blob: 7556292ef5388f3cfded4cf92e0a3c0b4d4f358e [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Comparator;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: dsl
* Date: Mar 25, 2004
* Time: 8:08:44 PM
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class VarianceTesting {
void method(List<? extends VarianceTesting> l) {
// l.add(new VarianceTesting());
static void shuffle(Collection<?> c) {}
static class X<T> {
T field;
T[] arrayField;
T[] method() {return arrayField;};
void putAll(Collection<? super T> c) {}
void method1(List<? super VarianceTesting> l) {
List<? extends VarianceTesting> l1 = new ArrayList<VarianceTesting>();
l1.add<error descr="'add(capture<? extends VarianceTesting>)' in 'java.util.List' cannot be applied to '(VarianceTesting)'">(new VarianceTesting())</error>;
List<List<? extends VarianceTesting>> lll = null;
X<? extends VarianceTesting> x = new X<VarianceTesting>();
VarianceTesting z = x.field;
VarianceTesting[] v = x.arrayField;
VarianceTesting v1 = x.arrayField[0];
x.arrayField[0] = new VarianceTesting();
<error descr="Incompatible types. Found: 'VarianceTesting', required: 'capture<? extends VarianceTesting>'">x.field = new VarianceTesting()</error>;
VarianceTesting[] k = x.method();
k[0] = new VarianceTesting();
x.method()[0] = new VarianceTesting();
<error descr="Incompatible types. Found: 'VarianceTesting[]', required: 'capture<? extends VarianceTesting>[]'">x.arrayField = new VarianceTesting[10]</error>;
l1.addAll<error descr="'addAll(java.util.Collection<capture<? extends VarianceTesting>>)' in 'java.util.List' cannot be applied to '(java.util.ArrayList<VarianceTesting>)'">(new ArrayList<VarianceTesting>())</error>;
<error descr="Incompatible types. Found: 'java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String>', required: 'java.util.List<? extends VarianceTesting>'">List<? extends VarianceTesting> l2 = new ArrayList<String>();</error>
List<? extends VarianceTesting> l3 = l2;
VarianceTesting t = l1.get(0);
l.add(new VarianceTesting());
<error descr="Incompatible types. Found: 'java.lang.Object', required: 'VarianceTesting'">VarianceTesting t1 = l.get(0);</error>
X<? extends VarianceTesting> x1 = null;
x1.putAll(new ArrayList<VarianceTesting>());
List<?> unknownlist = l;
List<?> unknownlist1 = new ArrayList<VarianceTesting>();
List<?> unknownlist2 = new ArrayList<<error descr="Wildcard type '?' cannot be instantiated directly">?</error>>();
shuffle(new ArrayList<VarianceTesting>());
List<VarianceTesting> lllll = new ArrayList<VarianceTesting>();
lllll.removeAll(new ArrayList<String>());
class SuperTester <U> {
void go(Acceptor<? super U> acceptor, U u) {
acceptor.accept<error descr="'accept(SuperTester<capture<? super U>>, capture<? super U>)' in 'SuperTester.Acceptor' cannot be applied to '(SuperTester<U>, U)'">(this, u)</error>;
static class Acceptor <V> {
void accept(SuperTester<V> tester, V v) { }
class SCR40202 {
void foo(Map<?, String> map) {
for (<error descr="Incompatible types. Found: 'java.util.Iterator<java.util.Map.Entry<capture<?>,java.lang.String>>', required: 'java.util.Iterator<java.util.Map.Entry<?,java.lang.String>>'">Iterator<Map.Entry<?, String>> it = map.entrySet().iterator();</error> it.hasNext();) {
class CaptureTest {
static class Emum<T> {
T t;
public static <T extends Emum<T>> T valueOf(Class<T> enumType,
String name) {
return null;
void foo (Class<? extends Emum<CaptureTest>> clazz) {
<error descr="Inferred type 'capture<? extends CaptureTest.Emum<CaptureTest>>' for type parameter 'T' is not within its bound; should extend 'CaptureTest.Emum<capture<? extends CaptureTest.Emum<CaptureTest>>>'">Emum.valueOf(clazz, "CCC")</error>;
class SuperTest {
public List<List<? extends SuperTest>> waitingList;
public Comparator<List<?>> SIZE_COMPARATOR;
//This call has its type arguments inferred alright: T -> List<capture<? extends SuperTest>>
Collections.sort(waitingList, SIZE_COMPARATOR);
class Bug<A> {
static class B<C> {
static class D<E> {
B<E> f() {
return null;
<G extends A> void h(B<G> b) {
void foo(D<? extends A> d) {
h(d.f()); //This call is OK as a result of reopening captured wildcard for calling "h"
class Case2 {
class A {}
class B extends A {}
Comparator<A> aComparator;
Case2() {
ArrayList<B> blist = new ArrayList<B>();
// this call is OK: T -> B
Collections.sort(blist, aComparator);
class S1 {
<T> void f(List<T> l1, T l2) {
void bar(List<? extends S1> k) {
f<error descr="'f(java.util.List<capture<? extends S1>>, capture<? extends S1>)' in 'S1' cannot be applied to '(java.util.List<capture<? extends S1>>, S1)'">(k, k.get(0))</error>;
class S2 {
<T> void f(List<T> l1, List<T> l2) {
void bar(List<? extends S2> k) {
f<error descr="'f(java.util.List<capture<? extends S2>>, java.util.List<capture<? extends S2>>)' in 'S2' cannot be applied to '(java.util.List<capture<? extends S2>>, java.util.List<capture<? extends S2>>)'">(k, k)</error>;
class S3 {
<T> void f(Map<T,T> l2) {
void bar(Map<? extends S3, ? extends S3> k) {
f<error descr="'f(java.util.Map<capture<? extends S3>,capture<? extends S3>>)' in 'S3' cannot be applied to '(java.util.Map<capture<? extends S3>,capture<? extends S3>>)'">(k)</error>;
class TypeBug {
private static class ValueHolder<T> {
public T value;
public static void main(final String[] args) {
List<ValueHolder<?>> multiList = new ArrayList<ValueHolder<?>>();
ValueHolder<Integer> intHolder = new ValueHolder<Integer>();
intHolder.value = 1;
ValueHolder<Double> doubleHolder = new ValueHolder<Double>();
doubleHolder.value = 1.5;
swapFirstTwoValues<error descr="'swapFirstTwoValues(java.util.List<TypeBug.ValueHolder<java.lang.Object>>)' in 'TypeBug' cannot be applied to '(java.util.List<TypeBug.ValueHolder<?>>)'">(multiList)</error>; //need to be highlighted
// this line causes a ClassCastException when checked.
Integer value = intHolder.value;
private static <T> void swapFirstTwoValues(List<ValueHolder<T>> multiList) {
ValueHolder<T> intHolder = multiList.get(0);
ValueHolder<T> doubleHolder = multiList.get(1);
intHolder.value = doubleHolder.value;
class OtherBug {
public static void foo(List<? extends Foo> foos) {
final Comparator<Foo> comparator = createComparator();
Collections.sort(foos, comparator); //this call is OK
private static Comparator<Foo> createComparator() {
return null;
public interface Foo {
class OtherBug1 {
public static void foo(List<? super Foo> foos) {
final Comparator<Foo> comparator = createComparator();
Collections.sort<error descr="'sort(java.util.List<capture<? super OtherBug1.Foo>>, java.util.Comparator<capture<? super OtherBug1.Foo>>)' in 'java.util.Collections' cannot be applied to '(java.util.List<capture<? super OtherBug1.Foo>>, java.util.Comparator<OtherBug1.Foo>)'">(foos, comparator)</error>;
private static Comparator<Foo> createComparator() {
return null;
public interface Foo {
class AA <B extends AA<B,C>, C extends AA<C, ?>>{}
//end of IDEADEV-7187
class GenericTest99<E extends GenericTest99<E, F>,F> {
class GenericTest99D<E extends GenericTest99D<E>> extends GenericTest99<E,Double> {
class Use99<U extends GenericTest99<?,F>,F> {
class Use99n extends Use99<GenericTest99D<?>,Double> {
//end of IDEADEV-8697
class IDEA79360 {
public static void main(Map<?, ?> map, Map<Object, Object> test) {
map.putAll<error descr="'putAll(java.util.Map<capture<?>,capture<?>>)' in 'java.util.Map' cannot be applied to '(java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object>)'">(test)</error>;
map.put<error descr="'put(capture<?>, capture<?>)' in 'java.util.Map' cannot be applied to '(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)'">("", "")</error>;
map.put<error descr="'put(capture<?>, capture<?>)' in 'java.util.Map' cannot be applied to '(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)'">(new Object(), new Object())</error>;
map = new HashMap<Object, Object>(test);
class GenericFailureExample {
interface Descriptor<T extends Comparable<T>> {
Class<T> getType();
void isMarkedFaultyButCompilesClean(Descriptor<?> n) {
<T extends Comparable<T>> void butThisWorks(Descriptor<T> n) {
<T extends Comparable<T>> Comparator<T> bar(Class<T> type) {
return null;
abstract class A67675<T>
abstract T foo();
abstract class B67675<T> extends A67675<T[]> { }
class C67675<T extends B67675<?>>
void foo(T x)
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