blob: 40a2b88cfa3e1cfbbea157f827867eb9725576c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package com.intellij.util.diff;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref;
import com.intellij.util.ThreeState;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* @author max
public class DiffTreeTest extends TestCase {
private static class Node {
private final Node[] myChildren;
int myId;
public Node(final int id, Node... children) {
myChildren = children;
myId = id;
public int hashCode() {
return myId + myChildren.length; // This is intentionally bad hashcode
public Node[] getChildren() {
return myChildren;
public int getId() {
return myId;
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(myId);
private static class TreeStructure implements FlyweightCapableTreeStructure<Node> {
private final Node myRoot;
public TreeStructure(final Node root) {
myRoot = root;
public Node getRoot() {
return myRoot;
public Node getParent(@NotNull final Node node) {
return null;
public Node prepareForGetChildren(@NotNull final Node node) {
return node;
public int getChildren(@NotNull final Node node, @NotNull final Ref<Node[]> into) {
return into.get().length;
public void disposeChildren(final Node[] nodes, final int count) {
private static class NodeComparator implements ShallowNodeComparator<Node, Node> {
public ThreeState deepEqual(final Node node, final Node node1) {
return ThreeState.UNSURE;
public boolean typesEqual(final Node node, final Node node1) {
return node.getId() == node1.getId();
public boolean hashCodesEqual(final Node node, final Node node1) {
return node.hashCode() == node1.hashCode();
public static class DiffBuilder implements DiffTreeChangeBuilder<Node, Node> {
private final List<String> myResults = new ArrayList<String>();
public void nodeReplaced(@NotNull final Node oldNode, @NotNull final Node newNode) {
myResults.add("REPLACED: " + oldNode + " to " + newNode);
public void nodeDeleted(@NotNull final Node parent, @NotNull final Node child) {
myResults.add("DELETED from " + parent + ": " + child);
public void nodeInserted(@NotNull final Node oldParent, @NotNull final Node node, final int pos) {
myResults.add("INSERTED to " + oldParent + ": " + node + " at " + pos);
public List<String> getEvents() {
return myResults;
public void testEmptyEqualRoots() throws Exception {
Node r1 = new Node(0);
Node r2 = new Node(0);
final String expected = "";
performTest(r1, r2, expected);
public void testSingleChildEqualRoots() throws Exception {
Node r1 = new Node(0, new Node(1));
Node r2 = new Node(0, new Node(1));
final String expected = "";
performTest(r1, r2, expected);
public void testTheOnlyChildRemoved() throws Exception {
Node r1 = new Node(0, new Node(1));
Node r2 = new Node(0);
String expected = "DELETED from 0: 1";
performTest(r1, r2, expected);
public void testTheOnlyChildAdded() throws Exception {
Node r1 = new Node(0);
Node r2 = new Node(0, new Node(1));
String expected = "INSERTED to 0: 1 at 0";
performTest(r1, r2, expected);
public void testTheOnlyChildReplaced() throws Exception {
Node r1 = new Node(0, new Node(1));
Node r2 = new Node(0, new Node(2));
String expected = "REPLACED: 1 to 2";
performTest(r1, r2, expected);
public void testInsertedIntoTheMiddle() throws Exception {
Node r1 = new Node(0, new Node(1, new Node(21), new Node(23)));
Node r2 = new Node(0, new Node(1, new Node(21), new Node(22), new Node(23)));
String expected = "INSERTED to 1: 22 at 1";
performTest(r1, r2, expected);
public void testInsertedFirst() throws Exception {
Node r1 = new Node(0, new Node(1, new Node(22), new Node(23)));
Node r2 = new Node(0, new Node(1, new Node(21), new Node(22), new Node(23)));
String expected = "INSERTED to 1: 21 at 0";
performTest(r1, r2, expected);
public void testInsertedLast() throws Exception {
Node r1 = new Node(0, new Node(1, new Node(21), new Node(22)));
Node r2 = new Node(0, new Node(1, new Node(21), new Node(22), new Node(23)));
String expected = "INSERTED to 1: 23 at 2";
performTest(r1, r2, expected);
public void testInsertedTwoLast() throws Exception {
Node r1 = new Node(0, new Node(1, new Node(21), new Node(22)));
Node r2 = new Node(0, new Node(1, new Node(21), new Node(22), new Node(23), new Node(24)));
performTest(r1, r2, "INSERTED to 1: 23 at 2", "INSERTED to 1: 24 at 3");
public void testSubtreeAppears() throws Exception {
Node r1 = new Node(0, new Node(1, new Node(21), new Node(22), new Node(23)));
Node r2 = new Node(0, new Node(1, new Node(21), new Node(22, new Node(221)), new Node(23)));
performTest(r1, r2, "INSERTED to 22: 221 at 0");
public void testSubtreeChanges() throws Exception {
Node r1 = new Node(0, new Node(1, new Node(21), new Node(22, new Node(221)), new Node(23)));
Node r2 = new Node(0, new Node(1, new Node(21), new Node(250, new Node(222)), new Node(23)));
performTest(r1, r2, "REPLACED: 22 to 250");
private static void performTest(final Node r1, final Node r2, final String... expected) {
final DiffBuilder result = new DiffBuilder();
DiffTree.diff(new TreeStructure(r1), new TreeStructure(r2), new NodeComparator(), result);
final List<String> expectedList = Arrays.asList(expected);
final List<String> actual = result.getEvents();
if (!expectedList.isEmpty() && !actual.isEmpty()) {
assertEquals(expectedList, actual);