blob: c153bdc1e1e98f73b63fb1b42c37e3e377f91599 [file] [log] [blame]
import jffi
__version__ = "0.0.1"
_TypeMap = {
'b': jffi.Type.BYTE,
'B': jffi.Type.UBYTE,
'h': jffi.Type.SHORT,
'H': jffi.Type.USHORT,
'i': jffi.Type.INT,
'I': jffi.Type.UINT,
'l': jffi.Type.LONG,
'L': jffi.Type.ULONG,
'q': jffi.Type.LONGLONG,
'Q': jffi.Type.ULONGLONG,
'f': jffi.Type.FLOAT,
'd': jffi.Type.DOUBLE,
'?': jffi.Type.BOOL,
'z': jffi.Type.STRING,
'P': jffi.Type.POINTER
class _CTypeMetaClass(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict)
def __mul__(self, len):
dict = { '_jffi_type': jffi.Type.Array(self, len) }
# Look back up the stack frame to find out the module this new type is declared in
import inspect
mod = inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[1][0])
if mod is None:
name = "__main__"
name = mod.__name__
dict["__module__"] = name
return type("%s_Array_%d" % (self.__name__, len), (jffi.ArrayCData, _ArrayCData, _CData), dict)
class _CData(object):
def in_dll(self, lib, name):
return self.from_address(lib[name])
def size(self):
return self._jffi_type.size()
class _ScalarCData(jffi.ScalarCData, _CData):
__metaclass__ = _CTypeMetaClass
class _ArrayCData(object):
def __len__(self):
return self._jffi_type.length
class _StructLayoutBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, union = False):
self.size = 0
self.offset = 0
self.fields = []
self.union = union
def align(self, offset, align):
return align + ((offset - 1) & ~(align - 1));
def add_fields(self, fields):
for f in fields:
return self
def add_field(self, f):
if not issubclass(f[1], _ScalarCData):
raise RuntimeError("non-scalar fields not supported")
if len(f) != 2:
raise RuntimeError("structs with bitfields not supported")
self.offset = self.align(self.offset, alignment(f[1]))
self.fields.append(jffi.StructLayout.ScalarField(f[0], f[1], self.offset))
if not self.union:
self.offset += sizeof(f[1])
self.size = max(self.offset, sizeof(f[1]))
return self
def build(self):
return jffi.StructLayout(fields = self.fields, union = self.union)
class _AggregateMetaClass(type):
def __new_aggregate__(cls, name, bases, dict, union = False):
if dict.has_key('_fields_'):
layout = dict['_jffi_type'] = _StructLayoutBuilder(union).add_fields(dict['_fields_']).build()
# make all fields accessible via .foo
for f in dict['_fields_']:
dict[f[0]] = layout[f[0]]
dict['__fields_'] = dict['_fields_']
dict['__fields_'] = []
if dict.has_key('_pack_'):
raise NotImplementedError("struct packing not implemented")
if dict.has_key('_anonymous_'):
raise NotImplementedError("anonymous fields not implemented")
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict)
def get_fields(self):
return self.__fields_
def set_fields(self, fields):
layout = _StructLayoutBuilder(union = issubclass(Union, self)).add_fields(fields).build()
self.__fields_ = fields
self._jffi_type = layout
# make all fields accessible via .foo
for f in fields:
setattr(self, f[0], layout[f[0]])
_fields_ = property(get_fields, set_fields)
# Make _pack_ and _anonymous_ throw errors if anyone tries to use them
_pack_ = property(None)
_anonymous_ = property(None)
class _StructMetaClass(_AggregateMetaClass):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
return _AggregateMetaClass.__new_aggregate__(cls, name, bases, dict, union = False)
class _UnionMetaClass(_AggregateMetaClass):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
return _AggregateMetaClass.__new_aggregate__(cls, name, bases, dict, union = True)
class Structure(jffi.Structure, _CData):
__metaclass__ = _StructMetaClass
class Union(jffi.Structure, _CData):
__metaclass__ = _UnionMetaClass
def sizeof(type):
if hasattr(type, '_jffi_type'):
return type._jffi_type.size()
raise TypeError("this type has no size")
def alignment(type):
return type._jffi_type.alignment()
def addressof(cdata):
return cdata.address()
def byref(cdata, offset = 0):
return cdata.byref(offset)
def pointer(cdata):
return cdata.pointer(POINTER(cdata.__class__))
memmove = jffi.memmove
memset = jffi.memset
_pointer_type_cache = {}
def POINTER(ctype):
# If a pointer class for the C type has been created, re-use it
if _pointer_type_cache.has_key(ctype):
return _pointer_type_cache[ctype]
# Create a new class for this particular C type
dict = { '_jffi_type': jffi.Type.Pointer(ctype) }
# Look back up the stack frame to find out the module this new type is declared in
import inspect
mod = inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[1][0])
if mod is None:
name = "__main__"
name = mod.__name__
dict["__module__"] = name
ptype = type("LP_%s" % (ctype.__name__,), (jffi.PointerCData, _CData), dict)
_pointer_type_cache[ctype] = ptype
return ptype
class c_bool(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = '?'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.BOOL
class c_byte(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'b'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.BYTE
class c_ubyte(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'B'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.UBYTE
class c_short(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'h'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.SHORT
class c_ushort(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'H'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.USHORT
class c_int(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'i'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.INT
class c_uint(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'I'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.UINT
class c_longlong(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'q'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.LONGLONG
class c_ulonglong(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'Q'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.ULONGLONG
class c_long(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'l'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.LONG
class c_ulong(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'L'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.ULONG
class c_float(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'f'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.FLOAT
class c_double(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'd'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.DOUBLE
c_int8 = c_byte
c_uint8 = c_ubyte
c_int16 = c_short
c_uint16 = c_ushort
c_int32 = c_int
c_uint32 = c_uint
c_int64 = c_longlong
c_uint64 = c_ulonglong
c_size_t = c_ulong
c_ssize_t = c_long
class c_char_p(jffi.StringCData, _CData):
_type_ = 'z'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.STRING
class c_void_p(_ScalarCData):
_type_ = 'P'
_jffi_type = jffi.Type.POINTER
class _Function(jffi.Function):
_restype = c_int
_argtypes = None
class CDLL:
def __init__(self, name, mode = DEFAULT_MODE, handle = None):
self._handle = jffi.dlopen(name, mode)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'):
raise AttributeError, name
func = self.__getitem__(name)
setattr(self, name, func)
return func
def __getitem__(self, name):
return _Function(self._handle.find_symbol(name))
class LibraryLoader(object):
def __init__(self, dlltype):
self._dlltype = dlltype
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name[0] == '_':
raise AttributeError(name)
dll = self._dlltype(name)
setattr(self, name, dll)
return dll
def __getitem__(self, name):
return getattr(self, name)
def LoadLibrary(self, name):
return self._dlltype(name)
cdll = LibraryLoader(CDLL)