blob: a29672091751b26c98ea8dda8c792b0e55570113 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2010 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* User: anna
* Date: 25-Mar-2010
package org.jetbrains.idea.eclipse.conversion;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.PathMacros;
import com.intellij.openapi.components.PathMacroManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleUtilCore;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.ProjectRootManagerImpl;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Comparing;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.*;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.idea.eclipse.EPathCommonUtil;
import org.jetbrains.idea.eclipse.EclipseXml;
import org.jetbrains.idea.eclipse.EclipseProjectFinder;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public class EPathUtil {
static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#" + EPathUtil.class.getName());
private EPathUtil() {
public static boolean areUrlsPointTheSame(String ideaUrl, String eclipseUrl) {
final String path = VfsUtilCore.urlToPath(eclipseUrl);
if (ideaUrl.contains(path)) {
return true;
else {
final String relativeToModulePath = EPathCommonUtil.getRelativeToModulePath(path);
final int relativeIdx = ideaUrl.indexOf(relativeToModulePath);
if (relativeIdx != -1) {
final String pathToProjectFile = VfsUtilCore.urlToPath(ideaUrl.substring(0, relativeIdx));
if (Comparing.strEqual(EPathCommonUtil.getRelativeModuleName(path),
EclipseProjectFinder.findProjectName(pathToProjectFile))) {
return true;
return false;
* @param otherModule check file relative to module content root
* @param relativeToOtherModule local path (paths inside jars are rejected)
* @return url
static String expandEclipseRelative2OtherModule(final @NotNull Module otherModule, final @Nullable String relativeToOtherModule) {
final VirtualFile[] contentRoots = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(otherModule).getContentRoots();
for (VirtualFile contentRoot : contentRoots) {
if (relativeToOtherModule == null) {
return contentRoot.getUrl();
final VirtualFile fileUnderModuleContentRoot = contentRoot.findFileByRelativePath(relativeToOtherModule);
if (fileUnderModuleContentRoot != null) {
return fileUnderModuleContentRoot.getUrl();
return null;
* @return url
static String expandEclipsePath2Url(final String path,
final ModifiableRootModel model,
final List<String> currentRoots) {
final VirtualFile contentRoot = getContentRoot(model);
LOG.assertTrue(contentRoot != null);
return expandEclipsePath2Url(path, model, currentRoots, contentRoot);
* @return url
static String expandEclipsePath2Url(final String path,
final ModifiableRootModel model,
final List<String> currentRoots,
@NotNull final VirtualFile contentRoot) {
final String rootPath = contentRoot.getPath();
String url = null;
if (new File(path).exists()) { //absolute path
url = EPathCommonUtil.pathToUrl(path);
else {
final String relativePath = new File(rootPath, path).getPath(); //inside current project
final File file = new File(relativePath);
if (file.exists()) {
url = EPathCommonUtil.pathToUrl(relativePath);
} else if (path.startsWith("/")) { //relative to other project
final String moduleName = EPathCommonUtil.getRelativeModuleName(path);
final String relativeToRootPath = EPathCommonUtil.getRelativeToModulePath(path);
final Module otherModule = ModuleManager.getInstance(model.getModule().getProject()).findModuleByName(moduleName);
if (otherModule != null && otherModule != model.getModule()) {
url = expandEclipseRelative2OtherModule(otherModule, relativeToRootPath);
else if (currentRoots != null) {
url = EPathCommonUtil.expandEclipseRelative2ContentRoots(currentRoots, moduleName, relativeToRootPath);
if (url == null) {
url = EPathCommonUtil.pathToUrl(path);
final VirtualFile localFile = VirtualFileManager.getInstance().findFileByUrl(url);
if (localFile != null) {
final VirtualFile jarFile = JarFileSystem.getInstance().getJarRootForLocalFile(localFile);
if (jarFile != null) {
url = jarFile.getUrl();
return url;
public static String collapse2eclipseRelative2OtherModule(final @NotNull Project project, final @NotNull VirtualFile file) {
final Module module = ModuleUtilCore.findModuleForFile(file, project);
if (module != null) {
return collapse2eclipsePathRelative2Module(file, module);
} else { //should check all modules then
final ProjectFileIndex fileIndex = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getFileIndex();
if (fileIndex.isExcluded(file) || fileIndex.isInLibraryClasses(file)) {
for (Module aModule : ModuleManager.getInstance(project).getModules()) {
final String path = collapse2eclipsePathRelative2Module(file, aModule);
if (path != null) {
return path;
return null;
private static String collapse2eclipsePathRelative2Module(VirtualFile file, Module module) {
final VirtualFile[] contentRoots = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getContentRoots();
for (VirtualFile otherRoot : contentRoots) {
if (VfsUtilCore.isAncestor(otherRoot, file, false)) {
return "/" + module.getName() + "/" + VfsUtilCore.getRelativePath(file, otherRoot, '/');
return null;
public static VirtualFile getContentRoot(final ModuleRootModel model) {
final VirtualFile[] contentRoots = model.getContentRoots();
for (VirtualFile virtualFile : contentRoots) {
if (virtualFile.findChild(EclipseXml.PROJECT_FILE) != null) {
return virtualFile;
return null;
static String collapse2EclipsePath(final String url, final ModuleRootModel model) {
final Project project = model.getModule().getProject();
final VirtualFile contentRoot = getContentRoot(model);
VirtualFile file = VirtualFileManager.getInstance().findFileByUrl(url);
if (file != null) {
if (file.getFileSystem() instanceof JarFileSystem) {
final VirtualFile jarFile = JarFileSystem.getInstance().getVirtualFileForJar(file);
if (jarFile == null) {
LOG.assertTrue(false, "Url: \'" + url + "\'; file: " + file);
return ProjectRootManagerImpl.extractLocalPath(url);
file = jarFile;
if (contentRoot != null && VfsUtilCore.isAncestor(contentRoot, file, false)) { //inside current project
return VfsUtilCore.getRelativePath(file, contentRoot, '/');
} else {
final String path = collapse2eclipseRelative2OtherModule(project, file); //relative to other project
if (path != null) {
return path;
return ProjectRootManagerImpl.extractLocalPath(url); //absolute path
else { //try to avoid absolute path for deleted file
if (contentRoot != null) {
final String rootUrl = contentRoot.getUrl();
if (url.startsWith(rootUrl) && url.length() > rootUrl.length()) {
return url.substring(rootUrl.length() + 1); //without leading /
final VirtualFile projectBaseDir = contentRoot != null ? contentRoot.getParent() : project.getBaseDir();
assert projectBaseDir != null;
final String projectUrl = projectBaseDir.getUrl();
if (url.startsWith(projectUrl)) {
return url.substring(projectUrl.length()); //leading /
final String path = VfsUtilCore.urlToPath(url);
final String projectPath = projectBaseDir.getPath();
if (path.startsWith(projectPath)) {
return ProjectRootManagerImpl.extractLocalPath(path.substring(projectPath.length()));
return ProjectRootManagerImpl.extractLocalPath(url);
static String collapse2EclipseVariabledPath(final LibraryOrderEntry libraryOrderEntry, OrderRootType type) {
final VirtualFile[] virtualFiles = libraryOrderEntry.getRootFiles(type);
if (virtualFiles.length > 0) {
VirtualFile jarFile = virtualFiles[0];
if (jarFile.getFileSystem() instanceof JarFileSystem) {
jarFile = JarFileSystem.getInstance().getVirtualFileForJar(jarFile);
if (jarFile == null) {
return null;
final Project project = libraryOrderEntry.getOwnerModule().getProject();
final VirtualFile baseDir = project.getBaseDir();
final String filePath = jarFile.getPath();
if (baseDir != null && !VfsUtilCore.isAncestor(baseDir, jarFile, false)) {
final String ideaCollapsed = PathMacroManager.getInstance(project).collapsePath(filePath);
if (ideaCollapsed.contains("..")) return null;
final int index = ideaCollapsed.indexOf('$');
if (index < 0) return null;
return ideaCollapsed.substring(index).replace("$", "");
for (String url : libraryOrderEntry.getRootUrls(type)) {
//check if existing eclipse variable points inside project or doesn't exist
String filePath = VirtualFileManager.extractPath(url);
final int jarSeparatorIdx = filePath.indexOf(JarFileSystem.JAR_SEPARATOR);
if (jarSeparatorIdx > -1) {
filePath = filePath.substring(0, jarSeparatorIdx);
final PathMacros pathMacros = PathMacros.getInstance();
final Set<String> names = pathMacros.getUserMacroNames();
for (String name : names) {
final String path = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(pathMacros.getValue(name));
if (filePath.startsWith(path + "/")) {
final String substr = filePath.substring(path.length());
return name + (substr.startsWith("/") || substr.length() == 0 ? substr : "/" + substr);
return null;