blob: 6b1f53e8bc990d0400aa008e2535daa7889e0f50 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2012 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jetbrains.idea.eclipse;
import com.intellij.openapi.components.ExpandMacroToPathMap;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfo;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
* User: anna
* Date: 10/29/12
public abstract class AbstractEclipseClasspathReader<T> {
protected final String myRootPath;
@Nullable protected final List<String> myCurrentRoots;
@Nullable protected final Set<String> myModuleNames;
public AbstractEclipseClasspathReader(final String rootPath,
@Nullable List<String> currentRoots, @Nullable Set<String> moduleNames) {
myRootPath = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(rootPath);
myCurrentRoots = currentRoots;
myModuleNames = moduleNames;
protected abstract String prepareValidUrlInsideJar(String url);
protected abstract void addNamedLibrary(T rootModel,
Collection<String> unknownLibraries,
boolean exported,
String name,
boolean applicationLevel);
protected abstract void addInvalidModuleEntry(T rootModel, boolean exported, String moduleName);
protected abstract void setUpModuleJdk(T rootModel,
Collection<String> unknownJdks,
EclipseModuleManager eclipseModuleManager,
String jdkName);
public abstract void setupOutput(T rootModel, String path);
protected abstract void addSourceFolder(T rootModel, String srcUrl, boolean testFolder);
protected abstract void addSourceFolderToCurrentContentRoot(T rootModel, String srcUrl, boolean testFolder);
protected abstract void addJUnitDefaultLib(T rootModel, String junitName, ExpandMacroToPathMap macroMap);
protected abstract void addModuleLibrary(T rootModel,
Element element,
boolean exported,
String libName,
String url,
String srcUrl, ExpandMacroToPathMap macroMap);
protected abstract String expandEclipsePath2Url(T rootModel, String path);
protected abstract Set<String> getDefinedCons();
protected abstract int rearrange(T rootModel);
protected void readClasspathEntry(T rootModel,
final Collection<String> unknownLibraries,
Collection<String> unknownJdks,
final Set<String> usedVariables,
Set<String> refsToModules,
final String testPattern,
Element element, int idx,
final EclipseModuleManager eclipseModuleManager,
final ExpandMacroToPathMap macroMap,
final Set<String> libs) throws ConversionException {
String kind = element.getAttributeValue(EclipseXml.KIND_ATTR);
if (kind == null) {
throw new ConversionException("Missing classpathentry/@kind");
String path = element.getAttributeValue(EclipseXml.PATH_ATTR);
if (path == null) {
throw new ConversionException("Missing classpathentry/@path");
final boolean exported = EclipseXml.TRUE_VALUE.equals(element.getAttributeValue(EclipseXml.EXPORTED_ATTR));
if (kind.equals(EclipseXml.SRC_KIND)) {
if (path.startsWith("/")) {
final String moduleName = path.substring(1);
addInvalidModuleEntry(rootModel, exported, moduleName);
else {
String srcUrl = pathToUrl(myRootPath + "/" + path);
boolean isTestFolder = false;
try {
isTestFolder = testPattern != null && testPattern.length() > 0 && path.matches(testPattern);
catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
isTestFolder = false;
final String linked = expandLinkedResourcesPath(macroMap, usedVariables, path);
if (linked != null) {
srcUrl = prepareValidUrlInsideJar(pathToUrl(linked));
eclipseModuleManager.registerEclipseLinkedSrcVarPath(srcUrl, path);
addSourceFolder(rootModel, srcUrl, isTestFolder);
else {
addSourceFolderToCurrentContentRoot(rootModel, srcUrl, isTestFolder);
eclipseModuleManager.registerSrcPlace(srcUrl, idx);
else if (kind.equals(EclipseXml.OUTPUT_KIND)) {
String output = myRootPath + "/" + path;
final String linked = expandLinkedResourcesPath(macroMap, usedVariables, path);
if (linked != null) {
output = linked;
eclipseModuleManager.registerEclipseLinkedVarPath(pathToUrl(output), path);
setupOutput(rootModel, output);
else if (kind.equals(EclipseXml.LIB_KIND)) {
final String libName = getPresentableName(path, libs);
final String linked = expandLinkedResourcesPath(macroMap, usedVariables, path);
final String url;
if (linked != null) {
url = prepareValidUrlInsideJar(pathToUrl(linked));
eclipseModuleManager.registerEclipseLinkedVarPath(url, path);
else {
url = expandEclipsePath2Url(rootModel, path);
final String sourcePath = element.getAttributeValue(EclipseXml.SOURCEPATH_ATTR);
String srcUrl = null;
if (sourcePath != null) {
final String linkedSrc = expandLinkedResourcesPath(macroMap, usedVariables, sourcePath);
if (linkedSrc != null) {
srcUrl = prepareValidUrlInsideJar(pathToUrl(linkedSrc));
eclipseModuleManager.registerEclipseLinkedSrcVarPath(srcUrl, sourcePath);
else {
srcUrl = expandEclipsePath2Url(rootModel, sourcePath);
addModuleLibrary(rootModel, element, exported, libName, url, srcUrl, macroMap);
else if (kind.equals(EclipseXml.VAR_KIND)) {
int slash = path.indexOf("/");
if (slash == 0) {
throw new ConversionException("Incorrect 'classpathentry/var@path' format");
final String libName = getPresentableName(path, libs);
final String url = eclipseVariabledPath2Url(macroMap, usedVariables, path, 0);
eclipseModuleManager.registerEclipseVariablePath(url, path);
final String srcPathAttr = element.getAttributeValue(EclipseXml.SOURCEPATH_ATTR);
String srcUrl = null;
if (srcPathAttr != null) {
srcUrl = eclipseVariabledPath2Url(macroMap, usedVariables, srcPathAttr, srcVarStart(srcPathAttr));
eclipseModuleManager.registerEclipseSrcVariablePath(srcUrl, srcPathAttr);
addModuleLibrary(rootModel, element, exported, libName, url, srcUrl, macroMap);
else if (kind.equals(EclipseXml.CON_KIND)) {
if (path.equals(EclipseXml.ECLIPSE_PLATFORM)) {
readRequiredBundles(rootModel, refsToModules);
addNamedLibrary(rootModel, unknownLibraries, exported, IdeaXml.ECLIPSE_LIBRARY, true);
else if (path.startsWith(EclipseXml.JRE_CONTAINER)) {
final String jdkName = getLastPathComponent(path);
setUpModuleJdk(rootModel, unknownJdks, eclipseModuleManager, jdkName);
else if (path.startsWith(EclipseXml.USER_LIBRARY)) {
addNamedLibrary(rootModel, unknownLibraries, exported, getPresentableName(path), false);
else if (path.startsWith(EclipseXml.JUNIT_CONTAINER)) {
final String junitName = IdeaXml.JUNIT + getPresentableName(path);
addJUnitDefaultLib(rootModel, junitName, macroMap);
} else {
final Set<String> registeredCons = getDefinedCons();
if (registeredCons.contains(path)) {
eclipseModuleManager.registerSrcPlace(path, idx);
} else {
addNamedLibrary(rootModel, new ArrayList<String>(), exported, path, true);
else {
throw new ConversionException("Unknown classpathentry/@kind: " + kind);
protected static int srcVarStart(String srcPath) {
return srcPath.startsWith("/") ? 1 : 0;
protected static String getPresentableName(@NotNull String path) {
return getPresentableName(path, null);
protected static String getPresentableName(@NotNull String path, Set<String> names) {
final String pathComponent = getLastPathComponent(path);
if (pathComponent != null && names != null && !names.add(pathComponent)) return path;
return pathComponent != null ? pathComponent : path;
public static String getLastPathComponent(final String path) {
final int idx = path.lastIndexOf('/');
return idx < 0 || idx == path.length() - 1 ? null : path.substring(idx + 1);
protected static String getVariableRelatedPath(String var, String path) {
return var == null ? null : ("$" + var + "$" + (path == null ? "" : ("/" + path)));
protected static String pathToUrl(String path) {
return "file://" + path;
protected static EPathVariable createEPathVariable(final Set<String> usedVariables, final String pathAttr, final int varStart) {
final EPathVariable var;
int slash = pathAttr.indexOf("/", varStart);
if (slash > 0) {
var = new EPathVariable(usedVariables, pathAttr.substring(varStart, slash), pathAttr.substring(slash + 1));
else {
var = new EPathVariable(usedVariables, pathAttr.substring(varStart), null);
return var;
protected String eclipseVariabledPath2Url(ExpandMacroToPathMap pathMap, Set<String> usedVariables, String path, int varStart) {
final EPathVariable var = createEPathVariable(usedVariables, path, varStart);
final String url = pathMap.substitute(var.toIdeaVariabledUrl(), SystemInfo.isFileSystemCaseSensitive);
return prepareValidUrlInsideJar(url);
protected String expandLinkedResourcesPath(final ExpandMacroToPathMap macroMap,
final Set<String> usedVariables,
final String path) {
final EclipseProjectFinder.LinkedResource linkedResource = EclipseProjectFinder.findLinkedResource(myRootPath, path);
if (linkedResource != null) {
if (linkedResource.containsPathVariable()) {
if (linkedResource.containsPathVariable()) {
final String toPathVariableFormat =
getVariableRelatedPath(linkedResource.getVariableName(), linkedResource.getRelativeToVariablePath());
return macroMap.substitute(toPathVariableFormat, SystemInfo.isFileSystemCaseSensitive);
return linkedResource.getLocation();
return null;
protected void readRequiredBundles(T rootModel, Set<String> refsToModules) throws ConversionException {
if (myModuleNames == null) {
final File manifestFile = new File(myRootPath, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
if (!manifestFile.exists()) {
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(manifestFile));
final Manifest manifest = new Manifest(in);
final String attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Require-Bundle");
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(attributes)) {
final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(attributes, ",");
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String bundle = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
if (!bundle.isEmpty()) {
final int constraintIndex = bundle.indexOf(';');
if (constraintIndex != -1) {
bundle = bundle.substring(0, constraintIndex).trim();
if (myModuleNames.contains(bundle)) {
addInvalidModuleEntry(rootModel, false, bundle);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new ConversionException(e.getMessage());
finally {
if (in != null) {
try {
catch (IOException ignored) {
protected static class EPathVariable {
private final String myVariable;
private final String myRelatedPath;
protected EPathVariable(final Set<String> usedVariables, final String variable, final String relatedPath) {
myVariable = variable;
myRelatedPath = relatedPath;
public String toIdeaVariabledUrl() {
return pathToUrl(getVariableRelatedPath(myVariable, myRelatedPath));