blob: 8858b9b7b79dc9e1f1c98b39041e8591d3280ee2 [file] [log] [blame]
def test():
def f1(xs):
:type xs: collections.Iterable of T
return iter(xs).next()
def f2(x, xs, z):
:type x: T
:type xs: list of T
:type z: U
return x in xs
def id(x):
:type x: T
:rtype: T
return x
def f3(x, y, z):
:type x: T
:type y: U
:type z: V
r1 = id(x)
r2 = id(y)
r3 = id(z)
return r1, r2, r3
def f4(x):
:type x: (bool, int, str)
result = f1([1, 2, 3])
print(result + <warning descr="Expected type 'Number', got 'str' instead">'foo'</warning>)
f2(1, <weak_warning descr="Expected type 'list[int]' (matched generic type 'list[T]'), got 'list[str]' instead">['foo']</weak_warning>, 'bar')
result = f3(1, 'foo', True)
f4(<warning descr="Expected type '(bool, int, str)', got '(int, str, bool)' instead">result</warning>)