blob: f0ef1aaac01a679f203d3680620423b7b46ad212 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2011 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author max
package com.intellij.psi.codeStyle;
import com.intellij.openapi.components.ServiceManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException;
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.MagicConstant;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.Collection;
public abstract class JavaCodeStyleManager {
public static JavaCodeStyleManager getInstance(Project project) {
return ServiceManager.getService(project, JavaCodeStyleManager.class);
public static final int DO_NOT_ADD_IMPORTS = 0x1000;
public static final int UNCOMPLETE_CODE = 0x2000;
public abstract boolean addImport(@NotNull PsiJavaFile file, @NotNull PsiClass refClass);
public abstract PsiElement shortenClassReferences(@NotNull PsiElement element, @MagicConstant(flags = {DO_NOT_ADD_IMPORTS, UNCOMPLETE_CODE}) int flags) throws IncorrectOperationException;
@NotNull public abstract String getPrefixByVariableKind(VariableKind variableKind);
@NotNull public abstract String getSuffixByVariableKind(VariableKind variableKind);
public abstract int findEntryIndex(@NotNull PsiImportStatementBase statement);
* Replaces fully-qualified class names in the contents of the specified element with
* non-qualified names and adds import statements as necessary.
* @param element the element to shorten references in.
* @return the element in the PSI tree after the shorten references operation corresponding
* to the original element.
* @throws com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException if the file to shorten references in is read-only.
public abstract PsiElement shortenClassReferences(@NotNull PsiElement element) throws IncorrectOperationException;
* Replaces fully-qualified class names in a part of contents of the specified element with
* non-qualified names and adds import statements as necessary.
* @param element the element to shorten references in.
* @param startOffset the start offset in the <b>element</b> of the part where class references are
* shortened.
* @param endOffset the end offset in the <b>element</b> of the part where class references are
* shortened.
* @throws IncorrectOperationException if the file to shorten references in is read-only.
public abstract void shortenClassReferences(@NotNull PsiElement element, int startOffset, int endOffset) throws IncorrectOperationException;
* Optimizes imports in the specified Java or JSP file.
* @param file the file to optimize the imports in.
* @throws IncorrectOperationException if the file is read-only.
public abstract void optimizeImports(@NotNull PsiFile file) throws IncorrectOperationException;
* Calculates the import list that would be substituted in the specified Java or JSP
* file if an Optimize Imports operation was performed on it.
* @param file the file to calculate the import list for.
* @return the calculated import list.
public abstract PsiImportList prepareOptimizeImportsResult(@NotNull PsiJavaFile file);
* Returns the kind of the specified variable (local, parameter, field, static field or static
* final field).
* @param variable the variable to get the kind for.
* @return the variable kind.
public VariableKind getVariableKind(@NotNull PsiVariable variable){
if (variable instanceof PsiField) {
if (variable.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC)) {
if (variable.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.FINAL)) {
return VariableKind.STATIC_FINAL_FIELD;
return VariableKind.STATIC_FIELD;
return VariableKind.FIELD;
else {
if (variable instanceof PsiParameter) {
if (((PsiParameter)variable).getDeclarationScope() instanceof PsiForeachStatement) {
return VariableKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE;
return VariableKind.PARAMETER;
return VariableKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE;
public SuggestedNameInfo suggestVariableName(@NotNull final VariableKind kind,
@Nullable final String propertyName,
@Nullable final PsiExpression expr,
@Nullable PsiType type) {
return suggestVariableName(kind, propertyName, expr, type, true);
* Generates compiled parameter name for given type.
* Should not access indices due to performance reasons (e.g. see IDEA-116803)
public SuggestedNameInfo suggestCompiledParameterName(@NotNull PsiType type) {
return suggestVariableName(VariableKind.PARAMETER, null, null, type, true);
public abstract SuggestedNameInfo suggestVariableName(@NotNull VariableKind kind,
@Nullable String propertyName,
@Nullable PsiExpression expr,
@Nullable PsiType type,
boolean correctKeywords);
* Generates a stripped-down name (with no code style defined prefixes or suffixes, usable as
* a property name) from the specified name of a variable of the specified kind.
* @param name the name of the variable.
* @param variableKind the kind of the variable.
* @return the stripped-down name.
public abstract String variableNameToPropertyName(@NonNls String name, VariableKind variableKind);
* Appends code style defined prefixes and/or suffixes for the specified variable kind
* to the specified variable name.
* @param propertyName the base name of the variable.
* @param variableKind the kind of the variable.
* @return the variable name.
public abstract String propertyNameToVariableName(@NonNls String propertyName, VariableKind variableKind);
* Suggests a unique name for the variable used at the specified location.
* @param baseName the base name for the variable.
* @param place the location where the variable will be used.
* @param lookForward if true, the existing variables are searched in both directions; if false - only backward
* @return the generated unique name,
public abstract String suggestUniqueVariableName(@NonNls String baseName, PsiElement place, boolean lookForward);
* Suggests a unique name for the variable used at the specified location.
* @param baseNameInfo the base name info for the variable.
* @param place the location where the variable will be used.
* @param lookForward if true, the existing variables are searched in both directions; if false - only backward
* @return the generated unique name
public SuggestedNameInfo suggestUniqueVariableName(@NotNull SuggestedNameInfo baseNameInfo,
PsiElement place,
boolean lookForward) {
return suggestUniqueVariableName(baseNameInfo, place, false, lookForward);
* Suggests a unique name for the variable used at the specified location.
* @param baseNameInfo the base name info for the variable.
* @param place the location where the variable will be used.
* @param ignorePlaceName if true and place is PsiNamedElement, place.getName() would be still treated as unique name
* @param lookForward if true, the existing variables are searched in both directions; if false - only backward @return the generated unique name,
* @return the generated unique name
@NotNull public abstract SuggestedNameInfo suggestUniqueVariableName(@NotNull SuggestedNameInfo baseNameInfo,
PsiElement place,
boolean ignorePlaceName,
boolean lookForward);
* Replaces all references to Java classes in the contents of the specified element,
* except for references to classes in the same package or in implicitly imported packages,
* with full-qualified references.
* @param element the element to replace the references in.
* @return the element in the PSI tree after the qualify operation corresponding to the
* original element.
public abstract PsiElement qualifyClassReferences(@NotNull PsiElement element);
* Removes unused import statements from the specified Java file.
* @param file the file to remove the import statements from.
* @throws IncorrectOperationException if the operation fails for some reason (for example,
* the file is read-only).
public abstract void removeRedundantImports(@NotNull PsiJavaFile file) throws IncorrectOperationException;
public abstract Collection<PsiImportStatementBase> findRedundantImports(PsiJavaFile file);