile
  14. nanohub.h
  15. nanohub_exports.h
  16. OWNERS
  18. spi.c
  19. spi.h

devicetree for Eos

The code in this branch was imported from:

which is a monorepo containing all out-of-tree kernel modules for r11. To import just the nanohub commits, andrewevans@ did the following:

Make patches of all the commits to nanohub

cd /path/to/r11-kernel/private/exynos-google-cw-extra/drivers/sensorhub/nanohub
git format-patch --relative=sensorhub/nanohub -o /tmp/nanohub --root HEAD .

--relative rewrites paths to be rooted at the path specified, effectively deleting that path prefix. Changes to files outside this path are omitted from the output.

--root walks history starting from the oldest reachable ancestor, i.e. the first commit. Future imports should instead specify the range of commits since the last import.

Switch to nanohub module repo

cd /path/to/eos-kernel/private/google-modules/nanohub

Apply patches to Google Eos devicetree repo

git am /tmp/devicetree/*.patch

Push the resulting changes

git push -o skip-validation -f -u partner HEAD:refs/heads/android-msm-eos-5.4