blob: 0713b41fce48aa892998c359af3632bd5299eaf8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.intellij.refactoring;
import com.intellij.openapi.components.ServiceManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* @author dsl
public abstract class JavaRefactoringFactory extends RefactoringFactory {
public static JavaRefactoringFactory getInstance(Project project) {
return (JavaRefactoringFactory) ServiceManager.getService(project, RefactoringFactory.class);
public abstract JavaRenameRefactoring createRename(PsiElement element, String newName);
@Nullable("in case the source file is not located under any source root")
public abstract MoveInnerRefactoring createMoveInner(PsiClass innerClass, String newName,
boolean passOuterClass, String parameterName);
* Creates move destination for a specified package that preserves source folders for moved items.
public abstract MoveDestination createSourceFolderPreservingMoveDestination(@NotNull String targetPackageQualifiedName);
* Creates move destination for a specified package that moves all items to a specifed source folder
public abstract MoveDestination createSourceRootMoveDestination(@NotNull String targetPackageQualifiedName, @NotNull VirtualFile sourceRoot);
public abstract MoveClassesOrPackagesRefactoring createMoveClassesOrPackages(PsiElement[] elements, MoveDestination moveDestination);
public abstract MoveMembersRefactoring createMoveMembers(PsiMember[] elements,
String targetClassQualifiedName,
String newVisibility);
public abstract MoveMembersRefactoring createMoveMembers(PsiMember[] elements,
String targetClassQualifiedName,
String newVisibility,
boolean makeEnumConstants);
public abstract MakeStaticRefactoring<PsiMethod> createMakeMethodStatic(PsiMethod method,
boolean replaceUsages,
String classParameterName,
PsiField[] fields,
String[] names);
public abstract MakeStaticRefactoring<PsiClass> createMakeClassStatic(PsiClass aClass,
boolean replaceUsages,
String classParameterName,
PsiField[] fields,
String[] names);
public abstract ConvertToInstanceMethodRefactoring createConvertToInstanceMethod(PsiMethod method,
PsiParameter targetParameter);
public abstract TurnRefsToSuperRefactoring createTurnRefsToSuper(PsiClass aClass,
PsiClass aSuper,
boolean replaceInstanceOf);
public abstract ReplaceConstructorWithFactoryRefactoring createReplaceConstructorWithFactory(PsiMethod method,
PsiClass targetClass,
String factoryName);
public abstract ReplaceConstructorWithFactoryRefactoring createReplaceConstructorWithFactory(PsiClass originalClass,
PsiClass targetClass,
String factoryName);
public abstract TypeCookRefactoring createTypeCook(PsiElement[] elements,
boolean dropObsoleteCasts,
boolean leaveObjectsRaw,
boolean preserveRawArrays,
boolean exhaustive,
boolean cookObjects,
boolean cookToWildcards);
* Creates Introduce Parameter refactoring that replaces local variable with parameter.
* @param methodToReplaceIn Method that the local variable should be replaced in.
* @param methodToSearchFor Method that usages of should be updated (for overriding methods)
* @param parameterName Name of new parameter.
* @param parameterInitializer Initializer to use in method calls.
* @param localVariable local variable that will be replaced
* @param removeLocalVariable should local variable be removed
* @param declareFinal should created parameter be declared <code>final</code>
public abstract IntroduceParameterRefactoring createIntroduceParameterRefactoring(PsiMethod methodToReplaceIn,
PsiMethod methodToSearchFor,
String parameterName, PsiExpression parameterInitializer,
PsiLocalVariable localVariable,
boolean removeLocalVariable, boolean declareFinal);
* Creates Introduce Parameter refactoring that replaces expression with parameter.
* @param methodToReplaceIn Method that the local variable should be replaced in.
* @param methodToSearchFor Method that usages of should be updated (for overriding methods)
* @param parameterName Name of new parameter.
* @param parameterInitializer Initializer to use in method calls.
* @param expressionToSearchFor expression that should be replaced with parameters
* @param declareFinal should created parameter be declared <code>final</code>
* @param replaceAllOccurences should all occurences of expression be replaced
public abstract IntroduceParameterRefactoring createIntroduceParameterRefactoring(PsiMethod methodToReplaceIn,
PsiMethod methodToSearchFor,
String parameterName,
PsiExpression parameterInitializer,
PsiExpression expressionToSearchFor,
boolean declareFinal,
final boolean replaceAllOccurences);