blob: 0c535c1974248f31cf3d568d26460d9abc789588 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jetbrains.python.formatter;
import com.intellij.formatting.*;
import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.TreeUtil;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet;
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil;
import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException;
import com.jetbrains.python.PyElementTypes;
import com.jetbrains.python.PyTokenTypes;
import com.jetbrains.python.PythonDialectsTokenSetProvider;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.*;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.impl.PyPsiUtils;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyUtil.sure;
* @author yole
public class PyBlock implements ASTBlock {
private final PyBlock myParent;
private final Alignment _alignment;
private final Indent _indent;
private final ASTNode _node;
private final Wrap _wrap;
private final PyBlockContext myContext;
private List<PyBlock> _subBlocks = null;
private Alignment myChildAlignment;
private static final boolean DUMP_FORMATTING_BLOCKS = false;
public static final Key<Boolean> IMPORT_GROUP_BEGIN = Key.create("com.jetbrains.python.formatter.importGroupBegin");
private static final TokenSet ourListElementTypes = TokenSet.create(PyElementTypes.LIST_LITERAL_EXPRESSION,
private static final TokenSet ourBrackets = TokenSet.create(PyTokenTypes.LPAR, PyTokenTypes.RPAR,
PyTokenTypes.LBRACE, PyTokenTypes.RBRACE,
PyTokenTypes.LBRACKET, PyTokenTypes.RBRACKET);
public PyBlock(final PyBlock parent,
final ASTNode node,
final Alignment alignment,
final Indent indent,
final Wrap wrap,
final PyBlockContext context) {
myParent = parent;
_alignment = alignment;
_indent = indent;
_node = node;
_wrap = wrap;
myContext = context;
public ASTNode getNode() {
return _node;
public TextRange getTextRange() {
return _node.getTextRange();
private Alignment getAlignmentForChildren() {
if (myChildAlignment == null) {
myChildAlignment = Alignment.createAlignment();
return myChildAlignment;
public List<Block> getSubBlocks() {
if (_subBlocks == null) {
_subBlocks = buildSubBlocks();
return new ArrayList<Block>(_subBlocks);
private List<PyBlock> buildSubBlocks() {
List<PyBlock> blocks = new ArrayList<PyBlock>();
for (ASTNode child = _node.getFirstChildNode(); child != null; child = child.getTreeNext()) {
IElementType childType = child.getElementType();
if (child.getTextRange().getLength() == 0) continue;
if (childType == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(blocks);
private PyBlock buildSubBlock(ASTNode child) {
IElementType parentType = _node.getElementType();
IElementType grandparentType = _node.getTreeParent() == null ? null : _node.getTreeParent().getElementType();
IElementType childType = child.getElementType();
Wrap wrap = null;
Indent childIndent = Indent.getNoneIndent();
Alignment childAlignment = null;
if (parentType == PyElementTypes.BINARY_EXPRESSION && !isInControlStatement()) {
//Setup alignments for binary expression
childAlignment = getAlignmentForChildren();
PyBlock p = myParent; //Check grandparents
while (p != null) {
ASTNode pNode = p.getNode();
if (ourListElementTypes.contains(pNode.getElementType())) {
if (needListAlignment(child) && !isEmptyList(_node.getPsi())) {
childAlignment = p.getChildAlignment();
else if (pNode == PyElementTypes.BINARY_EXPRESSION) {
childAlignment = p.getChildAlignment();
if (!breaksAlignment(pNode.getElementType())) {
p = p.myParent;
else {
if (childType == PyElementTypes.STATEMENT_LIST) {
if (hasLineBreaksBefore(child, 1) || needLineBreakInStatement()) {
childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent();
else if (childType == PyElementTypes.IMPORT_ELEMENT) {
wrap = Wrap.createWrap(WrapType.NORMAL, true);
childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent();
if (ourListElementTypes.contains(parentType)) {
// wrapping in non-parenthesized tuple expression is not allowed (PY-1792)
if ((parentType != PyElementTypes.TUPLE_EXPRESSION || grandparentType == PyElementTypes.PARENTHESIZED_EXPRESSION) &&
!ourBrackets.contains(childType) &&
childType != PyTokenTypes.COMMA &&
!isSliceOperand(child) /*&& !isSubscriptionOperand(child)*/) {
wrap = Wrap.createWrap(WrapType.NORMAL, true);
if (needListAlignment(child) && !isEmptyList(_node.getPsi())) {
childAlignment = getAlignmentForChildren();
if (childType == PyTokenTypes.END_OF_LINE_COMMENT) {
childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent();
else if (parentType == PyElementTypes.BINARY_EXPRESSION &&
(PythonDialectsTokenSetProvider.INSTANCE.getExpressionTokens().contains(childType) ||
PyTokenTypes.OPERATIONS.contains(childType))) {
if (isInControlStatement()) {
PyParenthesizedExpression parens = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(_node.getPsi(), PyParenthesizedExpression.class, true,
childIndent = parens != null ? Indent.getNormalIndent() : Indent.getContinuationIndent();
if (parentType == PyElementTypes.LIST_LITERAL_EXPRESSION || parentType == PyElementTypes.LIST_COMP_EXPRESSION) {
if (childType == PyTokenTypes.RBRACKET || childType == PyTokenTypes.LBRACKET) {
childIndent = Indent.getNoneIndent();
else {
childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent();
else if (parentType == PyElementTypes.DICT_LITERAL_EXPRESSION || parentType == PyElementTypes.SET_LITERAL_EXPRESSION ||
parentType == PyElementTypes.SET_COMP_EXPRESSION || parentType == PyElementTypes.DICT_COMP_EXPRESSION) {
if (childType == PyTokenTypes.RBRACE || !hasLineBreaksBefore(child, 1)) {
childIndent = Indent.getNoneIndent();
else {
childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent();
else if (parentType == PyElementTypes.STRING_LITERAL_EXPRESSION) {
if (PyTokenTypes.STRING_NODES.contains(childType)) {
childAlignment = getAlignmentForChildren();
else if (parentType == PyElementTypes.FROM_IMPORT_STATEMENT) {
if (_node.findChildByType(PyTokenTypes.LPAR) != null) {
if (childType == PyElementTypes.IMPORT_ELEMENT) {
if (myContext.getPySettings().ALIGN_MULTILINE_IMPORTS) {
childAlignment = getAlignmentForChildren();
else {
childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent();
if (childType == PyTokenTypes.RPAR) {
childIndent = Indent.getNoneIndent();
else if (parentType == PyElementTypes.KEY_VALUE_EXPRESSION) {
PyKeyValueExpression keyValue = (PyKeyValueExpression)_node.getPsi();
if (keyValue != null && child.getPsi() == keyValue.getValue()) {
childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent();
//Align elements vertically if there is an argument in the first line of parenthesized expression
else if (((parentType == PyElementTypes.PARENTHESIZED_EXPRESSION && myContext.getSettings().ALIGN_MULTILINE_PARENTHESIZED_EXPRESSION)
|| (parentType == PyElementTypes.ARGUMENT_LIST && myContext.getSettings().ALIGN_MULTILINE_PARAMETERS_IN_CALLS)
|| (parentType == PyElementTypes.PARAMETER_LIST && myContext.getSettings().ALIGN_MULTILINE_PARAMETERS)) &&
!isIndentNext(child) &&
!hasLineBreaksBefore(_node.getFirstChildNode(), 1)
&& !ourListElementTypes.contains(childType)) {
if (!ourBrackets.contains(childType)) {
childAlignment = getAlignmentForChildren();
if (parentType != PyElementTypes.CALL_EXPRESSION) {
childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent();
else if (childType == PyTokenTypes.RPAR) {
childIndent = Indent.getNoneIndent();
else if (parentType == PyElementTypes.GENERATOR_EXPRESSION || parentType == PyElementTypes.PARENTHESIZED_EXPRESSION) {
if (childType == PyTokenTypes.RPAR || !hasLineBreaksBefore(child, 1)) {
childIndent = Indent.getNoneIndent();
else {
childIndent = isIndentNext(child) ? Indent.getContinuationIndent() : Indent.getNormalIndent();
else if (parentType == PyElementTypes.ARGUMENT_LIST || parentType == PyElementTypes.PARAMETER_LIST) {
if (childType == PyTokenTypes.RPAR) {
childIndent = Indent.getNoneIndent();
else {
childIndent = parentType == PyElementTypes.PARAMETER_LIST || isInControlStatement()
? Indent.getContinuationIndent()
: Indent.getNormalIndent(/*true*/);
else if (parentType == PyElementTypes.SUBSCRIPTION_EXPRESSION) {
PyExpression indexExpression = ((PySubscriptionExpression)_node.getPsi()).getIndexExpression();
if (indexExpression != null && child == indexExpression.getNode()) {
childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent();
else if (parentType == PyElementTypes.REFERENCE_EXPRESSION) {
if (child != _node.getFirstChildNode()) {
childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent();
if (hasLineBreaksBefore(child, 1)) {
if (isInControlStatement()) {
childIndent = Indent.getContinuationIndent();
else {
PyBlock b = myParent;
while (b != null) {
if (b.getNode().getPsi() instanceof PyParenthesizedExpression ||
b.getNode().getPsi() instanceof PyArgumentList ||
b.getNode().getPsi() instanceof PyParameterList) {
childAlignment = getAlignmentOfChild(b, 1);
b = b.myParent;
if (isAfterStatementList(child) && !hasLineBreaksBefore(child, 2) && child.getElementType() != PyTokenTypes.END_OF_LINE_COMMENT) {
// maybe enter was pressed and cut us from a previous (nested) statement list
childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent();
ASTNode prev = child.getTreePrev();
while (prev != null && prev.getElementType() == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE) {
if (prev.getText().contains("\\") && !childIndent.equals(Indent.getContinuationIndent()) &&
!childIndent.equals(Indent.getContinuationIndent(true))) {
childIndent = isIndentNext(child) ? Indent.getContinuationIndent() : Indent.getNormalIndent();
prev = prev.getTreePrev();
return new PyBlock(this, child, childAlignment, childIndent, wrap, myContext);
private static boolean breaksAlignment(IElementType type) {
return type != PyElementTypes.BINARY_EXPRESSION;
private static Alignment getAlignmentOfChild(PyBlock b, int childNum) {
if (b.getSubBlocks().size() > childNum) {
ChildAttributes attributes = b.getChildAttributes(childNum);
return attributes.getAlignment();
return null;
private static boolean isIndentNext(ASTNode child) {
PsiElement psi = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(child.getPsi(), PyStatement.class);
return psi instanceof PyIfStatement ||
psi instanceof PyForStatement ||
psi instanceof PyWithStatement ||
psi instanceof PyClass ||
psi instanceof PyFunction ||
psi instanceof PyTryExceptStatement ||
psi instanceof PyElsePart ||
psi instanceof PyIfPart ||
psi instanceof PyWhileStatement;
private static boolean isSubscriptionOperand(ASTNode child) {
return child.getTreeParent().getElementType() == PyElementTypes.SUBSCRIPTION_EXPRESSION &&
child.getPsi() == ((PySubscriptionExpression)child.getTreeParent().getPsi()).getOperand();
private boolean isInControlStatement() {
return PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(_node.getPsi(), PyStatementPart.class, false, PyStatementList.class) != null ||
PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(_node.getPsi(), PyWithItem.class) != null;
private boolean isSliceOperand(ASTNode child) {
if (_node.getPsi() instanceof PySliceExpression) {
PySliceExpression sliceExpression = (PySliceExpression)_node.getPsi();
PyExpression operand = sliceExpression.getOperand();
return operand.getNode() == child;
return false;
private static boolean isEmptyList(PsiElement psi) {
if (psi instanceof PyDictLiteralExpression) {
return ((PyDictLiteralExpression)psi).getElements().length == 0;
if (psi instanceof PySequenceExpression) {
return ((PySequenceExpression)psi).getElements().length == 0;
return false;
private static boolean isAfterStatementList(ASTNode child) {
try {
PsiElement prev = sure(child.getPsi().getPrevSibling());
sure(prev instanceof PyStatement);
PsiElement lastchild = PsiTreeUtil.getDeepestLast(prev);
sure(lastchild.getParent() instanceof PyStatementList);
return true;
catch (IncorrectOperationException e) {
// not our cup of tea
return false;
private boolean needListAlignment(ASTNode child) {
IElementType childType = child.getElementType();
ASTNode firstGrandchild = child.getFirstChildNode();
IElementType firstGrandchildType = firstGrandchild == null ? null : firstGrandchild.getElementType();
if (PyTokenTypes.OPEN_BRACES.contains(childType)) {
return false;
if (PyTokenTypes.OPEN_BRACES.contains(firstGrandchildType)) {
PsiElement psi = child.getPsi();
if (psi instanceof PySequenceExpression && ((PySequenceExpression)psi).getElements().length == 0) {
return false;
if (PyTokenTypes.CLOSE_BRACES.contains(childType)) {
ASTNode prevNonSpace = findPrevNonSpaceNode(child);
if (prevNonSpace != null &&
prevNonSpace.getElementType() == PyTokenTypes.COMMA &&
myContext.getMode() == FormattingMode.ADJUST_INDENT) {
return true;
return false;
if (_node.getElementType() == PyElementTypes.ARGUMENT_LIST) {
if (!myContext.getSettings().ALIGN_MULTILINE_PARAMETERS_IN_CALLS) {
return false;
if (child.getElementType() == PyTokenTypes.COMMA) {
return false;
PyArgumentList argList = (PyArgumentList)_node.getPsi();
if (argList != null) {
PyExpression[] arguments = argList.getArguments();
return arguments.length > 1 || hasLineBreaksBefore(child, 1) || (
arguments.length == 1 && PyPsiUtils.getNextComma(arguments[0].getNode()) != null);
return false;
if (_node.getElementType() == PyElementTypes.PARAMETER_LIST) {
return myContext.getSettings().ALIGN_MULTILINE_PARAMETERS;
if (_node.getElementType() == PyElementTypes.SUBSCRIPTION_EXPRESSION) {
return false;
if (child.getElementType() == PyTokenTypes.COMMA) {
return false;
private static ASTNode findPrevNonSpaceNode(ASTNode node) {
do {
node = node.getTreePrev();
while (node != null && (node.getElementType() == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE || PyTokenTypes.WHITESPACE.contains(node.getElementType())));
return node;
private static boolean hasLineBreaksBefore(ASTNode child, int minCount) {
final ASTNode treePrev = child.getTreePrev();
return (treePrev != null && isWhitespaceWithLineBreaks(TreeUtil.findLastLeaf(treePrev), minCount)) ||
isWhitespaceWithLineBreaks(child.getFirstChildNode(), minCount);
private static boolean isWhitespaceWithLineBreaks(ASTNode node, int minCount) {
if (node != null && node.getElementType() == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE) {
String prevNodeText = node.getText();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < prevNodeText.length(); i++) {
if (prevNodeText.charAt(i) == '\n') {
if (count == minCount) {
return true;
return false;
private void dumpSubBlocks() {
System.out.println("Subblocks of " + _node.getPsi() + ":");
for (Block block : _subBlocks) {
if (block instanceof PyBlock) {
System.out.println(" " + ((PyBlock)block).getNode().getPsi().toString() + " " + block.getTextRange().getStartOffset() + ":" + block
else {
System.out.println(" <unknown block>");
public Wrap getWrap() {
return _wrap;
public Indent getIndent() {
assert _indent != null;
return _indent;
public Alignment getAlignment() {
return _alignment;
public Spacing getSpacing(Block child1, @NotNull Block child2) {
if (child1 instanceof ASTBlock && child2 instanceof ASTBlock) {
ASTNode node1 = ((ASTBlock)child1).getNode();
final PsiElement psi1 = node1.getPsi();
final PsiElement psi2 = ((ASTBlock)child2).getNode().getPsi();
if (psi1 instanceof PyImportStatementBase && psi2 instanceof PyImportStatementBase &&
psi2.getCopyableUserData(IMPORT_GROUP_BEGIN) != null) {
return Spacing.createSpacing(0, 0, 2, true, 1);
if (node1.getElementType() == PyTokenTypes.COLON && psi2 instanceof PyStatementList) {
if (needLineBreakInStatement()) {
return Spacing.createSpacing(0, 0, 1, true, myContext.getSettings().KEEP_BLANK_LINES_IN_CODE);
if ((node1.getElementType() == PyElementTypes.FUNCTION_DECLARATION || node1.getElementType() == PyElementTypes.CLASS_DECLARATION)
&& _node.getElementType() instanceof PyFileElementType) {
if (psi2 instanceof PsiComment) {
final PsiElement psi3 = PsiTreeUtil.getNextSiblingOfType(psi2, PyElement.class);
if (psi3 != null) {
IElementType type3 = psi3.getNode().getElementType();
if (type3 == PyElementTypes.CLASS_DECLARATION || type3 == PyElementTypes.FUNCTION_DECLARATION) {
return getBlankLinesForOption(myContext.getPySettings().BLANK_LINES_AROUND_TOP_LEVEL_CLASSES_FUNCTIONS);
if (psi2 instanceof PsiComment && !hasLineBreaksBefore(psi2.getNode(), 1) && myContext.getPySettings().SPACE_BEFORE_NUMBER_SIGN) {
return Spacing.createSpacing(2, 0, 0, false, 0);
return myContext.getSpacingBuilder().getSpacing(this, child1, child2);
private Spacing getBlankLinesForOption(final int option) {
int blankLines = option + 1;
return Spacing
.createSpacing(0, 0, blankLines, myContext.getSettings().KEEP_LINE_BREAKS, myContext.getSettings().KEEP_BLANK_LINES_IN_DECLARATIONS);
private boolean needLineBreakInStatement() {
PyStatement statement = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(_node.getPsi(), PyStatement.class);
if (statement != null) {
Collection<PyStatementPart> parts = PsiTreeUtil.collectElementsOfType(statement, PyStatementPart.class);
if ((parts.size() == 1 && myContext.getPySettings().NEW_LINE_AFTER_COLON) ||
(parts.size() > 1 && myContext.getPySettings().NEW_LINE_AFTER_COLON_MULTI_CLAUSE)) {
return true;
return false;
public ChildAttributes getChildAttributes(int newChildIndex) {
int statementListsBelow = 0;
if (newChildIndex > 0) {
// always pass decision to a sane block from top level from file or definition
if (_node.getPsi() instanceof PyFile || _node.getElementType() == PyTokenTypes.COLON) {
return ChildAttributes.DELEGATE_TO_PREV_CHILD;
PyBlock insertAfterBlock = _subBlocks.get(newChildIndex - 1);
ASTNode prevNode = insertAfterBlock.getNode();
PsiElement prevElt = prevNode.getPsi();
// stmt lists, parts and definitions should also think for themselves
if (prevElt instanceof PyStatementList) {
if (dedentAfterLastStatement((PyStatementList)prevElt)) {
return new ChildAttributes(Indent.getNoneIndent(), getChildAlignment());
return ChildAttributes.DELEGATE_TO_PREV_CHILD;
else if (prevElt instanceof PyStatementPart) {
return ChildAttributes.DELEGATE_TO_PREV_CHILD;
ASTNode lastChild = insertAfterBlock.getNode();
// HACK? This code fragment is needed to make testClass2() pass,
// but I don't quite understand why it is necessary and why the formatter
// doesn't request childAttributes from the correct block
while (lastChild != null) {
IElementType last_type = lastChild.getElementType();
if (last_type == PyElementTypes.STATEMENT_LIST && hasLineBreaksBefore(lastChild, 1)) {
if (dedentAfterLastStatement((PyStatementList)lastChild.getPsi())) {
else if (statementListsBelow > 0 && lastChild.getPsi() instanceof PsiErrorElement) {
if (_node.getElementType() == PyElementTypes.STATEMENT_LIST && lastChild.getPsi() instanceof PsiErrorElement) {
return ChildAttributes.DELEGATE_TO_PREV_CHILD;
lastChild = getLastNonSpaceChild(lastChild, true);
// If a multi-step dedent follows the cursor position (see testMultiDedent()),
// the whitespace (which must be a single Py:LINE_BREAK token) gets attached
// to the outermost indented block (because we may not consume the DEDENT
// tokens while parsing inner blocks). The policy is to put the indent to
// the innermost block, so we need to resolve the situation here. Nested
// delegation sometimes causes NPEs in formatter core, so we calculate the
// correct indent manually.
if (statementListsBelow > 0) { // was 1... strange
int indent = myContext.getSettings().getIndentOptions().INDENT_SIZE;
return new ChildAttributes(Indent.getSpaceIndent(indent * statementListsBelow), null);
// it might be something like "def foo(): # comment" or "[1, # comment"; jump up to the real thing
if (_node instanceof PsiComment || _node instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) {
Indent childIndent = getChildIndent(newChildIndex);
Alignment childAlignment = getChildAlignment();
return new ChildAttributes(childIndent, childAlignment);
private static boolean dedentAfterLastStatement(PyStatementList statementList) {
final PyStatement[] statements = statementList.getStatements();
if (statements.length == 0) {
return false;
PyStatement last = statements[statements.length - 1];
return last instanceof PyReturnStatement || last instanceof PyRaiseStatement || last instanceof PyPassStatement;
private Alignment getChildAlignment() {
if (ourListElementTypes.contains(_node.getElementType())) {
if (isInControlStatement()) {
return null;
if (_node.getPsi() instanceof PyParameterList && !myContext.getSettings().ALIGN_MULTILINE_PARAMETERS) {
return null;
if (_node.getPsi() instanceof PyDictLiteralExpression) {
PyKeyValueExpression[] elements = ((PyDictLiteralExpression)_node.getPsi()).getElements();
if (elements.length == 0) {
return null;
PyKeyValueExpression last = elements[elements.length - 1];
if (last.getValue() == null) { // incomplete
return null;
return getAlignmentForChildren();
return null;
private Indent getChildIndent(int newChildIndex) {
ASTNode afterNode = getAfterNode(newChildIndex);
ASTNode lastChild = getLastNonSpaceChild(_node, false);
if (lastChild != null && lastChild.getElementType() == PyElementTypes.STATEMENT_LIST && _subBlocks.size() >= newChildIndex) {
if (afterNode == null) {
return Indent.getNoneIndent();
// handle pressing Enter after colon and before first statement in
// existing statement list
if (afterNode.getElementType() == PyElementTypes.STATEMENT_LIST || afterNode.getElementType() == PyTokenTypes.COLON) {
return Indent.getNormalIndent();
// handle pressing Enter after colon when there is nothing in the
// statement list
ASTNode lastFirstChild = lastChild.getFirstChildNode();
if (lastFirstChild != null && lastFirstChild == lastChild.getLastChildNode() && lastFirstChild.getPsi() instanceof PsiErrorElement) {
return Indent.getNormalIndent();
else if (lastChild != null && PyElementTypes.LIST_LIKE_EXPRESSIONS.contains(lastChild.getElementType())) {
// handle pressing enter at the end of a list literal when there's no closing paren or bracket
ASTNode lastLastChild = lastChild.getLastChildNode();
if (lastLastChild != null && lastLastChild.getPsi() instanceof PsiErrorElement) {
// we're at a place like this: [foo, ... bar, <caret>
// we'd rather align to foo. this may be not a multiple of tabs.
PsiElement expr = lastChild.getPsi();
PsiElement exprItem = expr.getFirstChild();
boolean found = false;
while (exprItem != null) { // find a worthy element to align to
if (exprItem instanceof PyElement) {
found = true; // align to foo in "[foo,"
if (exprItem instanceof PsiComment) {
found = true; // align to foo in "[ # foo,"
exprItem = exprItem.getNextSibling();
if (found) {
PsiDocumentManager docMgr = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(exprItem.getProject());
Document doc = docMgr.getDocument(exprItem.getContainingFile());
if (doc != null) {
int line_num = doc.getLineNumber(exprItem.getTextOffset());
int item_col = exprItem.getTextOffset() - doc.getLineStartOffset(line_num);
PsiElement here_elt = getNode().getPsi();
line_num = doc.getLineNumber(here_elt.getTextOffset());
int node_col = here_elt.getTextOffset() - doc.getLineStartOffset(line_num);
int padding = item_col - node_col;
if (padding > 0) { // negative is a syntax error, but possible
return Indent.getSpaceIndent(padding);
return Indent.getContinuationIndent(); // a fallback
if (afterNode != null && afterNode.getElementType() == PyElementTypes.KEY_VALUE_EXPRESSION) {
PyKeyValueExpression keyValue = (PyKeyValueExpression)afterNode.getPsi();
if (keyValue != null && keyValue.getValue() == null) { // incomplete
return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
// constructs that imply indent for their children
if (_node.getElementType().equals(PyElementTypes.PARAMETER_LIST)) {
return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
if (ourListElementTypes.contains(_node.getElementType()) || _node.getPsi() instanceof PyStatementPart) {
return Indent.getNormalIndent();
if (afterNode != null) {
ASTNode wsAfter = afterNode.getTreeNext();
while (wsAfter != null && wsAfter.getElementType() == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE) {
if (wsAfter.getText().indexOf('\\') >= 0) {
return Indent.getNormalIndent();
wsAfter = wsAfter.getTreeNext();
return Indent.getNoneIndent();
private ASTNode getAfterNode(int newChildIndex) {
if (newChildIndex == 0) { // block text contains backslash line wrappings, child block list not built
return null;
int prevIndex = newChildIndex - 1;
while (prevIndex > 0 && _subBlocks.get(prevIndex).getNode().getElementType() == PyTokenTypes.END_OF_LINE_COMMENT) {
PyBlock insertAfterBlock = _subBlocks.get(prevIndex);
return insertAfterBlock.getNode();
private static ASTNode getLastNonSpaceChild(ASTNode node, boolean acceptError) {
ASTNode lastChild = node.getLastChildNode();
while (lastChild != null &&
(lastChild.getElementType() == TokenType.WHITE_SPACE || (!acceptError && lastChild.getPsi() instanceof PsiErrorElement))) {
lastChild = lastChild.getTreePrev();
return lastChild;
public boolean isIncomplete() {
// if there's something following us, we're not incomplete
if (!PsiTreeUtil.hasErrorElements(_node.getPsi())) {
PsiElement element = _node.getPsi().getNextSibling();
while (element instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) {
element = element.getNextSibling();
if (element != null) {
return false;
ASTNode lastChild = getLastNonSpaceChild(_node, false);
if (lastChild != null) {
if (lastChild.getElementType() == PyElementTypes.STATEMENT_LIST) {
// only multiline statement lists are considered incomplete
ASTNode statementListPrev = lastChild.getTreePrev();
if (statementListPrev != null && statementListPrev.getText().indexOf('\n') >= 0) {
return true;
if (lastChild.getElementType() == PyElementTypes.BINARY_EXPRESSION) {
PyBinaryExpression binaryExpression = (PyBinaryExpression)lastChild.getPsi();
if (binaryExpression.getRightExpression() == null) {
return true;
if (isIncompleteCall(lastChild)) return true;
if (_node.getPsi() instanceof PyArgumentList) {
final PyArgumentList argumentList = (PyArgumentList)_node.getPsi();
return argumentList.getClosingParen() == null;
if (isIncompleteCall(_node)) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isIncompleteCall(ASTNode node) {
if (node.getElementType() == PyElementTypes.CALL_EXPRESSION) {
PyCallExpression callExpression = (PyCallExpression)node.getPsi();
PyArgumentList argumentList = callExpression.getArgumentList();
if (argumentList == null || argumentList.getClosingParen() == null) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isLeaf() {
return _node.getFirstChildNode() == null;