blob: 5aec4444193bc7dac0a55b530519563a22453197 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jetbrains.python;
import com.intellij.codeInsight.CodeInsightBundle;
import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.LookupElement;
import com.intellij.lang.parameterInfo.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile;
import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil;
import com.intellij.util.text.CharArrayUtil;
import com.intellij.xml.util.XmlStringUtil;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.*;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.impl.ParamHelper;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.resolve.PyResolveContext;
import com.jetbrains.python.psi.types.TypeEvalContext;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.*;
import static com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyCallExpression.PyMarkedCallee;
* @author dcheryasov
public class PyParameterInfoHandler implements ParameterInfoHandler<PyArgumentList, CallArgumentsMapping> {
private static final String NO_PARAMS_MSG = CodeInsightBundle.message("");
public boolean couldShowInLookup() {
return true;
public Object[] getParametersForLookup(final LookupElement item, final ParameterInfoContext context) {
return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY; // we don't
public Object[] getParametersForDocumentation(final CallArgumentsMapping p, final ParameterInfoContext context) {
return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY; // we don't
public PyArgumentList findElementForParameterInfo(@NotNull final CreateParameterInfoContext context) {
PyArgumentList arglist = findArgumentList(context);
if (arglist != null) {
final TypeEvalContext typeEvalContext = TypeEvalContext.userInitiated(arglist.getContainingFile());
final PyResolveContext resolveContext = PyResolveContext.noImplicits().withTypeEvalContext(typeEvalContext);
CallArgumentsMapping result = arglist.analyzeCall(resolveContext);
if (result.getMarkedCallee() != null) {
context.setItemsToShow(new Object[] { result });
return arglist;
return null;
private static PyArgumentList findArgumentList(final ParameterInfoContext context) {
return ParameterInfoUtils.findParentOfType(context.getFile(), context.getOffset(), PyArgumentList.class);
public void showParameterInfo(@NotNull final PyArgumentList element, @NotNull final CreateParameterInfoContext context) {
context.showHint(element, element.getTextOffset(), this);
public PyArgumentList findElementForUpdatingParameterInfo(@NotNull final UpdateParameterInfoContext context) {
return findArgumentList(context);
<b>Note: instead of parameter index, we directly store parameter's offset for later use.</b><br/>
We cannot store an index since we cannot determine what is an argument until we actually map arguments to parameters.
This is because a tuple in arguments may be a whole argument or map to a tuple parameter.
public void updateParameterInfo(@NotNull final PyArgumentList arglist, @NotNull final UpdateParameterInfoContext context) {
if (context.getParameterOwner() != arglist) {
// align offset to nearest expression; context may point to a space, etc.
List<PyExpression> flat_args = PyUtil.flattenedParensAndLists(arglist.getArguments());
int alleged_cursor_offset = context.getOffset(); // this is already shifted backwards to skip spaces
final TextRange argListTextRange = arglist.getTextRange();
if (!argListTextRange.contains(alleged_cursor_offset) && arglist.getText().endsWith(")")) {
PsiFile file = context.getFile();
CharSequence chars = file.getViewProvider().getContents();
int offset = -1;
for (PyExpression arg : flat_args) {
TextRange range = arg.getTextRange();
// widen the range to include all whitespace around the arg
int left = CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward(chars, range.getStartOffset()-1, " \t\r\n");
int right = CharArrayUtil.shiftForwardCarefully(chars, range.getEndOffset(), " \t\r\n");
if (arg.getParent() instanceof PyListLiteralExpression || arg.getParent() instanceof PyTupleExpression) {
right = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(chars, range.getEndOffset(), " \t\r\n])");
if (left <= alleged_cursor_offset && right >= alleged_cursor_offset) {
offset = range.getStartOffset();
public String getParameterCloseChars() {
return ",()"; // lpar may mean a nested tuple param, so it's included
public boolean tracksParameterIndex() {
return false;
public void updateUI(final CallArgumentsMapping prevResult, @NotNull final ParameterInfoUIContext context) {
if (prevResult == null) return;
final PyArgumentList argList = prevResult.getArgumentList();
if (!argList.isValid()) return;
// really we need to redo analysis every UI update; findElementForParameterInfo isn't called while typing
final TypeEvalContext typeEvalContext = TypeEvalContext.userInitiated(argList.getContainingFile());
final PyResolveContext resolveContext = PyResolveContext.noImplicits().withTypeEvalContext(typeEvalContext);
final CallArgumentsMapping argumentsMapping = argList.analyzeCall(resolveContext);
final PyMarkedCallee marked = argumentsMapping.getMarkedCallee();
if (marked == null) return; // resolution failed
final Callable callable = marked.getCallable();
final List<PyParameter> parameterList = PyUtil.getParameters(callable, typeEvalContext);
final List<PyNamedParameter> namedParameters = new ArrayList<PyNamedParameter>(parameterList.size());
// param -> hint index. indexes are not contiguous, because some hints are parentheses.
final Map<PyNamedParameter, Integer> parameterToIndex = new HashMap<PyNamedParameter, Integer>();
// formatting of hints: hint index -> flags. this includes flags for parens.
final Map<Integer, EnumSet<ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag>> hintFlags = new HashMap<Integer, EnumSet<ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag>>();
final List<String> hintsList = buildParameterListHint(parameterList, namedParameters, parameterToIndex, hintFlags);
final int currentParamOffset = context.getCurrentParameterIndex(); // in Python mode, we get an offset here, not an index!
// gray out enough first parameters as implicit (self, cls, ...)
for (int i=0; i < marked.getImplicitOffset(); i += 1) {
hintFlags.get(parameterToIndex.get(namedParameters.get(i))).add(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.DISABLE); // show but mark as absent
final List<PyExpression> flattenedArgs = PyUtil.flattenedParensAndLists(argList.getArguments());
int lastParamIndex = collectHighlights(argumentsMapping, parameterList, parameterToIndex, hintFlags, flattenedArgs, currentParamOffset);
highlightNext(marked, parameterList, namedParameters, parameterToIndex, hintFlags, flattenedArgs.isEmpty(), lastParamIndex);
String[] hints = ArrayUtil.toStringArray(hintsList);
if (context instanceof ParameterInfoUIContextEx) {
final ParameterInfoUIContextEx pic = (ParameterInfoUIContextEx)context;
EnumSet[] flags = new EnumSet[hintFlags.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < flags.length; i += 1) flags[i] = hintFlags.get(i);
if (hints.length < 1) {
hints = new String[]{NO_PARAMS_MSG};
flags = new EnumSet[]{EnumSet.of(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.DISABLE)};
//noinspection unchecked
pic.setupUIComponentPresentation(hints, flags, context.getDefaultParameterColor());
else { // fallback, no highlight
StringBuilder signatureBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (hints.length > 1) {
for (String s : hints) signatureBuilder.append(s);
else {
signatureBuilder.toString(), -1, 0, false, false, false, context.getDefaultParameterColor()
private static void highlightNext(@NotNull final PyMarkedCallee marked,
@NotNull final List<PyParameter> parameterList,
@NotNull final List<PyNamedParameter> namedParameters,
@NotNull final Map<PyNamedParameter, Integer> parameterToIndex,
@NotNull final Map<Integer, EnumSet<ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag>> hintFlags,
boolean isArgsEmpty, int lastParamIndex) {
boolean canOfferNext = true; // can we highlight next unfilled parameter
for (EnumSet<ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag> set : hintFlags.values()) {
if (set.contains(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.HIGHLIGHT))
canOfferNext = false;
// highlight the next parameter to be filled
if (canOfferNext) {
int highlightIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // initially beyond reason = no highlight
if (isArgsEmpty) {
highlightIndex = marked.getImplicitOffset(); // no args, highlight first (PY-3690)
else if (lastParamIndex < parameterList.size() - 1) { // lastParamIndex not at end, or no args
if (namedParameters.get(lastParamIndex).isPositionalContainer()) {
highlightIndex = lastParamIndex; // stick to *arg
else {
highlightIndex = lastParamIndex + 1; // highlight next
else if (lastParamIndex == parameterList.size() - 1) { // we're right after the end of param list
if (namedParameters.get(lastParamIndex).isPositionalContainer() || namedParameters.get(lastParamIndex).isKeywordContainer()) {
highlightIndex = lastParamIndex; // stick to *arg
if (highlightIndex < namedParameters.size()) {
* match params to available args, highlight current param(s)
* @return index of last parameter
private static int collectHighlights(@NotNull final CallArgumentsMapping argumentsMapping,
@NotNull final List<PyParameter> parameterList,
@NotNull final Map<PyNamedParameter, Integer> parameterToIndex,
@NotNull final Map<Integer, EnumSet<ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag>> hintFlags,
@NotNull final List<PyExpression> flatArgs, int currentParamOffset) {
final PyMarkedCallee callee = argumentsMapping.getMarkedCallee();
assert callee != null;
int lastParamIndex = callee.getImplicitOffset();
for (PyExpression arg : flatArgs) {
final boolean mustHighlight = arg.getTextRange().contains(currentParamOffset);
PsiElement seeker = arg;
while (!(seeker instanceof PyArgumentList) && seeker instanceof PyExpression && !argumentsMapping.getPlainMappedParams().containsKey(seeker)) {
seeker = seeker.getParent(); // flattener may have flattened a tuple arg that is mapped to a plain param; find it.
if (seeker instanceof PyExpression) {
final PyNamedParameter parameter = argumentsMapping.getPlainMappedParams().get((PyExpression)seeker);
lastParamIndex = Math.max(lastParamIndex, parameterList.indexOf(parameter));
if (parameter != null) {
highlightParameter(parameter, parameterToIndex, hintFlags, mustHighlight);
else if (arg == argumentsMapping.getTupleArg()) {
// mark all params that map to *arg
for (PyNamedParameter parameter : argumentsMapping.getTupleMappedParams()) {
lastParamIndex = Math.max(lastParamIndex, parameterList.indexOf(parameter));
highlightParameter(parameter, parameterToIndex, hintFlags, mustHighlight);
else if (arg == argumentsMapping.getKwdArg()) {
// mark all n_params that map to **arg
for (PyNamedParameter parameter : argumentsMapping.getKwdMappedParams()) {
lastParamIndex = Math.max(lastParamIndex, parameterList.indexOf(parameter));
highlightParameter(parameter, parameterToIndex, hintFlags, mustHighlight);
else {
// maybe it's mapped to a nested tuple?
final List<PyNamedParameter> namedParameters = argumentsMapping.getNestedMappedParams().get(arg);
if (namedParameters != null) {
for (PyNamedParameter parameter : namedParameters) {
lastParamIndex = Math.max(lastParamIndex, parameterList.indexOf(parameter));
highlightParameter(parameter, parameterToIndex, hintFlags, mustHighlight);
// else: stay unhighlighted
return lastParamIndex;
private static void highlightParameter(@NotNull final PyNamedParameter parameter,
@NotNull final Map<PyNamedParameter, Integer> parameterToIndex,
@NotNull final Map<Integer, EnumSet<ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag>> hintFlags,
boolean mustHighlight) {
final Integer parameterIndex = parameterToIndex.get(parameter);
if (mustHighlight && parameterIndex != null && parameterIndex < hintFlags.size()) {
* builds the textual picture and the list of named parameters
* @param parameters parameters of a callable
* @param namedParameters used to collect all named parameters of callable
* @param parameterToIndex used to collect info about parameter indexes
* @param hintFlags mark parameter as deprecated/highlighted/strikeout
private static List<String> buildParameterListHint(@NotNull List<PyParameter> parameters,
@NotNull final List<PyNamedParameter> namedParameters,
@NotNull final Map<PyNamedParameter, Integer> parameterToIndex,
@NotNull final Map<Integer, EnumSet<ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag>> hintFlags) {
final List<String> hintsList = new ArrayList<String>();
parameters.toArray(new PyParameter[parameters.size()]),
new ParamHelper.ParamWalker() {
public void enterTupleParameter(PyTupleParameter param, boolean first, boolean last) {
hintFlags.put(hintsList.size(), EnumSet.noneOf(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.class));
public void leaveTupleParameter(PyTupleParameter param, boolean first, boolean last) {
hintFlags.put(hintsList.size(), EnumSet.noneOf(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.class));
hintsList.add(last ? ")" : "), ");
public void visitNamedParameter(PyNamedParameter param, boolean first, boolean last) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (!last) stringBuilder.append(", ");
int hintIndex = hintsList.size();
parameterToIndex.put(param, hintIndex);
hintFlags.put(hintIndex, EnumSet.noneOf(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.class));
public void visitSingleStarParameter(PySingleStarParameter param, boolean first, boolean last) {
hintFlags.put(hintsList.size(), EnumSet.noneOf(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.class));
hintsList.add(last ? "*" : "*, ");
return hintsList;