blob: f975807bffb130202465b52ee330645ad4dfafd9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.resolve
import com.intellij.psi.*
import com.intellij.psi.util.PropertyUtil
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.GroovyFileType
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.GrReferenceElement
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.GroovyResolveResult
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.GrField
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.GrVariable
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.expressions.GrReferenceExpression
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.params.GrParameter
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.typedef.members.GrAccessorMethod
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.typedef.members.GrEnumConstant
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.typedef.members.GrGdkMethod
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.api.statements.typedef.members.GrMethod
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.impl.synthetic.GrBindingVariable
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.impl.synthetic.GrTraitMethod
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.lang.psi.util.PsiUtil
import org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.util.TestUtils
* @author ven
public class ResolvePropertyTest extends GroovyResolveTestCase {
final String basePath = TestUtils.testDataPath + "resolve/property/"
public void testParameter1() throws Exception {
public void testClosureParameter1() throws Exception {
public void testClosureOwner() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("closureOwner/A.groovy");
PsiElement resolved = ref.resolve();
assertInstanceOf(resolved, PsiVariable);
assertEquals((resolved as PsiVariable).type.canonicalText, "W");
public void testLocal1() throws Exception {
public void testField1() throws Exception {
public void testField2() throws Exception {
public void testForVariable1() throws Exception {
public void testArrayLength() throws Exception {
public void testFromGetter() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("fromGetter/A.groovy");
assertTrue(ref.resolve() instanceof GrAccessorMethod);
public void testFromGetter2() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("fromGetter2/A.groovy");
assertTrue(ref.resolve() instanceof GrAccessorMethod);
public void testFromSetter2() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("fromSetter2/A.groovy");
assertTrue(ref.resolve() instanceof GrAccessorMethod);
public void testFromSetter() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("fromSetter/A.groovy");
assertTrue(ref.resolve() instanceof GrAccessorMethod);
public void _testForVariable2() throws Exception {
public void testCatchParameter() throws Exception {
public void testCaseClause() throws Exception {
public void testGrvy104() throws Exception {
public void testGrvy270() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("grvy270/Test.groovy");
public void testGrvy1483() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("grvy1483/Test.groovy");
public void testField3() throws Exception {
GrReferenceElement ref = (GrReferenceElement)configureByFile("field3/A.groovy").element;
GroovyResolveResult resolveResult = ref.advancedResolve();
assertTrue(resolveResult.element instanceof GrField);
public void testToGetter() throws Exception {
GrReferenceElement ref = (GrReferenceElement)configureByFile("toGetter/A.groovy").element;
PsiElement resolved = ref.resolve();
assertTrue(resolved instanceof GrMethod);
public void testToSetter() throws Exception {
GrReferenceElement ref = (GrReferenceElement)configureByFile("toSetter/A.groovy").element;
PsiElement resolved = ref.resolve();
assertTrue(resolved instanceof GrMethod);
public void testUndefinedVar1() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("undefinedVar1/A.groovy");
PsiElement resolved = ref.resolve();
assertInstanceOf(resolved, GrBindingVariable);
public void testRecursive1() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("recursive1/A.groovy");
PsiElement resolved = ref.resolve();
assertTrue(resolved instanceof GrField);
public void testRecursive2() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("recursive2/A.groovy");
PsiElement resolved = ref.resolve();
assertTrue(resolved instanceof GrMethod);
assertEquals(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, ((GrMethod)resolved).returnType.canonicalText);
public void testUndefinedVar2() throws Exception {
public void testDefinedVar1() throws Exception {
public void testOperatorOverload() throws Exception {
public void testEnumConstant() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("enumConstant/A.groovy");
assertTrue(ref.resolve() instanceof GrEnumConstant);
public void testStackOverflow() throws Exception {
public void testFromDifferentCaseClause() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("fromDifferentCaseClause/A.groovy");
public void testNotSettingProperty() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("notSettingProperty/A.groovy");
public void testGrvy633() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("grvy633/A.groovy");
public void testGrvy575() throws Exception {
public void testGrvy747() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("grvy747/A.groovy");
assertTrue(ref.resolve() instanceof GrField);
public void testClosureCall() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("closureCall/ClosureCall.groovy");
assertTrue(ref.resolve() instanceof GrVariable);
public void testUnderscoredField() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("underscoredField/UnderscoredField.groovy");
final GrField field = assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), GrField.class);
public void testPropertyWithoutField1() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("propertyWithoutField1/PropertyWithoutField1.groovy");
assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), GrMethod.class);
public void testPropertyWithoutField2() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("propertyWithoutField2/PropertyWithoutField2.groovy");
assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), GrMethod.class);
public void testFieldAssignedInTheSameMethod() throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("fieldAssignedInTheSameMethod/FieldAssignedInTheSameMethod.groovy");
assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), GrField.class);
public void testPrivateFieldAssignment() throws Throwable {
myFixture.configureByText(GroovyFileType.GROOVY_FILE_TYPE, """
class Aaaaa {
final def aaa
def foo() {
a<caret>aa = 2
def reference = myFixture.file.findReferenceAt(myFixture.editor.caretModel.offset)
assertInstanceOf(reference.resolve(), GrField.class)
public void testOverriddenGetter() throws Throwable {
myFixture.configureByText("a.groovy", """interface Foo {
def getFoo()
interface Bar extends Foo {
def getFoo()
Bar b<caret>o""")
def reference = myFixture.file.findReferenceAt(myFixture.editor.caretModel.offset)
assertEquals("Bar", assertInstanceOf(reference.resolve(), GrMethod.class)
public void testIDEADEV40403() {
def reference = findReference()
def resolved = reference.resolve()
def clazz = assertInstanceOf(resolved, PsiMethod).containingClass
assertEquals "Script",
public void testBooleanGetterPropertyAccess() {
myFixture.configureByText("a.groovy", "print([].em<caret>pty)");
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf resolved, PsiMethod
def findReference() { myFixture.file.findReferenceAt(myFixture.editor.caretModel.offset) }
public void testTriplePropertyUsages() throws Exception {
myFixture.configureByText "a.groovy", """
class Foo {
def bar
def zoo = <caret>bar
def ref = findReference()
GrField target = assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), GrField)
assertTrue ref.isReferenceTo(target)
assertFalse ref.isReferenceTo(target.getters[0])
assertFalse ref.isReferenceTo(target.setter)
public void testAliasedStaticImport() throws Exception {
myFixture.addClass """ class Main {
static def foo=4
myFixture.configureByText "a.groovy", """
import static as bar
print ba<caret>r
def ref = findReference()
def target = assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), PsiField)
assertEquals, "foo"
private void doTest(String fileName) throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile(fileName);
PsiElement resolved = ref.resolve();
assertTrue(resolved instanceof GrVariable);
private void doUndefinedVarTest(String fileName) throws Exception {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile(fileName);
PsiElement resolved = ref.resolve();
assertInstanceOf(resolved, GrBindingVariable);
public void testBooleanProperty() throws Exception {
myFixture.configureByText("Abc.groovy", """class A{
boolean getFoo(){return true}
boolean isFoo(){return false}
print new A().f<caret>oo""");
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve();
assertNotNull resolved
assert ((PsiMethod)resolved).name == "isFoo"
public void testExplicitBooleanProperty() throws Exception {
myFixture.configureByText("Abc.groovy", """class A{
boolean foo
print new A().f<caret>oo""");
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve();
assert ((PsiMethod)resolved).name == "isFoo"
public void testStaticFieldAndNonStaticGetter() {
myFixture.configureByText("Abc.groovy", "print Float.N<caret>aN")
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf resolved, PsiField.class
public void testPropertyAndFieldDeclarationInsideClass() {
myFixture.configureByText("a.groovy", """class Foo {
def foo
public def foo
def bar() {
print fo<caret>o
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve();
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrField
assertTrue((resolved as GrField).modifierList.hasExplicitVisibilityModifiers())
public void testPropertyAndFieldDeclarationOutsideClass() {
myFixture.configureByText("a.groovy", """class Foo {
def foo
public def foo
def bar() {
print foo
print new Foo().fo<caret>o""")
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve();
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrAccessorMethod.class
public void testPropertyAndFieldDeclarationWithSuperClass1() {
myFixture.configureByText("a.groovy", """
class Bar{
def foo
class Foo extends Bar {
public def foo
def bar() {
print foo
print new Foo().fo<caret>o""")
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve();
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrAccessorMethod.class
public void testPropertyAndFieldDeclarationWithSuperClass2() {
myFixture.configureByText("a.groovy", """
class Bar{
def foo
class Foo extends Bar {
public def foo
def bar() {
print f<caret>oo
print new Foo().foo""")
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve();
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrField
assertTrue((resolved as GrField).modifierList.hasExplicitVisibilityModifiers())
public void testPropertyAndFieldDeclarationWithSuperClass3() {
myFixture.configureByText("a.groovy", """
class Bar{
public def foo
class Foo extends Bar {
def foo
def bar() {
print foo
print new Foo().fo<caret>o""")
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve();
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrAccessorMethod.class
public void testPropertyAndFieldDeclarationWithSuperClass4() {
myFixture.configureByText("a.groovy", """
class Bar{
public def foo
class Foo extends Bar {
def foo
def bar() {
print f<caret>oo
print new Foo().foo""")
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve();
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrField
assertTrue(!(resolved as GrField).modifierList.hasExplicitVisibilityModifiers())
public void testReadAccessToStaticallyImportedProperty() {
myFixture.addFileToProject("a.groovy", """class Foo {
static def bar
myFixture.configureByText("b.groovy", """import static
print ba<caret>r
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrAccessorMethod.class
public void testWriteAccessToStaticallyImportedProperty() {
myFixture.addFileToProject("a.groovy", """class Foo {
static def bar
myFixture.configureByText("b.groovy", """import static
ba<caret>r = 2
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrAccessorMethod.class
public void testGetterToStaticallyImportedProperty() {
myFixture.addFileToProject("a.groovy", """class Foo {
static def bar
myFixture.configureByText("b.groovy", """import static
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrAccessorMethod
public void testPropertyInCallExpression() {
myFixture.configureByText("a.groovy", """
class Foo {
def foo = {
return {int i -> print i}
def foo(String s){
print s
new Foo().fo<caret>o(2)"""
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrAccessorMethod
public void testPropertyImportedOnDemand() {
myFixture.addFileToProject("foo/A.groovy", 'package foo; class Foo {static def foo}')
myFixture.configureByText("B.groovy", """package foo
import static Foo.*
print fo<caret>o""")
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf(resolved, GrAccessorMethod)
public void testFieldAccessOutsideClass() {
myFixture.configureByText("A.groovy", """
class X {
public def foo = 3
def getFoo() {2}
def setFoo(def foo) {}
print new X().@f<caret>oo
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf(resolved, GrField)
public void testSetterToAliasedImportedProperty() {
myFixture.addFileToProject("a.groovy", """class Foo {
static def bar
myFixture.configureByText("b.groovy", """import static as foo
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrAccessorMethod
public void testPhysicalSetterToStaticallyImportedProperty() {
myFixture.addFileToProject("a.groovy", """class Foo {
static def bar
static def setBar(def bar){}
myFixture.configureByText("b.groovy", """import static as foo
def ref = findReference()
def resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrMethod
public void testPropertyUseInCategory() {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("propertyUseInCategory/a.groovy")
PsiElement resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf resolved, PsiMethod
public void testCollectionItemFields() {
PsiReference ref = configureByFile("collectionItemFields/A.groovy")
PsiElement resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf resolved, PsiField
public void testFieldAccessInStaticContext() {
def ref = configureByFile("fieldAccessInStaticContext/A.groovy")
def resolveResult = (ref as GrReferenceExpression).advancedResolve()
assertFalse resolveResult.staticsOK
public void testFieldAccessInClosureVsStaticContext() {
def ref = configureByFile("fieldAccessInClosureVsStaticContext/A.groovy")
def resolveResult = (ref as GrReferenceExpression).advancedResolve()
assertTrue resolveResult.staticsOK
public void testUpperCaseFieldAndGetter() {
assertTrue resolve("A.groovy") instanceof GrField
public void testUpperCaseFieldWithoutGetter() {
assertInstanceOf(resolve("A.groovy"), GrAccessorMethod)
public void testGetterWithUpperCaseFieldReference() {
assertNull resolve("A.groovy")
public void testCommandExpressions() {
assertInstanceOf resolve("A.groovy"), GrField
public void testMetaClassIsNotResolvedWithMapQualifier() {
assertNull resolve("A.groovy")
public void testMetaClassIsResolvesWithMapQualifier() {
assertInstanceOf resolve("A.groovy"), PsiMethod
public void testStaticFieldOfInterface() {
final GroovyResolveResult result = advancedResolve("A.groovy")
assertTrue result.staticsOK
public void testNonStaticFieldInStaticContext() {
final GroovyResolveResult result = advancedResolve("A.groovy")
assertFalse result.staticsOK
public void testPropertyInExprStatement() {
def result = resolve("A.groovy")
assertInstanceOf result, GrAccessorMethod
public void testPreferAlias() {
myFixture.addFileToProject "a/B.groovy", "package a; class B {public static def f1; public static def f2}"
assertEquals 'f2', ((GrField)resolve("A.groovy")).name
public void testF1property() {
assertInstanceOf resolve("A.groovy"), GrAccessorMethod
public void testAnonymousClassFieldAndLocalVar() {
final PsiElement resolved = resolve("A.groovy")
assertInstanceOf resolved, PsiVariable
assertTrue PsiUtil.isLocalVariable(resolved)
public void _testResolveForVarOutsideOfFor() {
final PsiElement resolved = resolve("A.groovy")
assertInstanceOf resolved, GrParameter
public void testDontResolveForVarOutsideOfFor() {
assertNull resolve("A.groovy")
public void testOperatorOverloading() {
assertInstanceOf resolve("A.groovy"), GrAccessorMethod
public void testResolveClosureOverloader() {
assertInstanceOf resolve("A.groovy"), GrAccessorMethod
public void testJavaLoggingTransform() {
myFixture.addClass('package groovy.util.logging; public @interface Log { String value() default ""; }')
def ref = configureByText("@groovy.util.logging.Log class Foo { { lo<caret>g.inf } }")
assert assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), PsiVariable).type.canonicalText == 'java.util.logging.Logger'
public void testNonLoggingField() {
myFixture.addClass('package groovy.util.logging; public @interface Log { String value() default ""; }')
assert !configureByText("@groovy.util.logging.Log class Foo { { alo<caret>g.inf } }").resolve()
public void testJavaLoggingTransformCustomName() {
myFixture.addClass('package groovy.util.logging; public @interface Log { String value() default ""; }')
def ref = configureByText("@groovy.util.logging.Log('myLog') class Foo { { myLo<caret>g.inf } }")
assert assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), PsiVariable).type.canonicalText == 'java.util.logging.Logger'
public void testCommonsLoggingTransform() {
myFixture.addClass('package groovy.util.logging; public @interface Commons { String value() default ""; }')
def ref = configureByText("@groovy.util.logging.Commons('myLog') class Foo { { myLo<caret>g.inf } }")
assert assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), PsiVariable).type.canonicalText == 'org.apache.commons.logging.Log'
public void testFieldTransform() {
def ref = configureByText("""@groovy.transform.Field def aaa = 2
def foo() { println <caret>aaa }
assert ref.resolve() instanceof GrVariable
public void testScriptFieldVariableOutside() {
myFixture.addFileToProject("Foo.groovy", "if (true) { @groovy.transform.Field def a = 2 }")
def ref = configureByText("println new Foo().<caret>a")
assert ref.resolve() instanceof GrVariable
public void testScriptVariableFromScriptMethod() {
def ref = configureByText("""def aaa = 2
def foo() { println <caret>aaa }
assert !ref.resolve()
public void testConfigObject() {
def ref = configureByText('''
def config = new ConfigObject()
print config.config<caret>File''')
assert ref.resolve()
public void testDontResolvePropertyInMap() {
def ref = configureByText('''
def map = new HashMap()
print map.cla<caret>ss''')
assert !ref.resolve()
public void testResolveInsideWith0() {
def resolved = resolve('a.groovy')
assertInstanceOf(resolved, GrAccessorMethod)
assertEquals(, 'A')
public void testResolveInsideWith1() {
def resolved = resolve('a.groovy')
assertInstanceOf(resolved, GrField)
assertEquals(, 'B')
void testLocalVarVsFieldInWithClosure() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
class Test {
def var
int var = 4
new Test().with() {
print v<caret>ar
assertFalse ref.resolve() instanceof GrField
assertTrue ref.resolve() instanceof GrVariable
void testCapitalizedProperty1() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
class A {
def Prop
new A().Pro<caret>p''')
assertNotNull ref.resolve()
void testCapitalizedProperty2() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
class A {
def Prop
new A().pro<caret>p''')
assertNotNull ref.resolve()
void testCapitalizedProperty3() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
class A {
def prop
new A().Pro<caret>p''')
assertNull ref.resolve()
void testCapitalizedProperty4() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
class A {
def prop
new A().pro<caret>p''')
assertNotNull ref.resolve()
void testGetChars() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
def resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf(resolved, GrGdkMethod)
def method = resolved.staticMethod as PsiMethod
assertEquals(method.parameterList.parameters[0].type.canonicalText, 'java.lang.CharSequence')
void testLocalVarNotAvailableInClass() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
def aa = 5
class Inner {
def foo() {
print a<caret>a
void testLocalVarNotAvailableInMethod() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
def aa = 5
def foo() {
print a<caret>a
void testScriptFieldNotAvailableInClass() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
import groovy.transform.Field
def aa = 5
class X {
def foo() {
print a<caret>a
void testInitializerOfScriptField() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
import groovy.transform.Field
def xx = 5
def aa = 5 + x<caret>x
void testInitializerOfScriptField2() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
import groovy.transform.Field
def xx = 5
def aa = 5 + x<caret>x
assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), GrVariable)
void testAliasedImportedPropertyWithGetterInAlias() {
myFixture.addFileToProject('Foo.groovy', '''\
class Foo {
static def prop = 2
def ref = configureByText('''\
import static Foo.getProp as getOther
print othe<caret>r
assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), GrAccessorMethod)
void testPrefLocalVarToScriptName() {
myFixture.addFileToProject('foo.groovy', 'print 2')
def ref = configureByText('''\
class Bar {
public float FOO = 1.23f
public float ZZZ = 5.78f
public float pi = 3.14f
public float xxx = 6f
void doSmth() {}
class User {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Bar foo = new Bar()
println foo.F<caret>OO * foo.ZZZ * foo.pi *
assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), GrField)
void testResolveEnumConstantInsideItsInitializer() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
enum MyEnum {
void get() {
void testSpreadWithIterator() {
final PsiReference ref = configureByText('''\
class Person { String name }
class Twin {
Person one, two
def iterator() {
return [one, two].iterator()
def tw = new Twin(one: new Person(name:'Tom'),
two: new Person(name:'Tim'))
assert tw*.nam<caret>e == ['Tom', 'Tim']
final resolved = ref.resolve()
assertInstanceOf(resolved, PsiMember)
void testAutoSpread() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
class A {
String getString() {return "a";}
println ([[new A()]].stri<caret>ng)
final resolved = ref.resolve()
void testImportedProperty() {
myFixture.addFileToProject('pack/Const.groovy', '''\
package pack
class Const {
static final int Field1 = 2
final ref = configureByText('''\
import static pack.Const.getField1
print Fie<caret>ld1
void testImportedProperty2() {
myFixture.addFileToProject('pack/Const.groovy', '''\
package pack
class Const {
static final int Field1 = 2
final ref = configureByText('''\
import static pack.Const.getField1
print fie<caret>ld1
void testImportedProperty3() {
myFixture.addFileToProject('pack/Const.groovy', '''\
package pack
class Const {
static final int Field1 = 2
final ref = configureByText('''\
import static pack.Const.getField1 as getBar
print Ba<caret>r
void testImportedProperty4() {
myFixture.addFileToProject('pack/Const.groovy', '''\
package pack
class Const {
static final int Field1 = 2
final ref = configureByText('''\
import static pack.Const.getField1 as getBar
print ba<caret>r
void testImportedProperty5() {
myFixture.addFileToProject('pack/Const.groovy', '''\
package pack
class Const {
static final int field1 = 2
final ref = configureByText('''\
import static pack.Const.getField1
print Fie<caret>ld1
void testLocalVarVsClassFieldInAnonymous() {
final ref = configureByText('a.groovy', '''\
class A {
public foo
def foo = 4
new A() {
def foo() {
print fo<caret>o
assertFalse(ref.resolve() instanceof PsiField)
assertTrue(ref.resolve() instanceof GrVariable)
void testInterfaceDoesNotResolveWithExpressionQualifier() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
class Foo {
interface Inner {
public Inner = 5
new Foo().Inn<caret>er
assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), PsiField)
void testInterfaceDoesNotResolveWithExpressionQualifier2() {
def ref = configureByText('''\
class Foo {
interface Inner {
public Inner = 5
def foo = new Foo()
print foo.Inn<caret>er
assertInstanceOf(ref.resolve(), PsiField)
void testResolveBinding1() {
abc = 4
print ab<caret>c
''', GrBindingVariable)
void testResolveBinding2() {
print ab<caret>c
abc = 4
''', GrBindingVariable)
void testResolveBinding3() {
a<caret>bc = 4
print abc
''', GrBindingVariable)
void testResolveBinding4() {
print abc
a<caret>bc = 4
''', GrBindingVariable)
void testResolveBinding5() {
def foo() {
abc = 4
def bar() {
print ab<caret>c
''', GrBindingVariable)
void testResolveBinding6() {
def foo() {
print ab<caret>c
def bar() {
abc = 4
''', GrBindingVariable)
void testResolveBinding7() {
def foo() {
a<caret>bc = 4
def bar() {
print abc
''', GrBindingVariable)
void testResolveBinding8() {
def foo() {
print abc
def bar() {
a<caret>bc = 4
''', GrBindingVariable)
void testBinding9() {
a<caret>a = 5
print aa
aa = 6
print aa
''', GrBindingVariable)
void testBinding10() {
aa = 5
print a<caret>a
aa = 6
print aa
''', GrBindingVariable)
void testBinding11() {
aa = 5
print aa
a<caret>a = 6
print aa
''', GrBindingVariable)
void testBinding12() {
aa = 5
print aa
aa = 6
print a<caret>a
''', GrBindingVariable)
void testVarVsPackage1() {
myFixture.addClass('''package p; public class A {}''')
def p = [A:5]
print <caret>p.A
''', PsiPackage)
void testVarVsPackage2() {
myFixture.addClass('''package p; public class A {}''')
def p = [A:5]
print <caret>p
''', PsiVariable)
void testVarVsPackage3() {
myFixture.addClass('''package p; public class A {}''')
def p = [A:{2}]
print <caret>p.A()
''', PsiVariable)
void testVarVsPackage4() {
myFixture.addClass('''package p; public class A {public static int foo(){return 2;}}''')
def p = [A:[foo:{-2}]]
print <caret>
''', PsiVariable)
void testVarVsClass1() {
myFixture.addClass('package p; public class A {public static int foo() {return 1;}}')
import p.A
def A = [a:{-1}]
print <caret>A
''', PsiVariable)
void testVarVsClass2() {
myFixture.addClass('package p; public class A {public static int foo() {return 1;}}')
import p.A
def A = [a:{-1}]
print <caret>A.a()
''', PsiVariable)
void testPropertyVsAccessor() {
class ProductServiceImplTest {
BackendClient backendClient
def setup() {
new ProductServiceImpl() {
protected BackendClient getBackendClient() {
return backend<caret>Client // <--- this expression is highlighted as member variable
class BackendClient{}
class ProductServiceImpl{}
''', GrMethod)
void testPropertyVsAccessor2() {
class ProductServiceImplTest {
def setup() {
new ProductServiceImpl() {
BackendClient backendClient
protected BackendClient getBackendClient() {
return backendC<caret>lient
class BackendClient{}
class ProductServiceImpl{}
''', GrField)
void testPropertyVsAccessor3() {
class ProductServiceImplTest {
BackendClient backendClient
protected BackendClient getBackendClient() {
return backendClient
def setup() {
new ProductServiceImpl() {
def foo() {
return backendClie<caret>nt
class BackendClient{}
class ProductServiceImpl{}
''', GrMethod)
void testTraitPublicField1() {
trait T {
public int field = 4
class C implements T {
void foo() {
print T__fie<caret>ld
''', GrField)
void testTraitPublicField2() {
trait T {
public int field = 4
void foo() {
print fiel<caret>d
''', GrField)
void testTraitPublicField3() {
trait T {
public int field = 4
void foo() {
print T__fie<caret>ld
''', GrField)
void testTraitPublicField4() {
trait T {
public int field = 4
class C implements T {}
new C().T__fiel<caret>d
''', GrField)
void testTraitProperty1() {
trait T {
int prop = 4
class C extends T {}
new C().pr<caret>op
''', GrAccessorMethod)
void testTraitProperty2() {
trait T {
int prop = 4
class C extends T {
def bar() {
print pro<caret>p
''', GrAccessorMethod)
void testTraitProperty3() {
trait T {
int prop = 4
void foo() {
print pro<caret>p
''', GrField)
void testTraitPropertyFromAsOperator1() {
trait A {
def foo = 5
class B {
def bar() {}
def v = new B() as A
''', GrTraitMethod)
void testTraitPropertyFromAsOperator2() {
trait A {
public foo = 5
class B {
def bar() {}
def v = new B() as A
print v.A<caret>__foo
''', GrField)
void testTraitField1() {
trait T {
public foo = 4
class X implements T{
def bar() {
print fo<caret>o
''', null)
void testTraitField2() {
trait T {
public foo
def bar() {
print fo<caret>o
''', PsiField)