blob: f2dbc6756ef5e3cac05273693cac6d62c333491b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: max
* Date: Jun 19, 2002
* Time: 3:19:05 PM
* To change template for new class use
* Code Style | Class Templates options (Tools | IDE Options).
package com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl;
import com.intellij.codeStyle.CodeStyleFacade;
import com.intellij.lang.Language;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.EditorSettings;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.EditorEx;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.EditorSettingsExternalizable;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.softwrap.SoftWrapAppliancePlaces;
import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.FileType;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiDocumentManager;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
public class SettingsImpl implements EditorSettings {
@Nullable private final EditorEx myEditor;
@Nullable private final Language myLanguage;
private Boolean myIsCamelWords;
// This group of settings does not have UI
private SoftWrapAppliancePlaces mySoftWrapAppliancePlace = SoftWrapAppliancePlaces.MAIN_EDITOR;
private int myAdditionalLinesCount = 5;
private int myAdditionalColumnsCount = 3;
private int myLineCursorWidth = 2;
private boolean myLineMarkerAreaShown = true;
private boolean myAllowSingleLogicalLineFolding = false;
// These comes from CodeStyleSettings
private Integer myTabSize = null;
private Integer myCachedTabSize = null;
private Boolean myUseTabCharacter = null;
// These comes from EditorSettingsExternalizable defaults.
private Boolean myIsVirtualSpace = null;
private Boolean myIsCaretInsideTabs = null;
private Boolean myIsCaretBlinking = null;
private Integer myCaretBlinkingPeriod = null;
private Boolean myIsRightMarginShown = null;
private Integer myRightMargin = null;
private Boolean myAreLineNumbersShown = null;
private Boolean myIsFoldingOutlineShown = null;
private Boolean myIsSmartHome = null;
private Boolean myIsBlockCursor = null;
private Boolean myIsWhitespacesShown = null;
private Boolean myIndentGuidesShown = null;
private Boolean myIsAnimatedScrolling = null;
private Boolean myIsAdditionalPageAtBottom = null;
private Boolean myIsDndEnabled = null;
private Boolean myIsWheelFontChangeEnabled = null;
private Boolean myIsMouseClickSelectionHonorsCamelWords = null;
private Boolean myIsRenameVariablesInplace = null;
private Boolean myIsRefrainFromScrolling = null;
private Boolean myUseSoftWraps = null;
private Boolean myIsAllSoftWrapsShown = null;
private Boolean myUseCustomSoftWrapIndent = null;
private Integer myCustomSoftWrapIndent = null;
private Boolean myRenamePreselect = null;
private Boolean myWrapWhenTypingReachesRightMargin = null;
private Boolean myShowIntentionBulb = null;
public SettingsImpl() {
this(null, null);
public SettingsImpl(@Nullable EditorEx editor, @Nullable Project project) {
myEditor = editor;
myLanguage = editor != null && project != null ? getDocumentLanguage(project, editor.getDocument()) : null;
public boolean isRightMarginShown() {
return myIsRightMarginShown != null
? myIsRightMarginShown.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isRightMarginShown();
public void setRightMarginShown(boolean val) {
final Boolean newValue = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
if (newValue.equals(myIsRightMarginShown)) return;
myIsRightMarginShown = newValue;
public boolean isWhitespacesShown() {
return myIsWhitespacesShown != null
? myIsWhitespacesShown.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isWhitespacesShown();
public void setWhitespacesShown(boolean val) {
myIsWhitespacesShown = Boolean.valueOf(val);
public boolean isIndentGuidesShown() {
return myIndentGuidesShown != null
? myIndentGuidesShown.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isIndentGuidesShown();
public void setIndentGuidesShown(boolean val) {
final Boolean newValue = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
if (newValue.equals(myIndentGuidesShown)) return;
myIndentGuidesShown = newValue;
public boolean isLineNumbersShown() {
return myAreLineNumbersShown != null
? myAreLineNumbersShown.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isLineNumbersShown();
public void setLineNumbersShown(boolean val) {
final Boolean newValue = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
if (newValue.equals(myAreLineNumbersShown)) return;
myAreLineNumbersShown = newValue;
public int getRightMargin(Project project) {
return myRightMargin != null ? myRightMargin.intValue() :
private static Language getDocumentLanguage(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull Document document) {
if (project != null) {
PsiDocumentManager documentManager = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project);
PsiFile file = documentManager.getPsiFile(document);
if (file != null) return file.getLanguage();
return null;
public boolean isWrapWhenTypingReachesRightMargin(Project project) {
return myWrapWhenTypingReachesRightMargin != null ?
myWrapWhenTypingReachesRightMargin.booleanValue() :
public void setWrapWhenTypingReachesRightMargin(boolean val) {
myWrapWhenTypingReachesRightMargin = val;
public void setRightMargin(int rightMargin) {
final Integer newValue = Integer.valueOf(rightMargin);
if (newValue.equals(myRightMargin)) return;
myRightMargin = newValue;
public int getAdditionalLinesCount() {
return myAdditionalLinesCount;
public void setAdditionalLinesCount(int additionalLinesCount) {
if (myAdditionalLinesCount == additionalLinesCount) return;
myAdditionalLinesCount = additionalLinesCount;
public int getAdditionalColumnsCount() {
return myAdditionalColumnsCount;
public void setAdditionalColumnsCount(int additionalColumnsCount) {
if (myAdditionalColumnsCount == additionalColumnsCount) return;
myAdditionalColumnsCount = additionalColumnsCount;
public boolean isLineMarkerAreaShown() {
return myLineMarkerAreaShown;
public void setLineMarkerAreaShown(boolean lineMarkerAreaShown) {
if (myLineMarkerAreaShown == lineMarkerAreaShown) return;
myLineMarkerAreaShown = lineMarkerAreaShown;
public boolean isFoldingOutlineShown() {
return myIsFoldingOutlineShown != null
? myIsFoldingOutlineShown.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isFoldingOutlineShown();
public void setFoldingOutlineShown(boolean val) {
final Boolean newValue = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
if (newValue.equals(myIsFoldingOutlineShown)) return;
myIsFoldingOutlineShown = newValue;
public boolean isUseTabCharacter(Project project) {
FileType fileType = getFileType();
return myUseTabCharacter != null ? myUseTabCharacter.booleanValue() : CodeStyleFacade.getInstance(project).useTabCharacter(fileType);
public void setUseTabCharacter(boolean val) {
final Boolean newValue = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
if (newValue.equals(myUseTabCharacter)) return;
myUseTabCharacter = newValue;
public void setSoftWrapAppliancePlace(SoftWrapAppliancePlaces softWrapAppliancePlace) {
mySoftWrapAppliancePlace = softWrapAppliancePlace;
public void reinitSettings() {
myCachedTabSize = null;
public int getTabSize(Project project) {
if (myTabSize != null) return myTabSize.intValue();
if (myCachedTabSize != null) return myCachedTabSize.intValue();
FileType fileType = getFileType();
int tabSize = project == null || project.isDisposed() ? 0 : CodeStyleFacade.getInstance(project).getTabSize(fileType);
myCachedTabSize = Integer.valueOf(tabSize);
return tabSize;
private FileType getFileType() {
VirtualFile file = myEditor == null ? null : myEditor.getVirtualFile();
return file == null ? null : file.getFileType();
public void setTabSize(int tabSize) {
final Integer newValue = Integer.valueOf(tabSize);
if (newValue.equals(myTabSize)) return;
myTabSize = newValue;
public boolean isSmartHome() {
return myIsSmartHome != null
? myIsSmartHome.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isSmartHome();
public void setSmartHome(boolean val) {
final Boolean newValue = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
if (newValue.equals(myIsSmartHome)) return;
myIsSmartHome = newValue;
public boolean isVirtualSpace() {
if (myEditor != null && myEditor.isColumnMode()) return true;
return myIsVirtualSpace != null
? myIsVirtualSpace.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isVirtualSpace();
public void setVirtualSpace(boolean allow) {
final Boolean newValue = allow;
if (newValue.equals(myIsVirtualSpace)) return;
myIsVirtualSpace = newValue;
public boolean isAdditionalPageAtBottom() {
return myIsAdditionalPageAtBottom != null
? myIsAdditionalPageAtBottom.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isAdditionalPageAtBottom();
public void setAdditionalPageAtBottom(boolean val) {
myIsAdditionalPageAtBottom = Boolean.valueOf(val);
public boolean isCaretInsideTabs() {
if (myEditor != null && myEditor.isColumnMode()) return true;
return myIsCaretInsideTabs != null
? myIsCaretInsideTabs.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isCaretInsideTabs();
public void setCaretInsideTabs(boolean allow) {
final Boolean newValue = allow;
if (newValue.equals(myIsCaretInsideTabs)) return;
myIsCaretInsideTabs = newValue;
public boolean isBlockCursor() {
return myIsBlockCursor != null
? myIsBlockCursor.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isBlockCursor();
public void setBlockCursor(boolean val) {
final Boolean newValue = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
if (newValue.equals(myIsBlockCursor)) return;
myIsBlockCursor = newValue;
public int getLineCursorWidth() {
return myLineCursorWidth;
public void setLineCursorWidth(int width) {
myLineCursorWidth = width;
public boolean isAnimatedScrolling() {
return myIsAnimatedScrolling != null
? myIsAnimatedScrolling.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isSmoothScrolling();
public void setAnimatedScrolling(boolean val) {
myIsAnimatedScrolling = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
public boolean isCamelWords() {
return myIsCamelWords != null
? myIsCamelWords.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isCamelWords();
public void setCamelWords(boolean val) {
myIsCamelWords = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
public void resetCamelWords() {
myIsCamelWords = null;
public boolean isBlinkCaret() {
return myIsCaretBlinking != null
? myIsCaretBlinking.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isBlinkCaret();
public void setBlinkCaret(boolean val) {
final Boolean newValue = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
if (newValue.equals(myIsCaretBlinking)) return;
myIsCaretBlinking = newValue;
public int getCaretBlinkPeriod() {
return myCaretBlinkingPeriod != null
? myCaretBlinkingPeriod.intValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().getBlinkPeriod();
public void setCaretBlinkPeriod(int blinkPeriod) {
final Integer newValue = Integer.valueOf(blinkPeriod);
if (newValue.equals(myCaretBlinkingPeriod)) return;
myCaretBlinkingPeriod = newValue;
public boolean isDndEnabled() {
return myIsDndEnabled != null ? myIsDndEnabled.booleanValue() : EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isDndEnabled();
public void setDndEnabled(boolean val) {
myIsDndEnabled = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
public boolean isWheelFontChangeEnabled() {
return myIsWheelFontChangeEnabled != null
? myIsWheelFontChangeEnabled.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isWheelFontChangeEnabled();
public void setWheelFontChangeEnabled(boolean val) {
myIsWheelFontChangeEnabled = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
public boolean isMouseClickSelectionHonorsCamelWords() {
return myIsMouseClickSelectionHonorsCamelWords != null
? myIsMouseClickSelectionHonorsCamelWords.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isMouseClickSelectionHonorsCamelWords();
public void setMouseClickSelectionHonorsCamelWords(boolean val) {
myIsMouseClickSelectionHonorsCamelWords = val ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
public boolean isVariableInplaceRenameEnabled() {
return myIsRenameVariablesInplace != null
? myIsRenameVariablesInplace.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isVariableInplaceRenameEnabled();
public void setVariableInplaceRenameEnabled(boolean val) {
myIsRenameVariablesInplace = val? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
public boolean isRefrainFromScrolling() {
if (myIsRefrainFromScrolling != null) return myIsRefrainFromScrolling.booleanValue();
return EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isRefrainFromScrolling();
public void setRefrainFromScrolling(boolean b) {
myIsRefrainFromScrolling = b ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
public boolean isUseSoftWraps() {
return myUseSoftWraps != null ? myUseSoftWraps.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isUseSoftWraps(mySoftWrapAppliancePlace);
public void setUseSoftWraps(boolean use) {
final Boolean newValue = use ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
if (newValue.equals(myUseSoftWraps)) return;
myUseSoftWraps = newValue;
public boolean isAllSoftWrapsShown() {
return myIsAllSoftWrapsShown != null ? myIsWhitespacesShown.booleanValue()
: EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isAllSoftWrapsShown();
public boolean isUseCustomSoftWrapIndent() {
return myUseCustomSoftWrapIndent == null ? EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isUseCustomSoftWrapIndent()
: myUseCustomSoftWrapIndent;
public void setUseCustomSoftWrapIndent(boolean useCustomSoftWrapIndent) {
myUseCustomSoftWrapIndent = useCustomSoftWrapIndent;
public int getCustomSoftWrapIndent() {
return myCustomSoftWrapIndent == null ? EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().getCustomSoftWrapIndent() : myCustomSoftWrapIndent;
public void setCustomSoftWrapIndent(int indent) {
myCustomSoftWrapIndent = indent;
public boolean isAllowSingleLogicalLineFolding() {
return myAllowSingleLogicalLineFolding;
public void setAllowSingleLogicalLineFolding(boolean allow) {
myAllowSingleLogicalLineFolding = allow;
private void fireEditorRefresh() {
if (myEditor != null) {
public boolean isPreselectRename() {
return myRenamePreselect == null ? EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isPreselectRename() : myRenamePreselect;
public void setPreselectRename(boolean val) {
myRenamePreselect = val;
public boolean isShowIntentionBulb() {
return myShowIntentionBulb == null ? EditorSettingsExternalizable.getInstance().isShowIntentionBulb() : myShowIntentionBulb;
public void setShowIntentionBulb(boolean show) {
myShowIntentionBulb = show;