Android 15 Beta 2 Release 0.6 (AP31.240426.022,tangorpro) Ignore MODULES_[RECOVERY|CHARGER]_LIST for system_dlkm

The system_dlkm partition consists of GKI modules, which are not loaded
during first-stage init. However, the MODULES_[RECOVERY|CHARGER]_LIST
arguments specify vendor modules that must be loaded during first
stage init. Therefore, it does not make sense to consider these
lists when building system_dlkm.img, so do not consider them.

Bug: 322408856
Bug: 323710246
Signed-off-by: Isaac J. Manjarres <>
(cherry picked from
Merged-In: I50fb42b40a94b0b53d5a2cda676d39b919395538
Change-Id: I50fb42b40a94b0b53d5a2cda676d39b919395538
1 file changed