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* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: max
* Date: Feb 6, 2002
* Time: 10:01:02 PM
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package com.intellij.codeInspection.dataFlow.value;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Comparing;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static com.intellij.psi.JavaTokenType.*;
public class DfaRelationValue extends DfaValue {
private DfaValue myLeftOperand;
private DfaValue myRightOperand;
private IElementType myRelation;
private boolean myIsNegated;
public static class Factory {
private final DfaRelationValue mySharedInstance;
private final HashMap<String,ArrayList<DfaRelationValue>> myStringToObject;
private final DfaValueFactory myFactory;
Factory(DfaValueFactory factory) {
myFactory = factory;
mySharedInstance = new DfaRelationValue(factory);
myStringToObject = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<DfaRelationValue>>();
public DfaRelationValue createRelation(DfaValue dfaLeft, DfaValue dfaRight, IElementType relation, boolean negated) {
if (PLUS == relation) return null;
if (dfaLeft instanceof DfaVariableValue || dfaLeft instanceof DfaBoxedValue || dfaLeft instanceof DfaUnboxedValue
|| dfaRight instanceof DfaVariableValue || dfaRight instanceof DfaBoxedValue || dfaRight instanceof DfaUnboxedValue) {
if (!(dfaLeft instanceof DfaVariableValue || dfaLeft instanceof DfaBoxedValue || dfaLeft instanceof DfaUnboxedValue)) {
return createRelation(dfaRight, dfaLeft, getSymmetricOperation(relation), negated);
return createCanonicalRelation(relation, negated, dfaLeft, dfaRight);
if (dfaLeft instanceof DfaTypeValue && ((DfaTypeValue)dfaLeft).isNotNull() && dfaRight instanceof DfaConstValue) {
return createCanonicalRelation(relation, negated, dfaLeft, dfaRight);
else if (dfaRight instanceof DfaTypeValue && ((DfaTypeValue)dfaRight).isNotNull() && dfaLeft instanceof DfaConstValue) {
return createCanonicalRelation(relation, negated, dfaRight, dfaLeft);
else {
return null;
private DfaRelationValue createCanonicalRelation(IElementType relation,
boolean negated,
@NotNull final DfaValue dfaLeft,
@NotNull final DfaValue dfaRight) {
// To canonical form.
if (NE == relation) {
relation = EQEQ;
negated = !negated;
else if (LT == relation) {
relation = GE;
negated = !negated;
else if (LE == relation) {
relation = GT;
negated = !negated;
mySharedInstance.myLeftOperand = dfaLeft;
mySharedInstance.myRightOperand = dfaRight;
mySharedInstance.myRelation = relation;
mySharedInstance.myIsNegated = negated;
String id = mySharedInstance.toString();
ArrayList<DfaRelationValue> conditions = myStringToObject.get(id);
if (conditions == null) {
conditions = new ArrayList<DfaRelationValue>();
myStringToObject.put(id, conditions);
else {
for (DfaRelationValue rel : conditions) {
if (rel.hardEquals(mySharedInstance)) return rel;
DfaRelationValue result = new DfaRelationValue(dfaLeft, dfaRight, relation, negated, myFactory);
return result;
public static IElementType getSymmetricOperation(IElementType sign) {
if (LT == sign) return GT;
if (GE == sign) return LE;
if (GT == sign) return LT;
if (LE == sign) return GE;
return sign;
private DfaRelationValue(DfaValueFactory factory) {
private DfaRelationValue(DfaValue myLeftOperand, DfaValue myRightOperand, IElementType myRelation, boolean myIsNegated,
DfaValueFactory factory) {
this.myLeftOperand = myLeftOperand;
this.myRightOperand = myRightOperand;
this.myRelation = myRelation;
this.myIsNegated = myIsNegated;
public DfaValue getLeftOperand() {
return myLeftOperand;
public DfaValue getRightOperand() {
return myRightOperand;
public boolean isNegated() {
return myIsNegated;
public DfaValue createNegated() {
return myFactory.getRelationFactory().createRelation(myLeftOperand, myRightOperand, myRelation, !myIsNegated);
private boolean hardEquals(DfaRelationValue rel) {
return Comparing.equal(rel.myLeftOperand,myLeftOperand)
&& Comparing.equal(rel.myRightOperand,myRightOperand) &&
rel.myRelation == myRelation &&
rel.myIsNegated == myIsNegated;
public boolean isEquality() {
return myRelation == EQEQ && !myIsNegated;
public boolean isNonEquality() {
return myRelation == EQEQ && myIsNegated || myRelation == GT && !myIsNegated || myRelation == GE && myIsNegated;
public boolean isInstanceOf() {
return myRelation == INSTANCEOF_KEYWORD;
@NonNls public String toString() {
return (isNegated() ? "not " : "") + myLeftOperand + " " + myRelation + " " + myRightOperand;