blob: 47a771532ca9ff1d3054d4d5b50575114ead4acf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2012 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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package org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.resolve
import com.intellij.codeInsight.generation.OverrideImplementUtil
import com.intellij.psi.PsiMethod
import com.intellij.psi.PsiMirrorElement
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.GroovyFile
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.expressions.GrMethodCall
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.util.TestUtils
* @author Max Medvedev
class DelegateTest extends GroovyResolveTestCase {
protected String getBasePath() {
return "${TestUtils.testDataPath}resolve/delegate/";
private PsiMirrorElement doTest(String text) {
def ref = configureByText(text)
def resolved = ref.resolve()
assertNotNull resolved
assertInstanceOf resolved, PsiMirrorElement
return resolved as PsiMirrorElement
void testSimple() {
class A {
def foo(){}
class B {
@Delegate A a
new B().fo<caret>o()
void testInheritance() {
class Base {
def foo(){}
class A extends Base {}
class B {
@Delegate A a
new B().fo<caret>o()
void testSelectFirst1() {
def resolved = doTest('''
class A1 {
def foo(){}
class A2 {
def foo(){}
class B {
@Delegate A1 a1
@Delegate A2 a2
new B().fo<caret>o()
def prototype = resolved.prototype as PsiMethod
def cc = prototype.containingClass
assertEquals 'A1',
void testSelectFirst2() {
def resolved = doTest('''
class A1 {
def foo(){}
class A2 {
def foo(){}
class B {
@Delegate A2 a2
@Delegate A1 a1
new B().fo<caret>o()
def prototype = resolved.prototype as PsiMethod
def cc = prototype.containingClass
assertEquals 'A2',
void testSubstitutor1() {
def resolved = doTest('''
class Base<T> {
def foo(T t){}
class A<T> extends Base<List<T>> {
class B {
@Delegate A<String> a2
new B().fo<caret>o([''])
assertInstanceOf(resolved, PsiMethod)
def parameters = (resolved as PsiMethod).parameterList.parameters
assertEquals 'java.util.List<java.lang.String>', parameters[0].type.canonicalText
void testCycle() {
def file = myFixture.configureByText('a.groovy', '''
class A {
def foo() {}
@Delegate C c
class B {
def test() {}
@Delegate A a
class C {
def bar(){}
@Delegate B b
new A().foo()
new B().foo()
new C().foo()
new A().bar()
new B().bar()
new C().bar()
new A().test()
new B().test()
new C().test()
''') as GroovyFile
file.statements.each {
def method = (it as GrMethodCall).resolveMethod()
assertNotNull method
void testJavaDelegate() {
myFixture.addFileToProject('', '''
class Base {
public void foo(){}
class A extends Base{}
class B {
@Delegate A a
new B().fo<caret>o()''')
void testInheritanceCycle() {
def file = myFixture.configureByText('a.groovy', '''
class Base {
@Delegate A a
class A extends Base {
void foo(){}
new Base().foo()
new A().foo()''') as GroovyFile
file.statements.each {
assertNotNull((it as GrMethodCall).resolveMethod())
void testCompoundHierarchy() {
myFixture.addFileToProject('', '''\
public interface Foo {
String getA();
String getB();
myFixture.addFileToProject('', '''\
public abstract class Bar implements Foo {
public String getA() {
return null;
public String getB() {
return null;
myFixture.addFileToProject('', '''
public class FooBar extends Bar implements Foo {
assertAllMethodsImplemented('Baz.groovy', '''\
class Baz {
@Delegate(deprecated = true)
FooBar bare
private void assertAllMethodsImplemented(String fileName, String text) {
def file = myFixture.configureByText(fileName, text) as GroovyFile
final clazz = file.classes[0]
assertEmpty OverrideImplementUtil.getMethodSignaturesToImplement(clazz)
void testDeprecatedFalse() {
myFixture.addFileToProject('Foo.groovy', '''\
interface Foo {
void foo()
assertAllMethodsImplemented('text.groovy', '''\
class FooImpl implements Foo {
@Delegate(deprecated = false) Foo delegate