blob: 101e30e0651ab3dcac858072073f50d5ff34b888 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.softwrap.mapping;
import com.intellij.codeInsight.folding.CodeFoldingManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.AbstractEditorTest;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.SoftWrapModelImpl;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.TextAttributes;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref;
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CommonCodeStyleSettings;
import com.intellij.testFramework.EditorTestUtil;
import com.intellij.testFramework.TestFileType;
import gnu.trove.TIntHashSet;
import gnu.trove.TIntProcedure;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* @author Denis Zhdanov
* @since 09/16/2010
public class SoftWrapApplianceOnDocumentModificationTest extends AbstractEditorTest {
private boolean mySmartHome;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
if (myEditor == null) {
EditorSettings settings = myEditor.getSettings();
mySmartHome = settings.isSmartHome();
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
if (myEditor != null) {
EditorSettings settings = myEditor.getSettings();
public void testSoftWrapAdditionOnTyping() throws Exception {
String text =
"this is a test string that is expected to end just before right margin<caret>";
init(100, text);
int offset = myEditor.getDocument().getTextLength() + 1;
type(" thisisalongtokenthatisnotexpectedtobebrokenintopartsduringsoftwrapping");
SoftWrap softWrap = myEditor.getSoftWrapModel().getSoftWrap(offset);
// This test fails randomly at TeamCity. The logging below is intended to help analyzing the problem.
if (softWrap == null) {
"Expected soft wrap to be located on offset %d. Actual: %s. Document text: %s",
offset, getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps(), myEditor.getDocument().getCharsSequence()
public void testLongLineOfIdSymbolsIsNotSoftWrapped() throws Exception {
String text =
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<caret>\n" +
"123\n" +
init(15, text);
int offset = myEditor.getDocument().getText().indexOf("\n");
type(" test");
assertEquals(1, getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps().size());
public void testFoldRegionCollapsing() throws Exception {
String text =
"class Test {\n" +
" public void foo() {\n" +
" System.out.println(\"test\");\n" +
" }\n" +
init(40, text);
final FoldingModel foldingModel = myEditor.getFoldingModel();
final int startOffset = text.indexOf('{');
final int endOffset = text.indexOf('}') + 1;
VisualPosition foldStartPosition = myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(startOffset);
addFoldRegion(startOffset, endOffset, "...");
final FoldRegion foldRegion = getFoldRegion(startOffset);
toggleFoldRegionState(foldRegion, false);
// Expecting that all offsets that belong to collapsed fold region point to the region's start.
assertEquals(foldStartPosition, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(startOffset + 5));
public void testTypingEnterAtDocumentEnd() throws IOException {
String text =
"class Test {\n" +
" public void foo() {\n" +
" System.out.println(\"test\");\n" +
" }\n" +
init(40, text);
VisualPosition position = myEditor.getCaretModel().getVisualPosition();
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(5, 0), position);
public void testDeleteDocumentTail() throws IOException {
String text =
"class Test {\n" +
" public void foo() {\n" +
" System.out.println(\"test\");\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
init(40, text);
int offset = text.indexOf("abcde");
myEditor.getSelectionModel().setSelection(offset, text.length());
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(5, 0), myEditor.getCaretModel().getVisualPosition());
public void testTypingTabOnLastEmptyLine() throws IOException {
String text =
"class Test {\n" +
"}\n" +
init(40, text);
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(2, 4), myEditor.getCaretModel().getVisualPosition());
public void testTypingThatExceedsRightMarginOnLastSoftWrappedLine() throws IOException {
String text =
"line1\n" +
"long line<caret>";
init(48, text, 7);
int softWrapsBefore = getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps().size();
assertTrue(softWrapsBefore > 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
assertEquals(softWrapsBefore, getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps().size());
assertEquals(myEditor.getDocument().getTextLength(), myEditor.getCaretModel().getOffset());
public void testTrailingFoldRegionRemoval() throws IOException {
String text =
"public class BrokenAlignment {\n" +
" @SuppressWarnings({ \"SomeInspectionIWantToIgnore\" })\n" +
" public void doSomething(int x, int y) {\n" +
" }\n" +
init(100, text);
int startFoldOffset = text.indexOf('@');
int endFoldOffset = text.indexOf(')');
addCollapsedFoldRegion(startFoldOffset, endFoldOffset, "/SomeInspectionIWantToIgnore/");
int endSelectionOffset = text.lastIndexOf("}\n") + 1;
myEditor.getSelectionModel().setSelection(startFoldOffset, endSelectionOffset);
// Don't expect any exceptions here.
public void testTypeNewLastLineAndSymbolOnIt() throws IOException {
// Inspired by IDEA-59439
String text =
"This is a test document\n" +
"line1\n" +
"line2\n" +
"line3\n" +
"line4\n" +
"line5\n" +
init(100, text);
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(7, 1), myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(myEditor.getDocument().getTextLength()));
public void testTrailingSoftWrapOffsetShiftOnTyping() throws IOException {
// The main idea is to type on a logical line before soft wrap in order to ensure that its offset is correctly shifted back.
String text =
"line1<caret>\n" +
"second line that is long enough to be soft wrapped";
init(15, text);
TIntHashSet offsetsBefore = collectSoftWrapStartOffsets(1);
final TIntHashSet offsetsAfter = collectSoftWrapStartOffsets(1);
assertSame(offsetsBefore.size(), offsetsAfter.size());
offsetsBefore.forEach(new TIntProcedure() {
public boolean execute(int value) {
assertTrue(offsetsAfter.contains(value + 1));
return true;
public void testSoftWrapAwareMappingAfterLeadingFoldRegionCollapsing() throws IOException {
String text =
"line to fold 1\n" +
"line to fold 2\n" +
"line to fold 3\n" +
"ordinary line 1\n" +
"ordinary line 2\n" +
"ordinary line 3\n" +
"ordinary line 4\n" +
"line that is long enough to be soft wrapped\n" +
"ordinary line 5\n" +
"ordinary line 6\n" +
"ordinary line 7\n" +
"ordinary line 8\n";
init(30, text);
LogicalPosition position = myEditor.visualToLogicalPosition(new VisualPosition(8, 0));
assertSame(7, position.line); // Position from soft-wrapped part of the line
addCollapsedFoldRegion(0, text.indexOf("ordinary line 1") - 1, "...");
assertSame(7, myEditor.visualToLogicalPosition(new VisualPosition(6, 0)).line); // Check that soft wraps cache is correctly updated
public void testCaretPositionOnFoldRegionExpand() throws IOException {
// We had a problem that caret preserved its visual position instead of offset. This test checks that.
String text =
"/**\n" +
" * This is a test comment\n" +
" */\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
init(100, text);
addCollapsedFoldRegion(0, text.indexOf("public") - 1, "/**...*/");
int offset = text.indexOf("class");
CaretModel caretModel = myEditor.getCaretModel();
assertEquals(offset, caretModel.getOffset());
assertEquals(1, caretModel.getVisualPosition().line);
toggleFoldRegionState(getFoldRegion(0), true);
assertEquals(3, caretModel.getVisualPosition().line);
assertEquals(offset, caretModel.getOffset());
public void testBackspaceAtTheEndOfSoftWrappedLine() throws IOException {
// There was a problem that removing text from the last document line that was soft-wrapped removed soft wraps as well.
String text =
"This a long string that is expected to be wrapped in more than one visual line<caret>";
init(20, text);
List<SoftWrap> softWrapsBeforeModification = new ArrayList<SoftWrap>(getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps());
assertTrue(softWrapsBeforeModification.size() > 0);
assertEquals(softWrapsBeforeModification, getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps());
public void testRemoveOfAllSymbolsFromLastLine() throws IOException {
// There was a problem that removing all text from the last document line corrupted soft wraps cache.
String text =
"Line1\n" +
"Long line2 that is expected to be soft-wrapped<caret>";
init(20, text);
List<SoftWrap> softWrapsBeforeModification = new ArrayList<SoftWrap>(getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps());
assertTrue(softWrapsBeforeModification.size() > 0);
int offset = myEditor.getCaretModel().getOffset();
VisualPosition positionBeforeModification = myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(offset);
myEditor.getSelectionModel().setSelection(offset + 1, myEditor.getDocument().getTextLength());
assertEquals(softWrapsBeforeModification, getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps());
assertEquals(positionBeforeModification, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(offset));
public void testTypingBeforeCollapsedFoldRegion() throws IOException {
// We had a problem that soft wraps cache entries that lay after the changed region were considered to be affected by the change.
// This test checks that situation.
String text =
"\n" +
"fold line1\n" +
"fold line2\n" +
"fold line3\n" +
"fold line4\n" +
"normal line1";
init(20, text);
int afterFoldOffset = text.indexOf("normal line1");
addCollapsedFoldRegion(text.indexOf("fold line1") + 2, afterFoldOffset - 1, "...");
VisualPosition beforeModification = myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(afterFoldOffset);
assertEquals(beforeModification, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(afterFoldOffset + 1));
public void testCollapsedFoldRegionPlaceholderThatExceedsVisibleWidth() throws IOException {
String text =
"line1\n" +
"line2\n" +
"line3\n" +
"line4\n" +
"line5\n" +
"this is long line that is expected to be soft-wrapped\n" +
init(15, text);
int offsetAfterSingleLineFoldRegion = text.indexOf("line2") - 1;
int lineAfterSingleLineFoldRegion = myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(offsetAfterSingleLineFoldRegion).line;
int offsetAfterMultiLineFoldRegion = text.indexOf("this") - 1;
int lineAfterMultiLineFoldRegion = myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(offsetAfterMultiLineFoldRegion).line;
int offsetAfterSoftWrap = text.indexOf("line6") - 1;
VisualPosition beforePositionAfterSoftWrap = myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(offsetAfterSoftWrap);
// Add single-line fold region which placeholder text is long enough to exceed visual area width.
addCollapsedFoldRegion(2, offsetAfterSingleLineFoldRegion, "this is a very long placeholder for the single-line fold region");
assertEquals(lineAfterSingleLineFoldRegion + 1, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(offsetAfterSingleLineFoldRegion).line);
assertEquals(lineAfterMultiLineFoldRegion + 1, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(offsetAfterMultiLineFoldRegion).line);
beforePositionAfterSoftWrap = new VisualPosition(beforePositionAfterSoftWrap.line + 1, beforePositionAfterSoftWrap.column);
assertEquals(beforePositionAfterSoftWrap, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(offsetAfterSoftWrap));
// Add multi-line fold region which placeholder is also long enough to exceed visual area width.
addCollapsedFoldRegion(text.indexOf("line2") + 2, offsetAfterMultiLineFoldRegion, "long enough placeholder for multi-line fold region");
assertEquals(lineAfterSingleLineFoldRegion, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(offsetAfterSingleLineFoldRegion).line);
assertEquals(lineAfterMultiLineFoldRegion - 2, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(offsetAfterMultiLineFoldRegion).line);
beforePositionAfterSoftWrap = new VisualPosition(beforePositionAfterSoftWrap.line - 2, beforePositionAfterSoftWrap.column);
assertEquals(beforePositionAfterSoftWrap, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(offsetAfterSoftWrap));
public void testInsertNewStringAndTypeOnItBeforeFoldRegion() throws IOException {
// There was incorrect processing of fold regions when document change was performed right before them.
String text =
"/**\n" +
" * comment\n" +
" */\n" +
"class Test {\n" +
init(100, text);
String placeholder = "/**...*/";
addCollapsedFoldRegion(0, text.indexOf("class") - 1, placeholder);
// Check that fold region info is still correct.
int foldStartOffset = myEditor.getDocument().getText().indexOf("/**");
int foldEndOffset = myEditor.getDocument().getText().indexOf("class") - 1;
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(1, 0), myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(foldStartOffset));
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(1, 0), myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition((foldStartOffset + foldEndOffset) / 2));
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(1, placeholder.length()), myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(foldEndOffset));
public void testUpdateFoldRegionDataOnTextRemoveBeforeIt() throws IOException {
String text =
"1\n" +
"/**\n" +
" * comment\n" +
" */\n" +
"class Test {\n" +
init(100, text);
String placeholder = "/**...*/";
addCollapsedFoldRegion(2, text.indexOf("class") - 1, placeholder);
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(1, placeholder.length()), myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(text.indexOf("class") - 2));
public void testRemoveCollapsedFoldRegionThatStartsLogicalLine() throws IOException {
// There was a problem that soft wraps cache updated on document modification didn't contain information about removed
// fold region but fold model still provided cached information about it.
String text =
"package org;\n" +
"\n" +
"@SuppressWarnings(\"all\")\n" +
"class Test {\n" +
init(100, text);
int startOffset = text.indexOf("@");
int endOffset = text.indexOf("class") - 1;
addCollapsedFoldRegion(startOffset, endOffset, "xxx");
// Delete collapsed fold region that starts logical line.
myEditor.getSelectionModel().setSelection(startOffset, endOffset);
assertEquals(startOffset, myEditor.logicalPositionToOffset(myEditor.visualToLogicalPosition(new VisualPosition(2, 0))));
public void testFoldRegionThatStartsAtLineEnd() throws IOException {
String text =
"line1\n" +
"line2\n" +
"line3\n" +
"line4\n" +
init(30, text, 7);
int start = text.indexOf("line3") - 1;
addCollapsedFoldRegion(start, text.length(), "...");
assertEquals(1, getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps().size());
assertEquals(start, getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps().get(0).getStart());
public void testHomeProcessing() throws IOException {
String text =
"class Test {\n" +
" public String s = \"this is a long string literal that is expected to be soft-wrapped into multiple visual lines\";\n" +
init(30, text);
myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(text.indexOf("}") - 1);
List<? extends SoftWrap> softWraps = new ArrayList<SoftWrap>(getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps());
CaretModel caretModel = myEditor.getCaretModel();
int expectedVisualLine = caretModel.getVisualPosition().line;
while (!softWraps.isEmpty()) {
SoftWrap softWrap = softWraps.get(softWraps.size() - 1);
int caretOffsetBefore = caretModel.getOffset();
// Expecting the caret to be moved at the nearest soft wrap start offset.
int caretOffset = caretModel.getOffset();
assertTrue(caretOffset < caretOffsetBefore);
assertEquals(softWrap.getStart(), caretOffset);
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(expectedVisualLine, softWrap.getIndentInColumns()), caretModel.getVisualPosition());
// Expected that caret is moved to visual line start when it's located on soft wrap start offset at the moment.
assertEquals(softWrap.getStart(), caretModel.getOffset());
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(expectedVisualLine, 0), caretModel.getVisualPosition());
softWraps.remove(softWraps.size() - 1);
// Expecting caret to be located on the first non-white space symbol of non-soft wrapped line.
assertEquals(text.indexOf("public"), caretModel.getOffset());
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(expectedVisualLine, text.indexOf("public") - text.indexOf("{\n") - 2), caretModel.getVisualPosition());
public void testEndProcessing() throws IOException {
String text =
"class Test {\n" +
" public String s = \"this is a long string literal that is expected to be soft-wrapped into multiple visual lines\"; \n" +
init(30, text);
myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(text.indexOf("\n") + 1);
List<? extends SoftWrap> softWraps = new ArrayList<SoftWrap>(getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps());
CaretModel caretModel = myEditor.getCaretModel();
int expectedVisualLine = caretModel.getVisualPosition().line;
while (!softWraps.isEmpty()) {
SoftWrap softWrap = softWraps.get(0);
int caretOffsetBefore = caretModel.getOffset();
// Expecting the caret to be moved at the last non-white space symbol on the current visual line.
int caretOffset = caretModel.getOffset();
assertTrue(caretOffset > caretOffsetBefore);
assertFalse(caretOffset > softWrap.getStart());
if (caretOffset < softWrap.getStart()) {
// There is a possible case that there are white space symbols between caret position applied on 'end' processing and
// soft wrap. Let's check that and emulate one more 'end' typing in order to move caret right before soft wrap.
for (int i = caretOffset; i < softWrap.getStart(); i++) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
assertTrue(c == ' ' || c == '\t');
caretOffsetBefore = caretOffset;
caretOffset = caretModel.getOffset();
assertTrue(caretOffset > caretOffsetBefore);
assertEquals(softWrap.getStart(), caretOffset);
new VisualPosition(expectedVisualLine, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(softWrap.getStart() - 1).column + 1),
// Check that caret is placed on a last non-white space symbol on current logical line.
int lastNonWhiteSpaceSymbolOffset = text.indexOf("\";") + 2;
assertEquals(lastNonWhiteSpaceSymbolOffset, caretModel.getOffset());
assertEquals(myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(lastNonWhiteSpaceSymbolOffset), caretModel.getVisualPosition());
assertEquals(expectedVisualLine, caretModel.getVisualPosition().line);
// Check that caret is place to the very end of the logical line.
int lastSymbolOffset = myEditor.getDocument().getLineEndOffset(caretModel.getLogicalPosition().line);
assertEquals(lastSymbolOffset, caretModel.getOffset());
assertEquals(myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(lastSymbolOffset), caretModel.getVisualPosition());
assertEquals(expectedVisualLine, caretModel.getVisualPosition().line);
public void testSoftWrapToHardWrapConversion() throws IOException {
String text =
"this is line 1\n" +
"this is line 2\n" +
"this is line 3\n" +
"this is line 4\n" +
"this is line 5";
init(50, text, 7);
VisualPosition changePosition = new VisualPosition(1, 0);
int logicalLinesBefore = myEditor.offsetToLogicalPosition(text.length()).line;
int offsetBefore = myEditor.getCaretModel().getOffset();
LogicalPosition logicalPositionBefore = myEditor.visualToLogicalPosition(changePosition);
assertEquals(1, logicalPositionBefore.softWrapLinesOnCurrentLogicalLine);
assertTrue(logicalPositionBefore.column > 0);
SoftWrap softWrap = getSoftWrapModel().getSoftWrap(offsetBefore);
LogicalPosition logicalPositionAfter = myEditor.visualToLogicalPosition(changePosition);
assertEquals(new LogicalPosition(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), logicalPositionAfter);
assertEquals(offsetBefore + softWrap.getText().length() + 1, myEditor.getCaretModel().getOffset());
assertEquals(logicalLinesBefore + 1, myEditor.offsetToLogicalPosition(text.length()).line);
//public void testPastingInsideSelection() throws IOException {
// String text =
// "this is line number 0\n" +
// "this is line number 1\n" +
// "this is line number 2\n" +
// "this is line number 3\n" +
// "this is line number 4\n" +
// "this is line number 5\n" +
// "this is line number 6\n" +
// "this is the last line";
// init(100, text);
// int lineToSelect = 4;
// myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(text.indexOf("number " + lineToSelect));
// Document document = myEditor.getDocument();
// int startOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(lineToSelect);
// int endOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(lineToSelect);
// myEditor.getSelectionModel().setSelection(startOffset, endOffset);
// VisualPosition positionBefore = myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(document.getLineStartOffset(lineToSelect + 1));
// List<SoftWrap> softWrapsBefore = new ArrayList<SoftWrap>(getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps());
// copy();
// paste();
// assertEquals(positionBefore, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(document.getLineStartOffset(lineToSelect + 1)));
// assertEquals(softWrapsBefore, getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps());
public void testRemoveHugeLogicalLineThatLaysBeforeSoftWrappedLines() throws IOException {
String text =
"short line\n" +
"this is a long line that is expected to be soft wrapped into more than one or even two visual lines\n" +
"1. just a line that is long enough to be soft wrapped\n" +
"2. just a line that is long enough to be soft wrapped\n" +
"3. just a line that is long enough to be soft wrapped\n" +
"4. just a line that is long enough to be soft wrapped";
init(15, text);
Document document = myEditor.getDocument();
int start = document.getLineStartOffset(1);
int end = document.getLineEndOffset(1) + 1;
int visualLinesToRemove = getSoftWrapModel().getSoftWrapsForLine(1).size() + 1;
List<VisualPosition> positionsBefore = new ArrayList<VisualPosition>();
for (int i = end; i < text.length(); i++) {
myEditor.getSelectionModel().setSelection(start, end);
// Check that all remembered positions are just shifted to expected number of visual lines.
for (int i = start; i < document.getTextLength(); i++) {
VisualPosition position = positionsBefore.remove(positionsBefore.size() - 1);
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(position.line - visualLinesToRemove, position.column), myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(i));
public void testVerticalCaretShiftOnLineComment() throws IOException {
String text =
"1. just a line that is long enough to be soft wrapped\n" +
"2. just a line that is long enough to be soft wrapped\n" +
"3. just a line that is long enough to be soft wrapped\n" +
"4. just a line that is long enough to be soft wrapped";
init(15, text);
CaretModel caretModel = myEditor.getCaretModel();
caretModel.moveToOffset(text.indexOf("2.") + 2);
assertEquals(myEditor.offsetToLogicalPosition(text.indexOf("3.") + 2), caretModel.getLogicalPosition());
private static TIntHashSet collectSoftWrapStartOffsets(int documentLine) {
TIntHashSet result = new TIntHashSet();
for (SoftWrap softWrap : myEditor.getSoftWrapModel().getSoftWrapsForLine(documentLine)) {
return result;
public void testNonSmartHome() throws IOException {
String text =
" this is a string that starts with white space and is long enough to be soft-wrapped\n" +
" this is a 'prefix' text before collapsed multi-line folding that is long enough to be soft-wrapped first fold line\n" +
"second fold line";
init(30, text);
addCollapsedFoldRegion(text.indexOf("first fold line"), text.length(), "...");
List<? extends SoftWrap> softWraps = getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps();
CaretModel caretModel = myEditor.getCaretModel();
SoftWrap softWrap = softWraps.get(0);
// Test non-smart home
caretModel.moveToOffset(softWrap.getStart() + 1);
int visLine = caretModel.getVisualPosition().line;
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(visLine, 0), caretModel.getVisualPosition());
visLine = caretModel.getVisualPosition().line;
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(visLine, 0), caretModel.getVisualPosition());
public void testFoldRegionsUpdate() throws IOException {
String text =
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Test {\n" +
init(40, text);
final int foldStartOffset = "import".length() + 1;
int foldEndOffset = text.indexOf("class") - 2;
addCollapsedFoldRegion(foldStartOffset, foldEndOffset, "...");
// Simulate addition of the new import that modifies existing fold region.
myEditor.getDocument().insertString(foldEndOffset, "\nimport java.util.Date;\n");
final FoldingModel foldingModel = myEditor.getFoldingModel();
foldingModel.runBatchFoldingOperation(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
FoldRegion oldFoldRegion = getFoldRegion(foldStartOffset);
int newFoldEndOffset = myEditor.getDocument().getText().indexOf("class") - 2;
FoldRegion newFoldRegion = foldingModel.addFoldRegion(foldStartOffset, newFoldEndOffset, "...");
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(2, 0), myEditor.logicalToVisualPosition(new LogicalPosition(5, 0)));
public void testModificationOfSoftWrappedFoldRegion() throws IOException {
String text =
"import java.util.List;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collection;import java.util.Collections;\n" +
"import java.util.LinkedList;\n" +
"import java.util.Set;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Test {\n" +
init(40, text);
final int foldStartOffset = text.indexOf("java.util.Collections");
final int foldEndOffset = text.indexOf("class") - 2;
addCollapsedFoldRegion(foldStartOffset, foldEndOffset, "...");
int modificationOffset = text.indexOf("java.util.Set");
myEditor.getDocument().insertString(modificationOffset, "import java.util.HashSet;\n");
// Used to get StackOverflowError here, hence, no additional checking is performed.
public void testLongSoftWrappedLineWithNonWrappedEndInTheMiddleOfDocument() throws IOException {
// Inspired by IDEA-70114
String text =
"111\n" +
"222\n" +
"33333333 33333333333333333333333333333333\n" +
init(15, text);
assertEquals(new LogicalPosition(3, 0), myEditor.visualToLogicalPosition(new VisualPosition(4, 0)));
public void testDeleteThatEndsOnLineWithMultiLineFoldRegion() throws IOException {
String text =
"111\n" +
"222\n" +
"333\n" +
"444 55\n" +
"666 77";
init(15, text);
int foldStart = text.indexOf("5");
int foldEnd = text.indexOf("7");
addCollapsedFoldRegion(foldStart, foldEnd, "...");
int selectionStart = text.indexOf("2");
int selectionEnd = text.indexOf("4");
getEditor().getSelectionModel().setSelection(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(1, 8), getEditor().offsetToVisualPosition(getEditor().getDocument().getTextLength() - 1));
public void testNoWrapAtFirstNonWsSymbolWithCustomIndent() throws IOException {
String text =
" 1111111111111111111111111111111";
init(10, text);
int textLength = getEditor().getDocument().getTextLength();
//Trigger soft wraps recalculation.
assertEquals(new LogicalPosition(0, textLength), myEditor.offsetToLogicalPosition(textLength));
// Don't expect soft wraps to be registered as there is no point in wrapping at the first non-white space symbol position
// in all cases when soft wrap is located at the left screen edge.
public void testLeadingTabWithShiftedWidth() throws IOException {
// Inspired by IDEA-76353. The point is that we need to consider cached information about tab symbols width during logical
// position to offset mapping
String text = "\t test";
init(15, text);
((EditorImpl)myEditor).setPrefixTextAndAttributes(" ", new TextAttributes());
public void testSoftWrapCacheReset() throws IOException {
// Inspired by IDEA-76537 - the point is to drop cached document info on complete soft wraps recalculation
String text =
"\t first line\n" +
"\t second line\n" +
"\t third line";
// Make soft wraps to build a document info cache.
init(40, text);
// Modify document while soft wraps processing is off.
final EditorSettings settings = getEditor().getSettings();
int startOffset = text.indexOf("\t third") - 1;
getEditor().getDocument().deleteString(startOffset, text.length());
// Enable soft wraps and ensure that the cache is correctly re-built.
type("\n test");
final int offset = getEditor().getDocument().getTextLength() - 1;
final LogicalPosition logicalPosition = getEditor().offsetToLogicalPosition(offset);
assertEquals(offset, getEditor().logicalPositionToOffset(logicalPosition));
final VisualPosition visualPosition = getEditor().offsetToVisualPosition(offset);
assertEquals(visualPosition, getEditor().logicalToVisualPosition(logicalPosition));
assertEquals(logicalPosition, getEditor().visualToLogicalPosition(visualPosition));
public void testSoftWrapsRecalculationOnTabWidthChange() throws IOException {
// Inspired by IDEA-78616 - the point is to recalculate soft wraps when tab width is changed.
String text =
"\t<caret> my text";
// Build soft wraps cache.
init(40, text);
VisualPosition caretPositionBefore = getEditor().getCaretModel().getVisualPosition();
// Change tab size.
final CommonCodeStyleSettings.IndentOptions indentOptions = getCurrentCodeStyleSettings().getIndentOptions();
new VisualPosition(caretPositionBefore.line, caretPositionBefore.column + 1),
public void testNoPreliminarySoftWrapAtLineEnd() throws IOException {
// We used to make soft wrap when the string was couple of visual columns before the right screen edge even if it could
// be completely shown.
init(37, "a b c", 7);
public void testNoPreliminarySoftWrapBeforeFoldingAtLineEnd() throws IOException {
final String text = "a b c test";
init(50, text, 7);
addCollapsedFoldRegion(text.indexOf("t"), text.length(), ".");
public void testMultiLineFoldRegionBeforeWrapPosition() throws IOException {
final String text =
"package org.denis;\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"public class BrokenAlignment {\n" +
"\n" +
" void method1(int a) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object method2(Object ... data) {\n" +
" return new Runnable() {\n" +
" public void run() {\n" +
" System.out.println();\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
init(511, text, TestFileType.JAVA, 10);
addCollapsedFoldRegion(text.indexOf("new Runnable"), text.indexOf("System"), "Runnable() { ");
int start = text.indexOf("System");
start = text.indexOf("\n", start);
int end = text.indexOf(';', start);
addCollapsedFoldRegion(start, end, " }");
final List<? extends SoftWrap> wraps = getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps();
assertEquals(1, wraps.size());
assertEquals(end, wraps.get(0).getStart());
assertEquals(myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(start), myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(start + 1));
assertEquals(myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(start).line, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(end - 1).line);
public void testEnsureBeforeSoftWrapSignIsVisible() throws IOException {
final String text = "a.b.c.d";
init(43, text, 7);
checkSoftWraps(text.indexOf('c') + 1);
public void testWrapAfterCollapsedFoldRegion() throws IOException {
final String text =
"this is a long text to fold more";
init(12, text);
int start = text.indexOf("long");
int end = text.indexOf("more");
addCollapsedFoldRegion(start, end, "placeholder which is long enough to be wrapped");
checkSoftWraps(start, end);
public void testFoldRegionWithLongPlaceholderText() throws IOException {
final String text =
"this is a string with(fold region), end)\n" +
"second string";
init(40, text);
int start = text.indexOf("fold");
int end = text.indexOf(',');
addCollapsedFoldRegion(start, end, "this is a really long fold region placeholder");
checkSoftWraps(start, end);
assertEquals(new VisualPosition(3, 0), myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(text.indexOf("second")));
public void testDeleteWhenCaretBeforeSoftWrap() throws IOException {
final String text =
"text 1234";
init(7, text);
final int offset = text.indexOf("123");
final CaretModel caretModel = myEditor.getCaretModel();
caretModel.moveCaretRelatively(-1, 0, false, false, false);
assertEquals(offset, caretModel.getOffset()); // Navigating from 'after soft wrap' to the 'before soft wrap' position.
assertEquals("text 234", myEditor.getDocument().getText());
public void testSelectionOfLineWithSoftWrapAndFoldRegion() throws IOException {
final String text =
"123\n" +
"fold line 1\n" +
"fold line 2 456";
init(6, text);
addCollapsedFoldRegion(2, text.indexOf("4"), "...");
assertEquals(text, myEditor.getSelectionModel().getSelectedText());
public void testCaretPositionAfterLineRemoval() throws IOException {
final String text =
"123456\n" +
"123456\n" +
"line towrapbecauseitislong\n" +
init(8, text);
final CaretModel caretModel = myEditor.getCaretModel();
final VisualPosition position = caretModel.getVisualPosition();
assertEquals(text.substring(0, text.indexOf("line")) + text.substring(text.indexOf('9')), myEditor.getDocument().getText());
assertEquals(position, caretModel.getVisualPosition());
public void testNoUnnecessaryHorizontalScrollBar() throws IOException {
// Inspired by IDEA-87184
final String text = "12345678 abcdefgh";
init(15, 7, text);
final Ref<Boolean> fail = new Ref<Boolean>(true);
SoftWrapApplianceManager applianceManager = ((SoftWrapModelImpl)myEditor.getSoftWrapModel()).getApplianceManager();
SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListener listener = new SoftWrapAwareDocumentParsingListenerAdapter() {
public void beforeSoftWrapLineFeed(@NotNull EditorPosition position) {
if (position.x == text.indexOf("a") * 7) {
try {
finally {
public void testCaretInsideFoldRegionOnCollapse() throws IOException {
// IDEA-89874
String text = "one two three";
init(30, text);
int foldStart = text.indexOf("two");
addFoldRegion(foldStart, foldStart + "two".length(), "...");
myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(foldStart + 1);
FoldRegion foldRegion = getFoldRegion(foldStart);
toggleFoldRegionState(foldRegion, false);
assertEquals(foldStart, myEditor.getCaretModel().getOffset());
public void testFoldRegionEndingAtLineStart() throws IOException {
init(100, "aaa\nbbb\nccc\nddd");
addCollapsedFoldRegion(4, 8, "...");
addCollapsedFoldRegion(13, 15, "...");
myEditor.getDocument().insertString(10, "C");
// verify that cached layout data is intact after document change and position recalculation is done correctly
assertEquals(new LogicalPosition(0, 0), myEditor.visualToLogicalPosition(new VisualPosition(0, 0)));
private void init(final int visibleWidthInColumns, @NotNull String fileText) throws IOException {
init(visibleWidthInColumns, 7, fileText);
private void init(final int visibleWidthInColumns, final int symbolWidthInPixels, @NotNull String fileText) throws IOException {
init(visibleWidthInColumns * symbolWidthInPixels, fileText, symbolWidthInPixels);
private void init(final int visibleWidth, @NotNull String fileText, int symbolWidth) throws IOException {
init(visibleWidth, fileText, TestFileType.TEXT, symbolWidth);
private void init(final int visibleWidth, @NotNull String fileText, @NotNull TestFileType fileType, final int symbolWidth) throws IOException {
init(fileText, fileType);
EditorTestUtil.configureSoftWraps(myEditor, visibleWidth, symbolWidth);
private static void checkSoftWraps(int... startOffsets) {
final List<? extends SoftWrap> softWraps = getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps();
assertEquals("soft wraps number", startOffsets.length, softWraps.size());
for (int i = 0; i < startOffsets.length; i++) {
assertEquals(startOffsets[i], softWraps.get(i).getStart());
private static SoftWrapModelImpl getSoftWrapModel() {
return (SoftWrapModelImpl)myEditor.getSoftWrapModel();