blob: 2ff19fcc56e6c29665ff47de41230cadaee568ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jetbrains.idea.svn.history;
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.FilePath;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsConfiguration;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsException;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.annotate.ShowAllAffectedGenericAction;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.Change;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.ChangeListManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.ContentRevision;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.issueLinks.TableLinkMouseListener;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.history.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
import com.intellij.ui.*;
import com.intellij.util.Consumer;
import com.intellij.util.PlatformIcons;
import com.intellij.util.ThrowableConsumer;
import com.intellij.util.ui.ColumnInfo;
import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.*;
import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.commandLine.SvnBindException;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.*;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNPathUtil;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.SVNErrorManager;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc2.SvnTarget;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.util.SVNLogType;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
public class SvnHistoryProvider
implements VcsHistoryProvider, VcsCacheableHistorySessionFactory<Boolean, SvnHistorySession> {
private final SvnVcs myVcs;
public SvnHistoryProvider(SvnVcs vcs) {
myVcs = vcs;
public boolean supportsHistoryForDirectories() {
return true;
public DiffFromHistoryHandler getHistoryDiffHandler() {
return new SvnDiffFromHistoryHandler(myVcs);
public boolean canShowHistoryFor(@NotNull VirtualFile file) {
return true;
public VcsDependentHistoryComponents getUICustomization(final VcsHistorySession session, JComponent forShortcutRegistration) {
final ColumnInfo[] columns;
final Consumer<VcsFileRevision> listener;
final JComponent addComp;
if (((SvnHistorySession)session).isHaveMergeSources()) {
final MergeSourceColumnInfo mergeSourceColumn = new MergeSourceColumnInfo((SvnHistorySession)session);
columns = new ColumnInfo[]{new CopyFromColumnInfo(), mergeSourceColumn};
final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
final JTextArea field = new JTextArea();
listener = new Consumer<VcsFileRevision>() {
public void consume(VcsFileRevision vcsFileRevision) {
final MergeSourceDetailsAction sourceAction = new MergeSourceDetailsAction();
JPanel fieldPanel = new ToolbarDecorator() {
protected JComponent getComponent() {
return field;
protected void updateButtons() {
protected void installDnDSupport() {
protected boolean isModelEditable() {
return false;
fieldPanel.setBorder(IdeBorderFactory.createBorder(SideBorder.LEFT | SideBorder.TOP));
panel.add(fieldPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
panel.add(new JLabel("Merge Sources:"), BorderLayout.NORTH);
addComp = panel;
else {
columns = new ColumnInfo[]{new CopyFromColumnInfo()};
addComp = null;
listener = null;
return new VcsDependentHistoryComponents(columns, listener, addComp);
public FilePath getUsedFilePath(SvnHistorySession session) {
return session.getCommittedPath();
public Boolean getAddinionallyCachedData(SvnHistorySession session) {
return session.isHaveMergeSources();
public SvnHistorySession createFromCachedData(Boolean aBoolean,
@NotNull List<VcsFileRevision> revisions,
@NotNull FilePath filePath,
VcsRevisionNumber currentRevision) {
return new SvnHistorySession(myVcs, revisions, filePath, aBoolean, currentRevision, false, ! filePath.isNonLocal());
public VcsHistorySession createSessionFor(final FilePath filePath) throws VcsException {
final VcsAppendableHistoryPartnerAdapter adapter = new VcsAppendableHistoryPartnerAdapter();
reportAppendableHistory(filePath, adapter);
return adapter.getSession();
public void reportAppendableHistory(FilePath path, final VcsAppendableHistorySessionPartner partner) throws VcsException {
// we need + 1 rows to be reported to further detect that number of rows exceeded the limit
reportAppendableHistory(path, partner, null, null, VcsConfiguration.getInstance(myVcs.getProject()).MAXIMUM_HISTORY_ROWS + 1, null, false);
public void reportAppendableHistory(FilePath path, final VcsAppendableHistorySessionPartner partner,
@Nullable final SVNRevision from, @Nullable final SVNRevision to, final int limit,
SVNRevision peg, final boolean forceBackwards) throws VcsException {
FilePath committedPath = path;
Change change = ChangeListManager.getInstance(myVcs.getProject()).getChange(path);
if (change != null) {
final ContentRevision beforeRevision = change.getBeforeRevision();
final ContentRevision afterRevision = change.getAfterRevision();
if (beforeRevision != null && afterRevision != null && !beforeRevision.getFile().equals(afterRevision.getFile()) &&
afterRevision.getFile().equals(path)) {
committedPath = beforeRevision.getFile();
// revision can be VcsRevisionNumber.NULL
if (peg == null && change.getBeforeRevision() != null && change.getBeforeRevision().getRevisionNumber() instanceof SvnRevisionNumber) {
peg = ((SvnRevisionNumber) change.getBeforeRevision().getRevisionNumber()).getRevision();
final boolean showMergeSources = SvnConfiguration.getInstance(myVcs.getProject()).isShowMergeSourcesInAnnotate();
final LogLoader logLoader;
if (path.isNonLocal()) {
logLoader = new RepositoryLoader(myVcs, committedPath, from, to, limit, peg, forceBackwards, showMergeSources);
else {
logLoader = new LocalLoader(myVcs, committedPath, from, to, limit, peg, showMergeSources);
try {
catch (SVNCancelException e) {
throw new VcsException(e);
catch (SVNException e) {
throw new VcsException(e);
if (showMergeSources) {
final SvnHistorySession historySession =
new SvnHistorySession(myVcs, Collections.<VcsFileRevision>emptyList(), committedPath, showMergeSources && Boolean.TRUE.equals(logLoader.mySupport15), null, false,
! path.isNonLocal());
final Ref<Boolean> sessionReported = new Ref<Boolean>();
final ProgressIndicator indicator = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator();
if (indicator != null) {
indicator.setText(SvnBundle.message("progress.text2.collecting.history", path.getName()));
final Consumer<VcsFileRevision> consumer = new Consumer<VcsFileRevision>() {
public void consume(VcsFileRevision vcsFileRevision) {
if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(sessionReported.get())) {
private static abstract class LogLoader {
protected final boolean myShowMergeSources;
protected String myUrl;
protected boolean mySupport15;
protected final SvnVcs myVcs;
protected final FilePath myFile;
protected final SVNRevision myFrom;
protected final SVNRevision myTo;
protected final int myLimit;
protected final SVNRevision myPeg;
protected Consumer<VcsFileRevision> myConsumer;
protected final ProgressIndicator myPI;
protected VcsException myException;
protected LogLoader(SvnVcs vcs, FilePath file, SVNRevision from, SVNRevision to, int limit, SVNRevision peg, boolean showMergeSources) {
myVcs = vcs;
myFile = file;
myFrom = from;
myTo = to;
myLimit = limit;
myPeg = peg;
myPI = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator();
myShowMergeSources = showMergeSources;
public void setConsumer(Consumer<VcsFileRevision> consumer) {
myConsumer = consumer;
protected void initSupports15() {
assert myUrl != null;
mySupport15 = SvnUtil.checkRepositoryVersion15(myVcs, myUrl);
public void check() throws VcsException {
if (myException != null) throw myException;
protected abstract void preliminary() throws SVNException;
protected abstract void load();
private static class LocalLoader extends LogLoader {
private Info myInfo;
private LocalLoader(SvnVcs vcs, FilePath file, SVNRevision from, SVNRevision to, int limit, SVNRevision peg, boolean showMergeSources) {
super(vcs, file, from, to, limit, peg, showMergeSources);
protected void preliminary() throws SVNException {
myInfo = myVcs.getInfo(myFile.getIOFile());
if (myInfo == null || myInfo.getRepositoryRootURL() == null) {
myException = new VcsException("File " + myFile.getPath() + " is not under version control");
if (myInfo.getURL() == null) {
myException = new VcsException("File " + myFile.getPath() + " is not under Subversion control");
myUrl = myInfo.getURL().toDecodedString();
protected void load() {
String relativeUrl = myUrl;
final SVNURL repoRootURL = myInfo.getRepositoryRootURL();
final String root = repoRootURL.toString();
if (myUrl != null && myUrl.startsWith(root)) {
relativeUrl = myUrl.substring(root.length());
if (myPI != null) {
myPI.setText2(SvnBundle.message("progress.text2.changes.establishing.connection", myUrl));
final SVNRevision pegRevision = myInfo.getRevision();
final SvnTarget target = SvnTarget.fromFile(myFile.getIOFile(), myPeg);
try {
myFrom == null ? SVNRevision.HEAD : myFrom,
myTo == null ? SVNRevision.create(1) : myTo,
false, true, myShowMergeSources && mySupport15, myLimit + 1, null,
new MyLogEntryHandler(myVcs, myUrl, pegRevision, relativeUrl,
repoRootURL, myFile.getCharset()));
catch (SVNCancelException e) {
catch (SVNException e) {
myException = new VcsException(e);
catch (VcsException e) {
myException = e;
private static ThrowableConsumer<VcsFileRevision, SVNException> createConsumerAdapter(final Consumer<VcsFileRevision> consumer) {
return new ThrowableConsumer<VcsFileRevision, SVNException>() {
public void consume(VcsFileRevision revision) throws SVNException {
private static class RepositoryLoader extends LogLoader {
private final boolean myForceBackwards;
private RepositoryLoader(SvnVcs vcs,
FilePath file,
SVNRevision from,
SVNRevision to,
int limit,
SVNRevision peg,
boolean forceBackwards, boolean showMergeSources) {
super(vcs, file, from, to, limit, peg, showMergeSources);
myForceBackwards = forceBackwards;
protected void preliminary() throws SVNException {
myUrl = myFile.getPath().replace('\\', '/');
protected void load() {
if (myPI != null) {
myPI.setText2(SvnBundle.message("progress.text2.changes.establishing.connection", myUrl));
try {
if (myForceBackwards) {
SVNURL svnurl = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(myUrl);
if (! existsNow(svnurl)) {
final SVNURL svnurl = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(myUrl);
SVNRevision operationalFrom = myFrom == null ? SVNRevision.HEAD : myFrom;
// TODO: try to rewrite without separately retrieving repository url by item url - as this command could require authentication
// TODO: and it is not "clear enough/easy to implement" with current design (for some cases) how to cache credentials (if in
// TODO: non-interactive mode)
final SVNURL rootURL = SvnUtil.getRepositoryRoot(myVcs, svnurl);
if (rootURL == null) {
throw new VcsException("Could not find repository root for URL: " + myUrl);
final String root = rootURL.toString();
String relativeUrl = myUrl;
if (myUrl.startsWith(root)) {
relativeUrl = myUrl.substring(root.length());
SvnTarget target = SvnTarget.fromURL(svnurl, myPeg == null ? myFrom : myPeg);
RepositoryLogEntryHandler handler =
new RepositoryLogEntryHandler(myVcs, myUrl, SVNRevision.UNDEFINED, relativeUrl, createConsumerAdapter(myConsumer), rootURL);
.doLog(target, operationalFrom, myTo == null ? SVNRevision.create(1) : myTo, false, true, myShowMergeSources && mySupport15,
myLimit + 1, null, handler);
catch (SVNCancelException e) {
catch (SVNException e) {
myException = new VcsException(e);
catch (VcsException e) {
myException = e;
private void loadBackwards(SVNURL svnurl) throws SVNException, VcsException {
// this method is called when svnurl does not exist in latest repository revision - thus concrete old revision is used for "info"
// command to get repository url
Info info = myVcs.getInfo(svnurl, myPeg, myPeg);
final SVNURL rootURL = info != null ? info.getRepositoryRootURL() : null;
final String root = rootURL != null ? rootURL.toString() : "";
String relativeUrl = myUrl;
if (myUrl.startsWith(root)) {
relativeUrl = myUrl.substring(root.length());
final RepositoryLogEntryHandler repositoryLogEntryHandler =
new RepositoryLogEntryHandler(myVcs, myUrl, SVNRevision.UNDEFINED, relativeUrl,
new ThrowableConsumer<VcsFileRevision, SVNException>() {
public void consume(VcsFileRevision revision) throws SVNException {
}, rootURL);
SvnTarget target = SvnTarget.fromURL(rootURL, myFrom);
.doLog(target, myFrom, myTo == null ? SVNRevision.create(1) : myTo, false, true, myShowMergeSources && mySupport15, 1, null,
private boolean existsNow(SVNURL svnurl) {
final Info info;
try {
info = myVcs.getInfo(svnurl, SVNRevision.HEAD, SVNRevision.HEAD);
catch (SvnBindException e) {
return false;
return info != null && info.getURL() != null && info.getRevision().isValid();
public String getHelpId() {
return null;
public AnAction[] getAdditionalActions(final Runnable refresher) {
return new AnAction[]{ ShowAllAffectedGenericAction.getInstance(), new MergeSourceDetailsAction(), new SvnEditCommitMessageFromFileHistoryAction()};
public boolean isDateOmittable() {
return false;
private static class MyLogEntryHandler implements LogEntryConsumer {
private final ProgressIndicator myIndicator;
protected final SvnVcs myVcs;
protected final SvnPathThroughHistoryCorrection myLastPathCorrector;
private final Charset myCharset;
protected final ThrowableConsumer<VcsFileRevision, SVNException> myResult;
private final String myLastPath;
private VcsFileRevision myPrevious;
private final SVNRevision myPegRevision;
protected final String myUrl;
private final SvnMergeSourceTracker myTracker;
protected SVNURL myRepositoryRoot;
private boolean myThrowCancelOnMeetPathCreation;
public void setThrowCancelOnMeetPathCreation(boolean throwCancelOnMeetPathCreation) {
myThrowCancelOnMeetPathCreation = throwCancelOnMeetPathCreation;
public MyLogEntryHandler(SvnVcs vcs, final String url,
final SVNRevision pegRevision,
String lastPath,
final ThrowableConsumer<VcsFileRevision, SVNException> result,
SVNURL repoRootURL, Charset charset)
throws SVNException, VcsException {
myVcs = vcs;
myLastPathCorrector = new SvnPathThroughHistoryCorrection(lastPath);
myLastPath = lastPath;
myCharset = charset;
myIndicator = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator();
myResult = result;
myPegRevision = pegRevision;
myUrl = url;
myRepositoryRoot = repoRootURL;
myTracker = new SvnMergeSourceTracker(new ThrowableConsumer<Pair<LogEntry, Integer>, SVNException>() {
public void consume(final Pair<LogEntry, Integer> svnLogEntryIntegerPair) throws SVNException {
final LogEntry logEntry = svnLogEntryIntegerPair.getFirst();
if (myIndicator != null) {
if (myIndicator.isCanceled()) {
SVNErrorManager.cancel(SvnBundle.message("exception.text.update.operation.cancelled"), SVNLogType.DEFAULT);
myIndicator.setText2(SvnBundle.message("progress.text2.revision.processed", logEntry.getRevision()));
LogEntryPath entryPath = null;
String copyPath = null;
final int mergeLevel = svnLogEntryIntegerPair.getSecond();
if (! myLastPathCorrector.isRoot()) {
entryPath = myLastPathCorrector.getDirectlyMentioned();
copyPath = null;
if (entryPath != null) {
copyPath = entryPath.getCopyPath();
} else {
// if there are no path with exact match, check whether parent or child paths had changed
// "entry path" is allowed to be null now; if it is null, last path would be taken for revision construction
// Separate LogEntry is issued for each "merge source" revision. These "merge source" revisions are treated as child
// revisions of some other revision - this way we construct merge hierarchy.
// mergeLevel >= 0 indicates that we are currently processing some "merge source" revision. This "merge source" revision
// contains changes from some other branch - so checkForChildChanges() and checkForParentChanges() return "false".
// Because of this case we apply these methods only for non-"merge source" revisions - this means mergeLevel < 0.
// TODO: Do not apply path filtering even for log entries on the first level => just output of 'svn log' should be returned.
// TODO: Looks like there is no cases when we issue 'svn log' for some parent paths or some other cases where we need such
// TODO: filtering. Check user feedback on this.
// if (mergeLevel < 0 && !checkForChildChanges(logEntry) && !checkForParentChanges(logEntry)) return;
final SvnFileRevision revision = createRevision(logEntry, copyPath, entryPath);
if (mergeLevel >= 0) {
addToListByLevel((SvnFileRevision)myPrevious, revision, mergeLevel);
else {
myPrevious = revision;
if (myThrowCancelOnMeetPathCreation && myUrl.equals(revision.getURL()) && entryPath != null && entryPath.getType() == 'A') {
throw new SVNCancelException();
private boolean checkForParentChanges(LogEntry logEntry) {
final String lastPathBefore = myLastPathCorrector.getBefore();
String path = SVNPathUtil.removeTail(lastPathBefore);
while (path.length() > 0) {
final LogEntryPath entryPath = logEntry.getChangedPaths().get(path);
// A & D are checked since we are not interested in parent folders property changes, only in structure changes
// TODO: seems that R (replaced) should also be checked here
if (entryPath != null && (entryPath.getType() == 'A' || entryPath.getType() == 'D')) {
if (entryPath.getCopyPath() != null) {
return true;
path = SVNPathUtil.removeTail(path);
return false;
// TODO: this makes sense only for directories, but should always return true if something under the directory was changed in revision
// TODO: as svn will provide child changes in history for directory
private boolean checkForChildChanges(LogEntry logEntry) {
final String lastPathBefore = myLastPathCorrector.getBefore();
for (String key : logEntry.getChangedPaths().keySet()) {
if (SVNPathUtil.isAncestor(lastPathBefore, key)) {
return true;
return false;
public void consume(LogEntry logEntry) throws SVNException {
private static void addToListByLevel(final SvnFileRevision revision, final SvnFileRevision revisionToAdd, final int level) {
if (level < 0) {
if (level == 0) {
final List<SvnFileRevision> sources = revision.getMergeSources();
if (!sources.isEmpty()) {
addToListByLevel(sources.get(sources.size() - 1), revisionToAdd, level - 1);
protected SvnFileRevision createRevision(final LogEntry logEntry, final String copyPath, LogEntryPath entryPath) throws SVNException {
Date date = logEntry.getDate();
String author = logEntry.getAuthor();
String message = logEntry.getMessage();
SVNRevision rev = SVNRevision.create(logEntry.getRevision());
final SVNURL url = myRepositoryRoot.appendPath(myLastPath, true);
// final SVNURL url = entryPath != null ? myRepositoryRoot.appendPath(entryPath.getPath(), true) :
// myRepositoryRoot.appendPath(myLastPathCorrector.getBefore(), false);
return new SvnFileRevision(myVcs, myPegRevision, rev, url.toString(), author, date, message, copyPath);
private static class RepositoryLogEntryHandler extends MyLogEntryHandler {
public RepositoryLogEntryHandler(final SvnVcs vcs, final String url,
final SVNRevision pegRevision,
String lastPath,
final ThrowableConsumer<VcsFileRevision, SVNException> result,
throws VcsException, SVNException {
super(vcs, url, pegRevision, lastPath, result, repoRootURL, null);
protected SvnFileRevision createRevision(final LogEntry logEntry, final String copyPath, LogEntryPath entryPath)
throws SVNException {
final SVNURL url = entryPath == null ? myRepositoryRoot.appendPath(myLastPathCorrector.getBefore(), false) :
myRepositoryRoot.appendPath(entryPath.getPath(), true);
return new SvnFileRevision(myVcs, SVNRevision.UNDEFINED, logEntry, url.toString(), copyPath);
private static class RevisionMergeSourceInfo {
@NotNull private final VcsFileRevision revision;
private RevisionMergeSourceInfo(@NotNull VcsFileRevision revision) {
this.revision = revision;
public SvnFileRevision getRevision() {
return (SvnFileRevision)revision;
// will be used, for instance, while copying (to clipboard) data from table
public String toString() {
return toString(revision);
private static String toString(@Nullable VcsFileRevision value) {
if (!(value instanceof SvnFileRevision)) return "";
final SvnFileRevision revision = (SvnFileRevision)value;
final List<SvnFileRevision> mergeSources = revision.getMergeSources();
if (mergeSources.isEmpty()) {
return "";
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (SvnFileRevision source : mergeSources) {
if (sb.length() != 0) {
sb.append(", ");
if (!source.getMergeSources().isEmpty()) {
return sb.toString();
private class MergeSourceColumnInfo extends ColumnInfo<VcsFileRevision, RevisionMergeSourceInfo> {
private final MergeSourceRenderer myRenderer;
private MergeSourceColumnInfo(final SvnHistorySession session) {
super("Merge Sources");
myRenderer = new MergeSourceRenderer(session);
public TableCellRenderer getRenderer(final VcsFileRevision vcsFileRevision) {
return myRenderer;
public RevisionMergeSourceInfo valueOf(final VcsFileRevision vcsFileRevision) {
return vcsFileRevision != null ? new RevisionMergeSourceInfo(vcsFileRevision) : null;
public String getText(final VcsFileRevision vcsFileRevision) {
return myRenderer.getText(vcsFileRevision);
public int getAdditionalWidth() {
return 20;
public String getPreferredStringValue() {
return "1234567, 1234567, 1234567";
private static final Object MERGE_SOURCE_DETAILS_TAG = new Object();
private class MergeSourceDetailsLinkListener extends TableLinkMouseListener {
private final VirtualFile myFile;
private final Object myTag;
private MergeSourceDetailsLinkListener(final Object tag, final VirtualFile file) {
myTag = tag;
myFile = file;
public boolean onClick(@NotNull MouseEvent e, int clickCount) {
if (e.getButton() == 1 && !e.isPopupTrigger()) {
Object tag = getTagAt(e);
if (tag == myTag) {
final SvnFileRevision revision = getSelectedRevision(e);
if (revision != null) {
SvnMergeSourceDetails.showMe(myVcs.getProject(), revision, myFile);
return true;
return false;
private SvnFileRevision getSelectedRevision(final MouseEvent e) {
JTable table = (JTable)e.getSource();
int row = table.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint());
int column = table.columnAtPoint(e.getPoint());
final Object value = table.getModel().getValueAt(row, column);
if (value instanceof RevisionMergeSourceInfo) {
return ((RevisionMergeSourceInfo)value).getRevision();
return null;
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
JTable table = (JTable)e.getSource();
Object tag = getTagAt(e);
if (tag == myTag) {
else {
private class MergeSourceRenderer extends ColoredTableCellRenderer {
private MergeSourceDetailsLinkListener myListener;
private final VirtualFile myFile;
private MergeSourceRenderer(final SvnHistorySession session) {
myFile = session.getCommittedPath().getVirtualFile();
public String getText(final VcsFileRevision value) {
return RevisionMergeSourceInfo.toString(value);
protected void customizeCellRenderer(final JTable table,
final Object value,
final boolean selected,
final boolean hasFocus,
final int row,
final int column) {
if (myListener == null) {
myListener = new MergeSourceDetailsLinkListener(MERGE_SOURCE_DETAILS_TAG, myFile);
appendMergeSourceText(table, row, column, value instanceof RevisionMergeSourceInfo ? value.toString() : null);
private void appendMergeSourceText(JTable table, int row, int column, @Nullable String text) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(text)) {
append("", SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES);
else {
append(cutString(text, table.getCellRect(row, column, false).getWidth()), SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES,
private String cutString(final String text, final double value) {
final FontMetrics m = getFontMetrics(getFont());
final Graphics g = getGraphics();
if (m.getStringBounds(text, g).getWidth() < value) return text;
final String dots = "...";
final double dotsWidth = m.getStringBounds(dots, g).getWidth();
if (dotsWidth >= value) {
return dots;
for (int i = 1; i < text.length(); i++) {
if ((m.getStringBounds(text, 0, i, g).getWidth() + dotsWidth) >= value) {
if (i < 2) return dots;
return text.substring(0, i - 1) + dots;
return text;
private static class CopyFromColumnInfo extends ColumnInfo<VcsFileRevision, String> {
private final Icon myIcon = PlatformIcons.COPY_ICON;
private final ColoredTableCellRenderer myRenderer = new ColoredTableCellRenderer() {
protected void customizeCellRenderer(final JTable table,
final Object value,
final boolean selected,
final boolean hasFocus,
final int row,
final int column) {
if (value instanceof String && ((String)value).length() > 0) {
setToolTipText(SvnBundle.message("copy.column.tooltip", value));
else {
public CopyFromColumnInfo() {
public String valueOf(final VcsFileRevision o) {
return o instanceof SvnFileRevision ? ((SvnFileRevision)o).getCopyFromPath() : "";
public TableCellRenderer getRenderer(final VcsFileRevision vcsFileRevision) {
return myRenderer;
public String getMaxStringValue() {
return SvnBundle.message("copy.column.title");
public int getAdditionalWidth() {
return 6;